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One or more To Date(s) of Service is missing for Occurrence Span Codes in positions three through 24. Revenue codes 082X, 083X, 084X, 085X, 0800 or 0881 (X frequency not equal to 5) exist on an ESRD claim for a member who has selected method 1 or no method and the claim does not contain condition codes 71, 72, 73 ,74, 75, or 76. The Revenue Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). The Member Appears To Be At A Maximum Level For Age, Diagnosis, And Living Arrangement. Third Diagnosis Code (dx) (dx) is not on file. The revenue accomodation billing code on the claim does not match the revenue accomodation billing code on the member file or does not match for these dates of service. CSHCN number The client's CSHCN Services Program number. Header To Date Of Service(DOS) is required. Please Itemize Services Including Date And Charges For Each Procedure Performed. Services In Excess Of This Cap Are Not Reimbursable for this Member. If authorization number available . Claim Denied The Combined Medicare And Private Insurance Payments Equal Or Exceed The Lesser Of The And Medicare Allowable Amounts. Denied. The From Date Of Service(DOS) for the Second Occurrence Span Code is invalid. Medicaid id number does not match patient name. Preventive Medicine Code Billed Is Allowed For Health Check Agencies Only With The Appropriate Healthcheck Modifier. Denied by Claimcheck based on program policies. Healthcheck screenings or outreach limited to two per year for members betweenthe ages of two and three years. Please submit claim to BadgerRX Gold. Detail Denied. One or more Occurrence Code(s) is invalid in positions nine through 24. Dental service limited to twice in a six month period. Member does not meet the age restriction for this Procedure Code. Multiple Unloaded Trips For Same Day/same Recip. You Received A PaymentThat Should Have gone To Another Provider. Only One Interperiodic Screen Is Allowed Per Day, Per Member, Per Provider. If Required Information Is Not Received Within 60 Days,the claim will be denied. Denied due to Service Is Not Covered For The Diagnosis Indicated. 2D3D CODES: Radiation treatment delivery, superficial and/or ortho voltage, per day 77401 Radiation treatment delivery, >1 MeV; simple 77402 . Rental Only Allowed; Medical Need For Purchase Has Not Been Documented. Reimbursement limit for all adjunctive emergency services is exceeded. CPT Or CPT/modifier Combination Is Not Valid On This Date Of Service(DOS). Service Allowed Once Per Lifetime, Per Tooth. Note: This PA Request Has Been Backdated A Maximum Of 3 Weeks Prior To Its First Receipt By EDS, Based Upon Difficulty In Obtaining The Physicians Written Prescription. Personal Care Services Exceeding 30 Hours Per 12 Month Period Per Member Require Prior Authorization. The HCPCS procedure code listed for revenue code 0624 is either invalid or non-reimburseable. Pricing Adjustment/ Traditional dispensing fee applied. Please Indicate Anesthesia Time For Services Rendered. Disposable medical supplies are payable only once per trip, per member, per provider. Contingency Plan for CORE and HIRSP Kids Suspend all non-pharmacy claims. This service is not covered under the ESRD benefit. This claim is a duplicate of a claim currently in process. Billing Provider Received Payment From Both Medicare And For Clai m. An Adjustment/reconsideration Request Has Been Made To The Billing Providers Account. Resubmit The Original Medicare Determination (EOMB) Along With Medicares Reconsideration. The changes in the brain that happen during a migraine cannot be seen by the imaging studies since a migraine is caused by a complicated interaction between the brain and the blood vessels in the face and head. Pricing Adjustment/ Payment reduced due to the inpatient or outpatient deductible. This National Drug Code (NDC) has Encounter Indicator restrictions. Services not allowed for your Provider Type or for your Provider Type without a TB diagnosis. Medicare Disclaimer Code invalid. Incidental modifier was added to the secondary procedure code. Please Contact The Hospital Prior Resubmitting This Claim. A traditional dispensing fee may be allowed for this claim. ICD-9-CM Diagnosis code in diagnosis code field(s) 1 through 9 is missing or incorrect. Please Supply Modifier Code(s) Corresponding To The Procedure Code Description. Service not payable with other service rendered on the same date. A six week healing period is required after last extraction, prior to obtaining impressions for denture. These Individual Vaccines Must Be Billed Under The Appropriate Combination Injection Code. Valid NCPDP Other Payer Reject Code(s) required. The sum of the Medicare paid, deductible(s), coinsurance, copayment and psychiatric reduction amounts does not equal the Medicare allowed amount. An NCCI-associated modifier was appended to one or both procedure codes. This Adjustment/reconsideration Request Was Initiated By . The Medical Necessity For The Hours Requested Is Not Supported By The Information Submitted In The Personal Care Assessment Tool. Denied. Procedure Code Modifier(s) Invalid For Date Of Service(DOS) Or For Prior Authorization Date Of Receipt. The Second Occurrence Code Date is invalid. Procedure Code is restricted by member age. PATIENT PAID PORTION USED TOWARDS DEDUCTIBLE. Denial Codes. In the above example the claim was denied with two codes, the Adjustment Reason Code of 16 and then the explanatory Remark Code of N329 (Missing/incomplete/invalid patient birth date). Remark Codes: N20. Permanent Tooth Restoration/sealant, Limited To Once Every 3 Years Unless Narrative Documents Medical Necessity. The medical record request is coordinated with a third-party vendor. Services Can Only Be Authorized Through One Year From The Prescription Date. Prior Authorization (PA) is required for payment of this service. The Procedure Code is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for theDate(s) of Service. Services restricted to EPSDT clients valid only with a Full Scope, EPSDT-eligible Aid Code. Service paid in accordance with program requirements. Denied. The Procedure Code is not reimbursable for the Rendering Provider Type and/or Specialty. Units Billed Are Inconsistent With The Billed Amount. NDC was reimbursed at AWP (Average Wholesale Price) (Average Wholesale Price) rate. Training Completion Date Is Not A Valid Date. Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to This Claim Is In Post Pay Billing For Third Party Liability Payment. Secondary Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. Invalid modifier removed from primary procedure code billed. Contact The Nursing Home. The Resident Or CNAs Name Is Missing. . A split claim is required when the service dates on your claim overlaps your Federal fiscal year end (FYE) date. Assistant Surgery Must Be Billed Separately By The Assistant Surgeon With Modifier 80. Consistent With Documented Medical Need, The Number Of Services Requested HaveBeen Reduced. Recd Beyond 90 Days Special Filing Deadline FOr System Generated Adjmts/Medicare X-overs/Other Insurance Reconsideration/Cou rt Order/Fair Hearing. These same rules are used by most healthcare claims payers and enforced by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. An ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code of greater specificity must be used for the Fifth Diagnosis Code. Our Records Indicate This Tooth Previously Extracted. Do Not Indicate A Hcpcs Or Cpt Procedure Code On An Inpatient Claim. These materials include the HPMS memorandum titled, "Updates Regarding Final Part C EOB Model Templates and Implementation of the Part C EOB," the final templates and instructions, and Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Part C EOB requirements for Medicare Advantage . Unable To Process Your Adjustment Request due to The Claim Type Of The Adjustment Does Not Match The Claim Type Of The Original Claim. A Payment For The CNAs Competency Test Has Already Been Issued. Will Not Authorize New Dentures Under Such Circumstances. The Reimbursement Code Assigned To This CNA Does Not Authorize A NAT Payment. Denied. The Related Surgical Procedure is not a covered service under Wisconsin Medicaid or BadgerCare Plus. The National Drug Code (NDC) is not on file for the Dispense Date Of Service(DOS). Questionable Long Term Prognosis Due To Gum And Bone Disease. Master Level Providers Must Bill Under A Mental Health Clinic Number; Not Under a Private Practice Or Supervisor Number. Billing Provider is not certified for the detail From Date Of Service(DOS). Well-baby visits are limited to 12 visits in the first year of life. This procedure is duplicative of a service already billed for same Date Of Service(DOS). More than 6 hours of evaluation/assessment in a 2 year period must be billed astreatment services and count toward the MH/SA policy limits for prior authorization. Reimbursement Is At The Unilateral Rate. Additional Reimbursement Is Denied. No Matching, Complete Reporting Form Is On File For This Client. Denied/Cutback. The Request Does Not Meet Generally Accepted Conditions Requiring Fluoride Treatments. Charges Paid At Reduced Rate Based Upon Your Usual And Customary Pricing Profile. and other medical information at your current address. No Extractions Performed. This claim/service is pending for program review. The Dispense As Written (Daw) Indicator Is Not Allowed For The National Drug Code. Revenue code 0850 thru 0859 is not allowed when billed with revenue codes 0820thru 0829, 0830 thru 0839, or 0840 thru 0849. The billing provider number is not on file. This service is payable at a frequency of once per 12-month period, per provider, per hearing aid. It Must Be In MM/DD/YY Format AndCan Not Be A Future Date. Claim Denied. Pharmaceutical Care is not covered by the Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program. Restorative Nursing Involvement Should Be Increased. The detail From Date Of Service(DOS) is after the detail To Date Of Service(DOS). Other Therapies Currently Provide Sufficient Services To Meet The Members Needs. Healthcheck screenings or outreach is limited to six per year for members up to one year of age. Secondary Diagnosis Code(s) in positions 2-9 cannot duplicate the Primary Discharge Diagnosis. Care Does Not Meet Criteria For Complex Case Reimbursement. Invalid Procedure Code For Dx Indicated. Denied due to Claim Or Adjustment Received After The Late Billing Filing Limit. Services For Members With Medical Status Code TR, SH, SJ, TS Or ST NotAllowed For Your Provider Type, Or For Your Provider Type without a TB Diagnosis. If it is medical necessary for more than 13 or 14 services per calendar month, submit an adjustment request with supporting documentation. The National Drug Code (NDC) submitted with this HCPCS code is CMS terminated or not covered by the program. The Primary Diagnosis Code is inappropriate for the Revenue Code. Explanation of benefits. Initial Visit/Exam limited to once per lifetime per provider. Ninth Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. Sixth Diagnosis Code (dx) is not on file. The Member Has Been Totally Without Teeth And An Appliance For 5 Years. Service Not Covered For Members Medical Status Code. CNAs Eligibility For Training Reimbursement Has Expired. Claim Previously/partially Paid. Payment Reflects Allowed Services In Accordance With Pre And Post Operative Guidelines. Denied. Abortion Dx Code Inappropriate To This Procedure. Claim Paid Under DRG Reimbursement, Except For Transplants Billed Using Suffixes 05 Through 09. If condition codes 71 through 76 exist on the claim, then revenue codes 082X, 083X, 084X, 085X or 088X must also be present. 3101. Purchase Only Allowed; Medical Need For Rental Has Not Been Documented. Healthcheck screenings or outreach limited to three per year for members between the age of one and two years. CO/204. The Procedure Code/Modifier combination is not payable for the Date Of Service(DOS). Please Correct And Resubmit. Policy override must be granted by the Drug Authorization and Policy Override Center to dispense less than a 100 day supply. The header total billed amount is invalid. Additional Psychotherapy Is Not Considered Appropriate Or Inline With More Effective, Available Services. NFs Eligibility For Reimbursement Has Expired. Name And Complete Address Of Destination. Exceeds The 35 Treatment Days Per Spell Of Illness. One or more Diagnosis Code(s) is not payable by Wisconsin Chronic Disease Program for the Date Of Service(DOS). Billing Provider indicated is not certified as a billing provider. The Secondary Diagnosis Code is inappropriate for the Procedure Code. Please Correct And Resubmit. Denied. Please adjust quantities on the previously submitted and paid claim. No Action Required. Medically Unbelievable Error. Only One Panoramic Film Or Intraoral Radiograph Series, By The Same Provider, Per Year Allowed. Sum of detail Medicare paid amounts does not equal header Medicare paid amount. Claim Explanation Codes View Fee Schedules Electronic Payments and Remittances Submit Behavioral Health Claim Durable Medical Equipment - Rental/Purchase Grid Claims Submission Process Procedure Code Modifiers Submitting Medical Records Submitting Medicare Part D Claims . Partial Payment Withheld Due To Previous Overpayment. If correct, special billing instructions apply. Resubmit Using Valid Rn/lpn Procedure Codes And A Valid PA Number. Medicare Allowed Amount Was Incorrect Or Not Provided On Crossover Claim. Value Code 48 And 49 Must Have A Zero In The Far Right Position. Do not insert a period in the ICD-9-CM or ICD-10-CM codes. Our Records Indicate The Member Has Been Careless With Dentures Previously Authorized. MLN Matters Number: MM6229 Related . Denied/Cuback. Gastrointestinal Surgery For The Purpose Of Weight Control Is Covered Only As An Emergency Procedure. Denied due to Detail Billed Amount Missing Or Zero. codes are provided per day by the same individual physician or other health care professional. CO/204/N182 . This Mutually Exclusive Procedure Code Remains Denied. The Pharmaceutical Care Code (PCC) does not have a rate on file for the Date Of Service(DOS). Subsequently hospital care services (CPT 99221-99223 or 99231-99233) will be denied when billed for the same date of service as observation services (CPT G0378, 99218-99220 or 99224-99226) for Bill Type 0130-013Z (hospital outpatient). Day Treatment Exceeding 5 Hours/day Not Payable Regardless Of Prior Authorization. This Member, As Indicated By Narrative History, Does Not Agree To Abstinence from Alcohol Or Other Drugs And Is Ineligible For AODA Treatment. Pricing AdjustmentUB92 Hospice LTC Pricing. EOB Code: EOB Description: 0000: This claim/service is pending for program review. The National Drug Code (NDC) is not payable for the Provider Type and/or Specialty. Prospective DUR denial on original claim can not be overridden. Prior authorization requests for this drug are not accepted. Hearing aid repairs are limited to once per six months, per provider, per hearing aid. The Service Requested Was Performed Less Than 5 Years Ago. The Timeframe Between Certification, Test, Date And Hire Date Exceeds A Year. These Urinalysis Procedures Reimbursed Collectively At The Maximum For Routine Urinalysis With Microscopy. One or more Condition Code(s) is invalid in positions eight through 24. Service Denied. Received Beyond Special Filing Deadline For ThisType Of Claim Or Adjustment/reconsideration. Rendering Provider may not submit claims for reimbursement as both the Surgeonand Assistant Surgeon For The Same Member On The Same DOS. Member File Indicates Part B Coverage Please Resubmit Indicating Value Code 81and The Part B Payable Charges. Dispense Date Of Service(DOS) is invalid. Real time pharmacy claims require the use of the NCPDP Plan ID. Denied. Personal care subsequent and/or follow up visits limited to seven per Date Of Service(DOS) per member. Reconsideration With Documentation Warranting More X-rays. Unable To Process This Request Because The Competency Test Date And TrainingCompletion Date Fields Are Blank. Incorrect Liability Start/end DatesOr Dollar Amounts Must Be Corrected Through County Social Services Agency. The Request May Only Be Back-dated Two Weeks Prior To Receipt By EDS. A HCPCS code is required when condition code A6 is included on the claim. Routine foot care Diagnoses must be billed with valid routine foot care Procedure Codes. Review Has Determined No Adjustment Payment Allowed. Please Bill Your Medicare Intermediary Prior To Submitting To .

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