biopolymer removal colombianicole alexander bio

Resolucin 8430 DE 1993 Por la cual se establecen las normas cientficas, tcnicas y administrativas para la investigacin en salud. Since these chemicals do not belong in the body, they can cause serious health problems, ranging from rashes and skin hardening, to necrosis and acute pain. biomarkers in the blood of patients with a clinical diagnosis of ASIA and a significant decrease in their levels after biopolymer removal via an open surgical technique. Specimen from gluteal biopolymer removal, polymethyl methacrylate, and polydimethylsiloxane. Taking into account that different parts are harvested from each plant, we must understand that for most of the plants, their use is of the majority of the biomass, whereas when we speak of Kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L), we are using only their seed, which diminishes its use, taking into account the weight ratio of the plant and the mass used for the preparation of the coagulant. 4. Disclosure:The authors have no financial interest in relation to the content of this article. The results of the tests of the biopolymers, natural coagulants, are collected in four main tests, the first ones refer to the pH, the turbidity, and the color; the last one takes the coagulants with good performance and measures the Z potential. 2010;20:112119. Yes, at extraction of biopolymers of the buttock region, volume and shape are lost. Limited information is available on the causes of ASIA because only a few cases of ASIA have been reported thus far due to the unawareness of the treating physician. Fig. The allogeneic materials can act as superantigens and favor cellular reactions and, to a greater extent, the antigen-antibody and granulomatous response, which leads to myalgia, arthralgia, asthenia, adynamia, memory loss, dry eyes, dry mouth, photophobia, hyperacusis, abdominal distension, neuropathic pain, headache, and hair loss. Although this study does not have the best epidemiological design to show causality, it shows an increase in the levels of biomarkers in the blood of patients with a clinical diagnosis of ASIA and a significant decrease in their levels after biopolymer removal via an open surgical technique. 507 13). This cross-sectional, descriptive observational study included 196 patients with biopolymers in buttocks, without a previous diagnosis of autoimmune disease and who were diagnosed with ASIA between January 1, 2017 and December 31, 2020 according to the 2011 criteria proposed by Shoenfeld and Agmon-Levin5,10patients with three major criteria, those with two major criteria and one minor criterion, or those with one major criterion and one minor criterion, with the essential major criterion being exposure to an adjuvant before the onset of symptoms. 99 - 51, local LM 002 B. The work cannot be changed in any way or used commercially without permission from the journal. Our country, in addition to having a privileged geographical location, has the infrastructure and specialized medical resource of worldwide recognition, which has made our practice an international reference scenario. 3. Clin Rheumatol. The type of surgery you need and the results that we are going to get before and after the biopolymers removal in buttocks. Clinica Portoazul Barranquilla, Colombia, Cra 49C No. After obtaining the biopolymers of the plants Melocactus sp., Opuntia dillenii, Stenocereus griseus, Cereus forbesii, Aloe arborescens, and Aloe vera, the preparation of the solutions is carried out to realize the tests of jars, which prove the action of coagulant and flocculant. University of Birmingham, Alabama (United States), Observership. Weighing of the material of interest: The material obtained from the plants Melocactus sp., Opuntia dillenii, Stenocereus griseus, Cereus forbesii, Aloe arborescens, and Aloe vera is weighed to have a reference of its performance in relation to weight to weight, with respect to its use. Silicone or biopolymer injections are removed surgically if a buildup of bulky material is under the skin. Desalination and Water Treatment, Submitted: November 30th, 2017 Reviewed: April 18th, 2018 Published: September 19th, 2018, Edited by Murat Eyvaz and Ebubekir Yksel, Total Chapter Downloads on 82 - 168, Cons. When these symptoms occur, it is because this substance is already affecting the tissues and possibly has already reached other organs. As stated above, Al/Bp of 20 was found to be sufficient to maximize biopolymer removal in many cases. Cheeks and cheekbones if injected into the face, hips, back, thighs and calves if placed in buttocks. The biopolymers are dissolved with a special laser instrument and then extracted from the body. | Barranquilla, Colombia | Tel: 305 337 7860, Doctors Barranquilla | Doctors Cartagena | Doctors Cali | Doctors Santa Marta | Doctors Bogot, Outpatient consultation in general medicine, Resections of tumors of the parotid mouth and larynx, Artificial insemination. 49C 34, Cons. Rahmani B, Patel S, Seyam O, et al. If you are planning to come to Colombia for health tourism and need help, write to us, we will advise you. Cut and transport to the laboratory: The cutting of the parts of the plant takes measurements (Figure7), to then make a transport to the site of obtaining the coagulant. Rather than using traditional surgical procedures, this allows us to liquify injected substances and vacuum them directly out of the body. Source: The extractions are segregated into two types: the plants that are used in all their foliage are Melocactus sp. B, The patient reported improvement of symptoms and gluteal appearance at the 3-month postoperative follow-up. 2018 The Author(s). J Autoimmun. Spacio Vital GIAO Estetica & Spa We care about each patient individually and work carefully to ensure that you can reach your optimal level of beauty without bringing harm to your body. We have hundreds of cases of successful butt lifts because: Learn about the treatment for Biopolymers Removal Miami FL in men and women in body and face. 6. 2017;26:675681. Sort by: Oldest Newest *Treatment results may vary Silicone removal NY Therefore, this condition should be known as human adjuvant disease caused by biopolymers. Further, this condition mimics autoimmune diseases, with clinical and paraclinical manifestations that improve biopolymer removal. Liquid silicone and biogel cause pain, hardening and deformations as its synthetic derivatives such as biogel. In most cases, presence of biopolymers generates pain in patients. Considering this, it was not possible to determine how long the autoimmune markers were positive because patients could not remember the information, and it was difficult to access their complete medical history. Similarly, this syndrome mimics autoimmune diseases, with improvement in clinical and paraclinical manifestations after the substance is removed from the body. Lupus. J Autoimmun. However, they can induce an immune response by themselves under certain conditions.2 (See Video [online], which displays the immunologic process of human adjuvant disease caused by biopolymers.) The data show a standard deviation of 0.3. This shows the possibility of isolating the crystals of the plant. The patient is first put under local or general anesthesia. We are much more than a plastic surgery clinic and a center that specializes in buttock augmentation in Colombia. 82-85, Cons. The resulting powder was sieved with a No. Biopolymer extraction is a slightly complicated reconstructive surgery. The idea is to know the distribution of the biopolymers, as well as their area and depth. We have hundreds of cases of successful butt lifts because: We have cutting-edge treatments and equipment that are revolutionizing procedures with and without surgery worldwide, we design unique treatment protocols for your case, integrating experience, technology and well-being. Evidence refuting the existence of autoimmune/autoinflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA). Revista Colombiana de Ciruga Plstica y Reconstructiva. 2014;51:1016. Sern utilizados segn las leyes colombianas de manejo de datos personales, ley 1266 del 2008. Aloe vera. Edificio 95x11 Local Bojanini Turbidity removal with each coagulant studied. This study included 190 patients with biopolymers in their buttocks who were diagnosed with ASIA and underwent a surgical procedure. Source: 1993:19. Medelln, Colombia, Gynecology, laser vaginal plastic surgery, advanced laparoscopic surgery, 3D / 4D ultrasound, Cra 2 No. Bogot, Colombia, Cra 7Bis No. The most common and widely used biopolymer known as liquid silicone or polydimethylsiloxane. The antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) were measured in all patients with ASIA during the preoperative assessment as previous studies have reported an increase in the expression of ANAs in ASIA (14). REMOVAL BY DR. RODRIGUEZ IN CALI, COLOMBIA. Sort by: Oldest Newest *Treatment results may vary Hi ladies.. Here's an update.. 39 -107, Cons. Like its polymer derivatives such as false hyaluronic acid, false vitamins, paraffin and oils. Similarly, when classifying patients into two groups based on disease severity,12 there was an association between LDH positivity and disease severity (odd ratio: 4.16, 95% confidence interval: 1.948.92, P < 0.0001); there was a four-fold higher probability of having severe disease when LDH was positive, with statistical significance. 2015;24:10121018. All Rights Reserved. Alijotas-Reig J. Basically, to follow recommendations and take medication. Follow Instagram. Crushed: The material was crushed using a mixer (Oster). Colombia is the eighth country in the world where more Plastic Surgeries are performed, more than 350,000 interventions are performed every year on average. I had to awns it through western union. In total, 60% of patients tested positive for ANAs, and the most frequent dilution in the ANA tests was 1:160. The suspension was gently stirred for 1h on a magnetic stirrer in order to achieve a uniform dispersion of the clay particles. For the case of the color results (Graph 3), we can see a good activity of all the biopolymers, taking into account that the one that showed the best performance in the removal of the color was the biopolymer of Melocactus sp., with a performance greater than 96%, and then it was appreciated that the two species of Aloe sp. The other biopolymer with high performance is the Kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), which showed a good turbidity and color removal capacity with very little pH affectation. 11- 07, Cons 401-402 I have paid a deposit which was 60% of the total surgical price and even then it was difficult to contact the doctor, but he did give me a date. Cra 49B No. It should be noted that some species of Opuntia spp. This study is susceptible to selection bias due to the nature of the epidemiological design because the ASIA diagnostic criteria, despite being well established, are applied by the treating physician, making the study susceptible to observer errors, but it is clarified that the diagnosis was established by a professional with extensive experience and paraclinical supports and medical history. 5. Conventional water treatment processes include coagulation and flocculation, especially that which is chemically assisted, for both drinking water and wastewater. As effective treatment we perform a surgical technique of direct intervention through cuts. Silicone injections can often introduce dangerous foreign substances to the inside of the body. Laser hair removal, Centro De Ciruga Plstica Y Esttica Dr Roger Ruiz. 9 No. Considering the above, it is not possible to conclude a direct association between serological positivity and the amount of product, but it coincides with the response to the product and the autoimmunity mosaic theory described by Schoenfeld.1,10,14,15. Opuntia sp. For this reason, one of the most important things to do when undergoing cosmetic surgery is to be well informed about the implants or substances that are going to be placed. J Autoimmun. Desiccation of the specimens. Miami Cosmetic Surgeon | Breast, Face & Body Surgery: HD Esthetique Los campos obligatorios estn marcados con *. The pH results are shown in Graph 1, showing that the coagulant that most affected the final pH was the biopolymer of Melocactus sp., which brought the pH up to 6.2. Tu direccin de correo electrnico no ser publicada. Portal de salud en Colombia. By Clint Sutherland, Abeni Marcano and Beverly Chitto By Germn Eduardo Dvora-Isiordia, Mara del Rosario By Hisham A. Maddah and Mohammed A. Shihon, IntechOpen Limited 312 Bogot, Colombia, Cra 19A No. 2013;9:361373. The most frequent symptoms were myalgia (92%), arthralgia (77.9%), asthenia (77.9%), adynamia (77.9%), and neurological symptoms (55.8%). They can be introduced into the blood vessels that carry them to the lungs generating fatal consequences. Cartagena, Colombia, Cra. Barranquilla, Colombia, Smile design, Veneers, Implants, Crowns, Dental tourism, Calle 7 No. Centro de Ciruga Plstica y esttica Barranquilla, Colombia, Rhinomodelation, Lip augmentation, Facial shaping, Threads, Facial fillers, Laser hair removal, Cellulite treatment, Treatment for acne, blemishes, dark circles, Cra 2 No. The chi-square test was used for hypothesis testing for categorical variables, and a P value of less than 0.05 was considered significant. Clinical case of woman with biopolymer injection, Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) findings, and results after surgery. Shoenfeld Y, Agmon-Levin N. ASIA autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants. Bogot, Colombia, Trichology, Plasmage, Botox, Fillers with hyaluronic acid, Laser, Facial rejuvenation, Hyaluronic acid, Cra. Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (ASIA) 2013: Unveiling the pathogenic, clinical and diagnostic aspects. Source: authors. 7-50 , Oficina 304 Wells R. Tumour lysis syndrome. Please try after some time. Contact our London head office or media team here. The plants with the best performance in the removal of turbidity and color were Melocactus sp., and Kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), with the best percentages of elimination of solids of small size of water. Surgical treatment consists of removal of strange material. While many people get these injections to enhance the appearance of different areas of their body, silicone injections can actually have the opposite effect of what the patient wants. Its symptoms and consequences are hardening and deformations. A, A patient with gluteal biopolymer and lumbar migration with extensive superficial and deep tissue damage. Cartagena, Colombia, Laserlipolisis, Hidralift, Mass sculpt, Ultherapy, Botox, Cra. This procedure consists of making incisions in the shape of butterfly wings in the upper part of the buttocks in order to remove the biopolymers with a direct view. Watad A, David P, Brown S, et al. Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved. The signs and symptoms of the disease and the results of laboratory tests, including the immunological profile, were assessed. (In Colombia) another blood test, ekg and urine same, and a separate MRI without contrast, and you will have to take a rapid test 24hr before surgery, no eating 12hrs before surgery. J Autoimmun. Barranquilla, Colombia, $130,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$130,000 fee for serviceVirtual Guidance, Ciruga plstica, Lipoescultura HD, Gluteoplastia, Mamoplastia, Reduccin mamaria, Rellenos faciales, cido hialurnico, Botox, Cra 53 No. In order to remove the biopolymers you must undergo some tests that Dr. Monroy will recommend to verify that you have no abnormalities and no alterations in the coagulation. Activated Carbon Cloth for Desalination of Brackis Environmental Engineering, University of Santander (UDES), Colombia, Environmental Engineering, University of Valladolid (UVA), Spain. Where are we going? 2 47 - 81 The action of promoting the removal of particles in water requires coagulant substances, which destabilize the equilibrium of the mixture in aqueous solution; this is needed to perform the coagulation and flocculation operations, in the treatment of drinking water and wastewater; especially for the removal of solids with diameters smaller than 0.2 mm; this operation is carried out with . 64b - 40 2009;30:123126. The focus of our work is a Safe Patient Culture, which, beyond a service philosophy, is our drive, it is our habit. However, we conclude that the greater the amount of material removed, the greater the possibility of having negative markers, and patients should be monitored for at least 2 years to better characterize ASIA. Biopolymer Removal Miami Cost: If you are interested in consulting the treatment and perform the Biopolymer Removal New Miami please send a message by clicking HERE WhatsApp +573115777719 . 50 $. 402 616 Thyroid surgery without scarring, . 2. CIRUPLASTIA - SPECIALIZED CLINIC IN BIOPOLYMERS REMOVAL IN COLOMBIA We are much more than a plastic surgery clinic and a center that specializes in buttock augmentation in Colombia. 5 -169, Cons. The biopolymers of the plants Melocactus sp., Opuntia sp., Stenocereus griseus, Cereus forbesii, Aloe arborescens, Aloe vera, and Kabuli chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) can be a viable alternative for the treatment of drinking and residual water, in replacement of sulfate of aluminum, aluminum polychloride, and ferric chloride; decreasing the amounts of dissolved metals in drinking water of humans and animals, especially with the aluminum residues associated with diseases such as autism and Alzheimer [16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23]. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery - Global Open, Get new journal Tables of Contents sent right to your email inbox, Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives License 4.0 (CCBY-NC-ND),,-el-extrano-sindrome-inducido-por-adyuvantes,, BibliotecaDigital/RIDE/DE/DIJ/RESOLUCION-8430-DE-1993.PDF, Clinical and Immunological Characteristics of Patients with Biopolymers and Autoimmune Inflammatory Syndrome Induced by Adjuvants, Articles in PubMed by Jaime Eduardo Pachn S, MD, Articles in Google Scholar by Jaime Eduardo Pachn S, MD, Other articles in this journal by Jaime Eduardo Pachn S, MD, A Safe and Effective Lip Augmentation Method: The Step-by-Step (Phi) Technique, Complicated Facial Fillers: Management Algorithm, Consensus Recommendations for Treatment Strategies in Indians Using Botulinum Toxin and Hyaluronic Acid Fillers, Complication Management following Rejuvenation Procedures with Hyaluronic Acid Fillersan Algorithm-based Approach, The Five-step Lower Blepharoplasty Technique Refined, Privacy Policy (Updated December 15, 2022). Jaime Eduardo Pachn Surez, MD, Admiral Columbus Medical Center, Carrera 16 #84-09, Bogot, Colombia, E-mail: [emailprotected]. More news from CLICK HERE and subscribe to our YOUTUBE channel. The list of these substances can be extensive, but the most relevant adjuvants include silica as a structural unit of polydimethylsiloxane, known as silicone, methacrylate compounds, aluminum hydroxide, squalene, oils of vegetable or animal origin, and aluminum salts3 (Figs. Biopolymers consist of non-biocompatible allogeneic materials. Torre Medical Diagonal Clnica Medelln Sede Poblado Edificio Asociacin Mdica de los Andes Barranquilla, Colombia, $280,000 fee for serviceVIEW PROFILE$280,000 fee for service, Dermatology consultation, Clinical dermatology, Surgical dermatology, Aesthetic dermatology, Laser dermatology, Cra. We invite you to have your assessment consultation at Ciruplastia, which has one of the best specialists in Colombia. Bogot, Colombia, Calle 93A No. 8. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. Biopolymer Removal in buttocks: These substances that are infiltrated under the skin of the face or body in order to improve wrinkles, expression lines or increase the volume of certain areas such as hips, breasts, thighs, buttocks and legs, the body encapsulates them in an inflammatory tissue giving rise to granulomas that manifest as bulges . 16 No. Books > 50 - 37, Cons. 19A - 40, Cons. Grinding of the material: The grinding of the dried material is done with a food processing device and then it is passed through a mill that pulverizes the material. However, this is not one of the reasons for this assessment in the context of this article because the diagnostic images should be assessed 1 year after the product removal to minimize inflammatory findings or immature scar tissue that may lead to diagnostic uncertainty due to product persistence after removal. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Global Open9(9):e3796, September 2021. All the extracts showed turbidity and color removal, with efficiencies higher than 88%, which indicates that the extraction methodologies conserve the coagulant and flocculant capacity of each plant. 2 years ago, a person posing as a health professional here in Colombia injected my face, saying they were vitamins. The best performance of these tests lies in the Melocactus that was the best removing species in case of both turbidity and color, but with the highest incidence in the pH. Additionally, more severe signs and symptoms, such as loss of consciousness or neurological manifestations of demyelination, can also occur.1,8 These symptoms and signs are part of the major criteria for the diagnosis of ASIA, and this study shows their decrease, and, in some cases, their absence, after biopolymer removal via an open surgical technique. Read it very carefully. By Clint Sutherland, Abeni Marcano and Beverly Chittoo. In this case, the ideal way to remove as much material as possible from the affected area. Biopolymers are substances that are not suitable for human application that are used for fillings on different body parts with aesthetic purposes and good initial results but with serious consequences in the long term. 2011;36:48. 15. Assistance to post-operative therapies depending on each case. Z potential measurements were made to the biopolymers with better performance, which showed the following results. The monitoring of this paraclinical characteristic at 3 months postoperatively showed conversion to a negative result in 89 patients, increasing the negativity rate to 46%. Country Medical Center Expert Rev Clin Immunol. Barranquilla, Colombia View phones. The clinical and paraclinical parameters were measured preoperatively, when the diagnosis of autoimmune inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants and the need for material removal were established, and postoperatively after 3 months. The suspension was allowed to stand for 24h to achieve complete hydration of the clay. Yes, this surgery may be combined. Member of the Colombian Plastic Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery Society. The Zeta potential of the biopolymers shows similar values in the range of pH 4 and 10, which may indicate a similar activity with solid particles of small size, such as those that generate turbidity and color in the water. The removal of biopolymers is recommended when skin discoloration, swelling and infections appear in the area of the application of this substance. Silicone, biopolymer, or PMMA are names that are colloquially used when referring to foreign body substances that are injected into the body in a non-medical setting. 2013;47:116. In Fig. Material screening: The material after being macerated is taken to a 1-mm sieve (Figure11), which separates the thick parts that cannot be diluted efficiently in aqueous solution. The surgeon has a book on Amazon about the biopolymer removal surgery. It is susceptible to confusion because people may have had administration of other substances as part of aesthetic procedures, in other parts of the body. 8A - 32, Bogot, Colombia. Pachn S, Jaime Eduardo MD*; Salazar, Marcela C. MD; Pores, Adriana M. MD; Rizo, Victor Z. MD, From the *Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Microsurgery Centro Medico Almirante Colon, Bogot, Colombia, Physician Private Practice, Bogot, Colombia, Occupational Medicine, Private Practice, Bogot, Colombia. ASIA syndrome symptoms induced by gluteal biopolymer injections: Case-series and narrative review Toxicol Rep. 2021 Jan 27;8:303-314. doi: 10.1016/j . Available at: 14. Your message has been successfully sent to your colleague. This study was considered a risk-free study based on Resolution 8430 of the Ministry of Health of Colombia, which establishes the scientific, technical, and administrative standards for health research in its title II chapter 1 article 11, because it used data from a database and clinical history records; informed consent was obtained from the patients to use their images in scientific publications. Opuntia sp. Biopolymer Removal Miami Effective Treatment extraction and removal of liquid silicone injections and biogel in buttocks, face, breasts and lips. BIOPOLYMERS aka BUTT SHOTS MIGRATED!!!! Epi Info Version 7.2.4, a free-access software by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was used for all statistical analyses. To perform this surgery and have a proper recovery in patients from abroad, a minimum of 10 days inside city must be scheduled to perform the initial evaluation, anesthesia, examinations, surgery, and the recovery week where post-therapy therapies are performed. Juvens Medical Institute Your doctor will set up appointments for you in Cali, Colombia. 717 Weighing of the gross material: The weighing of the material is carried out on a 25-kg scale, to determine the weight of the sample taken and then determine its performance according to its humidity. At our clinic, not only will we be able to safely remove the injections, but well also help you to achieve your cosmetic goals. Scanzi F, Andreoli L, Martinelli M, et al. Centro Mdico Nobel The procedure lasts about four to five hours. The results of the other biopolymers showed a removal capacity greater than 88 and up to 92%, which shows the effectiveness of these biopolymers with water that has a neutral pH. To date our community has made over 100 million downloads. The removal of biopolymers allows the patient to undergo the removal of the affected tissue in the areas where this substance is injected at some point. A global crisis has grown around biopolymers due to the negative effects they have on the body and the great damage they can cause. Biopolymer Removal Cost: If you are interested in consulting the treatment and perform the biopolymer removal please send a message by clicking HERE WhatsApp +573115777719 . Current understanding of tumor lysis syndrome. Bogot, Colombia, Av 5 A Norte No. 16. Medical treatment is based on taking medication that controls swelling response of the body against these products and are used on initial stages of treatment. 80 - 55 , Cons. It is important to note that all plants used have the potential to treat water; and that the efficiency differences can be associated to the affinity for different particles and their extraction form. 730 [10]. Cereus forbesii. It is important to read the study in the context of the population studied when extrapolating the information. Ciruga Plstica. Barranquilla, Colombia, Thyroid surgery without scarring, Total thyroidectomy, Resections of tumors of the parotid mouth and larynx, Calle 11 No. Detailing the exact area where you have this material, and with pleasure I can give more specific information. However, after removal of the biopolymer, there was a decrease in positivity or conversion to a negative status of paraclinical tests. After obtaining the biopolymers, we proceed to prepare solutions of these extracts, to perform jar tests, and thus to determine the coagulant and flocculant capacity of natural biopolymers. So I'm planning to. PMID: 33552929 PMCID: PMC7856393 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxrep.2021.01.011 Abstract Background: The number of plastic surgery procedures have been rising . 303 The control parameters normally used in the efficiency of a coagulant are pH, turbidity, and color, which are governed by standardized methodologies [13], which determine the ability to remove solids from water based on their behavior, pH, and with its spectrophotometric absorbance, turbidity and color at different wavelengths. Edificio El Parque Autoimmune/inflammatory syndrome induced by adjuvants (Shoenfelds syndrome) An update. 17. The number and proportion of patients who reported symptoms persistence at the 3-month follow-up assessment are also shown in Table 2. 116 - 20, Cons. Biopolymer Removal/ Silicone Removal More about Silicone Injection Removal 3ve123 Not Worth It Juan Torres, MD Reviews you can trust, from real people like you. If it is worth the case, it is necessary to do scars on skin to be able to extract biopolymers.

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