russian olive firewood btuviva chicken plantains

Hi! THAT IS THE SWEET-SMELLING AROMIC CEDAR THEY LINE CLOSETS WITH. Green Vs. Dry Wood - Firewood should be dried (seasoned) to 10% to 20% moisture content for best burning performance. Really enjoy the contributions. But its tendency to take on more water in certain settings means extended seasoning time. For all the work of cutting and curing any variety of wood, coal is the BEST for heating. We recommend using a big splitting axe or maul thats fit for purpose. Go fast on the oak. I heard somewhere that most of the ash comes from the bark. Get loads of helpful info like how to swing an axe for more power and maintenance advice. I burn 24/7, and use about two cords from Nov. thru Mar., with several 3-day breaks every three weeks or so when the temps are a bit higher. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. In comparison, Russian olive burns at 23 BTU. Just split 3 cords of white oak and 2 cords of red oak to season for next year. I dont have the ratings for that maple, but you can always weigh it and get a general idea that way. However, because of the trees rapid growth and adaptability to poor soil, its now considered an invasive species in many areas of the United States. Is non posionous sumac ok to burn in a fire place. New member to this forum. Being a fairly common and fast-growing tree, prices should be moderate. Hi! Unless seasoned, firewood tends to produce a lot of smoke. The Ultimate Firewood Storage Guide For 2023, How Good Is Walnut Firewood? Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. Dried. Great site. If you want a stronger flavor, try combining olive with the punchy smoke flavor produced by hickory. Leave the stump about 36 high. Save it, let it dry for 2 -3 years and youll be opening windows to let the cold air in in February . Lodgepole can generate a BTU as high as 17.7, making it one of the higher burning pines. i have access to some and im wondering if its worth my time to get it. and we burn them in our fireplace after they are seasoned. The maple burns very well though w good hot hard coals that will last the night if I get too lazy to feed the fire at 3am. I have old growth straight grain cedar I cut in the early 90s for kindling and its still as good as the day I cut it. I live on the west slope too and have found that oak, even when protected, doesnt keep that well, unlike cedar, pine, fir, or lodgepole. Other names for the Russian olive include oleaster, wild olive, or silver berry. But have found fore killed spruce / pine that had topsburned off in forest fire but roots kept sending sap to tree gives best heat ! Love this site! You are using an out of date browser. It is a dense hardwood providing above average heat thats suitable for the coldest winters. ft. barn/house. Pricing/Availability: Russian Olive tends to be a very small tree, with a highly branching form that is not conducive to large or straight logs. When were craning wood out of the tree or hauling big Monterey pine I use the weight charts for Douglas fir since Ive read they are almost the same density green. Where does the hart-nut tree stand in the BTU scale? They also give a pleasant smell, though not as nice as red oak, cherry, or yellow birch. I have alot of leelan cypress trees that like to debrach themselves. My neighbors complemented on the smell of it .Its great cooking wood too . I note that quaking aspen is rated higher than aspen in your West chart. Its BTU is just as high as birch which varieties produce a BTU of 23.8 million per cord and higher than douglas fir, which has a BTU of 20,7. I was around the wood many years ago and remembered that it smelled bad. Make another cut at a 45-degree angle above the original cut, so the cuts join, creating a notch in the wood resembling a wedge of watermelon. The best-known firewoods are white and red oak trees. In the early 1900s, Russian olive trees were introduced to North America to stabilize soil and provide windbreaks. Is Mimosa wood good for burning in a fire pit or Chimenea? Endgrain: Ring-porous; 5-10 rows of medium to large earlywood pores, exclusively solitary latewood pores grading from medium to small; tyloses sometimes present; medium to wide rays visible without lens, spacing wide; parenchyma generally not visible with hand lens, or diffuse-in-aggregates (barely visible). IT IS USELESS FOR FIREWOOD BECAUSE OF THE LITTLE/NO HEAT OUTPUT, BUT MAINLY ITS TOO DANGEROUS TO BURN INDOORS, AS IT POPS AND EXPLODES AND THROWS SPARKS EVERYWHERE. Thanks for the great info Andy! For wood stoves I beleive ash,oak,hickory mix. Western Hardwoods Figures from California Energy Commission BTU Rating Based on 90 cubic feet of solid wood per 128 cubic foot cord Donating wood samples and pictures of wood items, Fluorescence: A Secret Weapon in Wood Identification, Ash Wood: Black, White, and Everything in Between, Brazilian Rosewood, East Indian, and Other Rosewoods, Genuine Lignum Vitae and Argentine Lignum Vitae. We just felled 12 mature ash trees 12 to 24 inches in diameter, and are now bucking them up and splitting them. Chinquapin and Dogwood are common here in Ohio. Heat efficiency is well worth considering when looking at firewood to burn. Do they make good firewood? My grand dad swears beech is king. The tradition of burning a Yule log has largely fizzled out in most parts of the world. Any idea if this is a hardwood and the BTUs? We have burned about 7 1/2 cord and I just ran out. I think these charts are the more accurate of the many charts. In response to robert and his comment about live oak being limited to the south easter united states. Its all from WI. I am refinishing a 3 drawer, 4 cupboard piece of furniture that I believe is olive wood. Many people despise Russian olive trees as they make it difficult for other trees to thrive. Sometimes the base of the tree is hollow with a wet sawdust inside. I can lift a 3 log of aspen into my fire box the same oak log is too heavy. With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. I saw a question about Ailanthus, Tree of Heaven, as to suitability for firewood. (This is a monthly update, and your email will be kept private. In the wild, Russian olive trees have been known to smell very sweet and strong. Output is a whole nother cat. Is it possible that different poplars are being compared? i have limited trees myself but know a lot of farmers here in north central Indiana. Im new to burning wood in an open fireplace. It doesnt burn, it just smolders and stinks. White alder was favored by the local tribes for pit roasting salmon. I have Hickory and just love it! Also have lots (4 cord) of seasoned oak and cherry on hand. Russian olive wood is not known to give off a smell when burning when it is fully dry. The National Fire Protection Association suggests that you hire a chimney cleaner to remove creosote build-up at least once a year. Sapwood a much lighter yellow-white. Some softwood varieties produce a lot, meaning youll need to clean the chimney more often. The ones in the western hardwoods chart are for the west coast varieties. I own 60 acres here in upstate NY, 2 hours north of NYC. We have a Jotul wood stove that we cook in. We have 2 cast iron wood stoves and a drafty 200 year old house in central new York state. I dont know how that changes as it dries out. Dogwood is by far the hottest. Out here in the West we dont have all the great hardwoods that you have there in your part of the country. This is my first year heating with wood. The pecan burned good considering it wasnt fully seasoned . Russian olive is medium-quality firewood. Youll get an even better fire leaving it for up to 3 years before use. Consistency between charts will vary due to different variables between different data sources. Mulberry has a rateing of (1) unit million btu, 25.80/cord Im guessing that the Hemlock that I can get is eastern soft wood correct 15.9? 10 24 inche in diam. I picked up some cherry wood and have to say, Im very impressed. They had a good mid-size flame and burned a long time. I live in the midwest southern iowa have burned firewood for most of my life,and have discovered that different woodstove set ups heat better using different wood. I got a load of osage orange once and while it burned great, lots of coals, it also seemed to produce a lot of ashes. I live in Northeastern Pennsylvania, where I have 20 acres of mixed hardwoods. Redgum is differentiated from just about all other Australian woods for firewood, for its lasting and heat, and difficulty to get going. It burns with a big bright flame then turns into a big bed of red hot coals that burn forever . Russian olive or Elaeagnus Angustifolia is viewed as an invasive species. Take care when working with Russian olive, as it has thorns that can cause injuries. MY PREFERENCE would be the DR flywheel special.. Man that thing smokes with efficiency. Any advice as to species, training, harvest and also seasoning of smallish diameter limbs, or direction to such information, would be much appreciated. This is best done in a wood stack, a few inches above ground, with a roof but no sides. I only found that one btu chart on the internet which says it has pretty decent BTUs. 4) White birch (Betula papirifera) and Paper birch are used replaceably locally for the same species. One of our favorite cooking woods must be peach. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. Western Hardwoods Figures from California Energy Commission BTU Rating Based on 90 cubic feet of solid wood per 128 cubic foot cord. Axe Adviser9169 W State St #254Garden City, ID 83714United States. Make this cut 12 to 18 inches from the ground on the side of the tree you want to hit the ground first. It burns like coal,but wreaks havoc on a chainsaw and chain!!! With a BTU of 23, Russian olive firewood can produce substantial heat over a long time. But since then, they have spread wildly due to their deep, re-sprouting roots. Spruce and Birch both probably have about the same BTU rating, however I have found that Birch burns cleaner. That being said, it is a wood that is mostly sold to hobbyists, so it can be hard to find a firewood seller who supplies Russian olive as firewood. Thanks to the high BTU that Russian olive firewood produces and its long-lasting heat, Russian olive is an effective choice of wood to use in your fireplace. The smaller stuff makes a great campfire for cold weather, putting off a blue flame and tons of heat. In mid-summer, after the sap has risen and saturated the stump, cut it. We strive to provide opinions, articles, discussions and history related to Hearth Products and in a more general sense, energy issues. Though seasoning the wood for long enough will eventually make the smell dissipate. I dug into it and have burned a face cord or so. Be wary of using Russian olive wood in an open fireplace. Build the fire slowly, using a combination of Russian olive wood and faster-burning wood, such as pine. It will spark quite a bit, however, when the burning logs collapse upon one another during the burning process. But older trees have tough, stringy trunks that require much more work. At ~$75/ton which is about the same dimension size as a cord of wood, it has about 6-7X the btu value of any cord of wood. So, give at least 1 year (12 months) for your Russian olive wood to season before use. Some would argue that its even impossible without a hydraulic splitter. Seasoned olive burns clean and leaves minimal creosote. Stack the wood in a dry, protected area. Some would argue that its even impossible without a hydraulic splitter. Funny, just made an archery bow from Autumn Olive, close relative, and it had a very pleasant smell. Thanks. I cut them in 1 rounds and let the sun crack the end grain. Does anyone know anything about using it for firewood. This is because softwoods, like pine and fir, contain resins, which have more energy per weight than wood fiber does. Hedge (Osage Orange) will do the same thing. It is tolerant of considerable amounts of salinity or alkalinity, and can survive considerable droughts. The dense, deeply creviced bark makes a perfect hideout for spiders and insects. Ponderosa Pine, commonly used to heat homes in this area, burns at 21.7 British thermal units (BTU), which in simple terms, means it burns hot and long. Russian olive is good firewood to use when you already have the means to start a fire. Some states have made the sale of Russian olive trees illegal, to prevent their spreading. The metal on our fire pit melted . Black Cherry, and Apple give off a wonderful aroma,as well as producing nice heat. Lots of oak available here, but I still take what I can get. A few of which are Wild Olive or Silver Berry. THE EARLY SNOW STORM DAMAGED A LOT OF TREES HERE IN ORANGE COUNTY NY. I used to have a orchard in San Diego and it doesnt do anything, but turn to ash. I seem to remember that all wood has roughly the same BTU content PER WEIGHT. More time for your wood to dry will decrease the quantity of smoke created when it is burned, allowing the fire to burn cleaner. The average efficiency rating is around 19.9 million BTU per cord. As a common invasive species, you have probably seen Russian olive often on a countryside walk. Thorny, tough wood makes splitting difficult. It burns clean and hot. As such, glass doors are essential to preventing a fire in your living room. Don't burn it until it has seasoned for at least one year. Russian olive wood produces an unpleasant odor when green. Ensure that there are enough gaps between each log to allow them to air dry effectively. I enjoyed the story about his neighbor that let his oak fire wood dry for a whole week and it wouldnt burn LOL !!!! I BELIEVE ITS CALLED SALT CEDAR. One final note, as a kid I grew up where the streets where lined with English Walnuts and Shagbark Hickory planted around 1900 or sokept the red tree squirrels happy (and perhaps a few mean cats). Yet it will not burn, just smoke. We repainted the Jotul with 1200 degree rated stove paint and a lot of it has burned offso we know the Jotul gets hot, just not how hot. Russian olive will mostly produce a lot of ash but will burn for a long time regardless. Well-seasoned olive burns clean and produces a light and fragrant smoke. Just look for a barkless dead tree in a fence row . wrightmade. Fire it upFire it up! Less dense softwoods have less BTU per cord than more dense hardwood but they also weigh less per cord. There are varieties of those species in the Eastern US but there are also varieties on the west coast. Do deer eat Russian olive trees? The smell just gets me ready for breakfast as soon as I get it going! The Russian Olive I have seems very dense, but I haven't burned much yet. These charts will give you the amount of energy per cord of wood for some of the most common firewood species. Northern Cal checking in, renovated an old homestead 5 years ago and have been clearing doug fir and california bay laurel for fire safety zone around the house. Nothing burns green like ash. Do you think that it is worthwhile to cut and split this to burn next year? The ongoing extinction of the Ash,all species,is supplying I now have access to a great deal of Poplar. The grain is outstanding. But it does burn off a substantial amount of ash. I have a feeling, based on the small amount of sapwood (which is just a theory of mine) , that it is good but havent put it to the test yet. The manzanita and white alder need more research. The removal process involves cutting down the trees and then spraying an environmentally safe herbicide on the roots to prevent it from growing back. Many places consider it evasive now and are trying to get rid of it. There is some conflicting data between different sources due to different calculating variables. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Surprisingly, Russian olive firewood does not produce many coals. Russian Olive RO 250. I have burned Ailanthus for several years. If you can, sell it and save the $$$ to buy fresh 1 yr old wood later on from someone else. The one that puts on what is called hedge apples, eaten by squirrels. must be mangable After seeing this list, I now understand why live oak dulls my chainsaw blades so quick. They died. Common Name BTU Months to Dry Osage Orange (Hedge) 30 12 Oak, Gamble 28 36 Olive 26.7 24 Almond 26.7 24 Hop Hornbeam (Ironwood) 26.4 24 Persimmon, American 25.8 36 Mesquite25.5 24 Hickory, Shagbark25.3 24 Tanoak25.1 12 Dogwood. First is IronWood. Im curious about people melting cast iron stoves and fires getting too hot. We like to go ahead and cut the stump in 9 sections. Russian olive trees produce good firewood with a BTU heat rating of 23.0 million per cord. However, as a downside, it tends to spit embers from time to time and produce a fair amount of ash. Eastern Hardwoods Compiled from various sources Consistency between charts will vary due to different variables between different data sources. Even though it is not firewood you should use to start your fire, it does produce a BTU of 23 million per cord once it gets going. Thanks for posting the list of firewood species & specs. This guide looks at whether its worth tossing in the fire so that you dont waste time splitting it for no reason. As olive wood burns in the fire, it radiates a pleasant fragrance. I did My little campfire experiment to find out the best hardwood for a campfire . I first came here and posted in 2010 . Do they make good firewood? At this time of year, there is lower moisture and sap content, resulting in quick-seasoning wood. Due to being more shrub-like than other trees, Russian olive trees have very little sap. There are mine if I want them. As a common invasive species, you have probably seen Russian olive often on a countryside walk. When you burn the tree, you put the carbon back. Fires made solely with this wood are difficult to start. Russian olive is usually a straight grain wood, but as it grows older, the trunk tends to grow extremely thick and stringy, making it almost impossible to spit with a maul. Allergies/Toxicity: Besides the standard health risks associated with any type of wood dust, no further health reactions have been associated with Russian Olive. Russian olive trees produce good firewood with a BTU heat rating of 23.0 million per cord. Personally, the best wood in the world is whatever I can get my hands on. I live on the Wind River Indian Reservation, in Wyoming, where Russian Olive is considered an invasive and unwanted species. I recently shaped into slabs. Russian olive trees generally have fairly short trunks and many gnarled branches. Cedar doesnt heat well for us, and throws a lot of creosote up the chimney, so we only use it for outside campfires. hope this helped you. I live on the east coast (midatlantic area) and we have a lot of Mimosa trees.

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