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Yon-Rogg struggles to stand up, and watches Vers from his seated position. House of M Vol 1 7. I knew it, everybody said you were dead but we knew they were lying. I definitely don't remember those. So a full-bred colonel turned spy turned SHIELD agent must have pretty high-security clearance. Mmm-mmm. Here's a proposition for you: You're gonna give me your jacket, your helmet, and your motorcycle, and in return, I'm gonna let you keep your hand. Fury: That's classified. Excuse me, miss. Talos: Then why is she in your head? While Vers is looking at the photos, the bartender walks past her]. It's just a scratch. Maria: You woke me up, banging on my door at dawn. Cobbleface 4 yr. ago. [Singing] Oh, yeah, wait a minute Mr. Postman. [The fighting between Yon-Rogg and Carol continues. Take it! My people lived as refugees on Torfa. Yon-Rogg: Your blood it's blue. Testing for new aerospace tech is dangerous. Yon-Rogg: You're going to use them. I borrowed his likeness. fra Paul G Newton on Everything direkte p mobilen din, surfetavlen eller nettleseren - ingen nedlastinger ndvendig. A new home, where the Kree can't reach us. So also, go watch that. Yon-Rogg is seen walking towards the holograph, which is later shown the be Ronan the Accusor]. Carol, in her Kree colors, is already standing inside and watches him enter]. Nick Fury: Is that really who you are now? Nick Fury: I'm sending you with a message. [to Yon-Rogg] Carol Danvers: But you cheated, took a shortcut. I know I don't deserve your trust, but you were our only lead. Supreme Intelligence: The camera shows Yon-Rogg on the ship]. She then throws it in the air like a baseball and walks around the room, beginning to observe her surroundings]. Early start to your morning. Nick Fury: Published by at 14 Marta, 2021. [over the loud music of piano] Vers, with her gun drawn, slowly walks towards the plane]. The blast did. Fury: Well, if you're ever passing back through this galaxy, be sure to give a brother a shout. And so, little Alouette flew up throughout the night. The Doc was always unique. There is nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion. Instead of using her powers, Carol runs towards Yon-Rog and begins punching him. And you are the most powerful person I knew, way before you could shoot fire from your fist. Yon-Rogg is standing above Carol, about to attack her], [Carol then blasts some energy, causing her to fly upwards and Yon-Rogg to fly backward towards a wall]. [recognizing the language] [Fury opens the suitcase to reveal lots of prosthetic eyes of different colors.]. !Nick Fury:"Ther. Monica sits on the front step watching the encounter. Maria and Monica are sitting at a small dining table, Vers is leaning against the counter and Fury is leaning against the wall]. It could be you. Didn't you used to do that? Do you know what time it is? [Maria picks up and lunchbox and opens it. ], [Screen title: Captain Marvel will return in Avengers: Endgame], [Back in 1995, inside Fury's office, Goose jumps on her owner's desk. People call me "The Don". That's why security here is so unfriendly. This letter gives me so many feels, especially the ending because. [keeps moaning while a startled Coulson moves his hand to her knee] I want to know who's on the other end of that thing. Oh, boy. Biker/The Don: The chance to fight for the good of all Kree. Maria: Yup. If only you knew, the importance of it to me. You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. Am I supposed to guess where that is? [The Skrull taps Vers on the forehead twice, before noticing that Vers' metal restraints are beginning to glow orange], [Vers begins free from the restraints and begins to fight the Skrulls, one of the Skrulls raises their weapon, but General Talos lowers it], [Vers fights the Skrulls in the room, before confronting Talos. Freeing you to do what all Kree must. General Talos: Do we have any information we can act on? Nick Fury: [suddenly breaks her act and knocks out Phil while taking his ID. They're covering up a billion dollar mistake. Joseph Danvers: What the hell are you thinking? However, when Fury does this, the director points a gun at his head], [Fury hits the gun away from his head, leading to a long struggle between the two men with the Director being victorious]. If we track its course, we'll find it in orbit right now. Don't ever change your eyes. [Minn-Erva sees Att-Lass fighting against the locals through the scope of her gun. Maria then flicks a switch and gravity suddenly turns on inside the plane, and everything returns to normal], [The view switches to the outside of the ship, showing the ship sitting in empty space with Earth below it]. You know, space invasion, big car chase, got to watch an alien autopsy. Vers walks from behind the counter and sits opposite Maria at the table]. The scene then changes back to the inside of the house, with Carol and Maria sitting opposite each other at a table]. What do you want? Correct? But we will find them. Never occurred to me that they'd be coming from above. More details are available in the progress report. Norex: Vers struggles to regain control of the plane, but fails to do so], Vers: Bail out! Vers: Has anybody seen what the Supreme Intelligence really looks like? I've been fighting with one arm tied behind my back. [The biker then enters the shop. You never know when you're gonna need to borrow some sugar. I can handle the modifications. Captain Marvel - INSPIRING MONOLOGUE She becomes intrigued with something outside, and walks towards it. You slipped. Yon-Rogg: The director of SHIELD then steps out of the passenger side door of the first car]. We later saw Danvers. Nick Fury: He takes a piece of sticky tape, presses it against his badge before walking across the room and placing it on the scanner. Who supported me as a mother and a pilot when no one else did. There's nothing more dangerous to a warrior than emotion. Tell the Supreme Intelligence that I'm coming to end it. I laugh, on the inside. Not ringing any bells? Yon-Rogg: By bombing them out of the galaxy. Vers? [The gate in front of the bar opens and the car drives down the driveway and into a tunnel. I saw the ruins on Torfa. Guess he doesn't hate me yet. Vers: They believe she developed a light speed engine at Pegasus. Police cars speed down the road behind her before turning and parking outside the Blockbuster store. Talos: This part right here? I didn't want to steal your thunder. Yes. I'll come by tomorrow? Talos: You know, you really should be kinder to your neighbors. Yon-Rogg: We don't know if they are locals. Some bring out their camcorders and starts filming]. Agent Coulson: [Monica shows Vers a photo of a young Vers standing next to her father]. Vers is then seen activating her beacon, while Nick Fury walks up behind her and taps on the glass surrounding the phone booth]. Fury: Nicholas Joseph Fury, Agent of SHIELD. Helpless. We saved you. Biker then approaches her, Vers does not let go of the Biker's hand and she electrocutes him, Biker grunts in pain as he hands Vers the keys to his motorcycle, Biker gives Vers his jacket before running into the store. I wanna know who's on the other end of that thing. Nick Fury: We don't carry identification on metal cards. The movie theatre has its own guy. I thought we'd lost you. Come here, girl. Monica: I'm Amelia Earhart and you're Janis Joplin. Carol: The transfusion. Supreme Intelligence: She then steals some clothes before riding off, Repeated line, repeated back by his subordinates, Carol is bound by Yon-Rogg and mentally summoned to the Supreme Intelligence, Supreme Intelligence starts dancing to "Come as You Are" by Nirvana, Carol attempts to blast the Supreme Intelligence, but she is stopped by the inhibitor on her neck, she knocks him backwards with a proton blast, as she looks on amused, he starts singing "Please, Mr. Postman", putting his glasses on after a fistfight with Fury, after raising Fury's suspicions by calling him "Nicholas", she laughs as he looks at her indignantly, she destroys a jukebox with a photon blast, learning the lunchbox in Carol's possession is empty, approaches towards Danvers, shoves the map out of her face, tries to retrieve his hand from Danvers, but drops on his knees out of the electric shock from Danvers' photon charge, brings out the bike keys and hands over his jacket while still struggling in pain, Agent Coulson rushes to the subway restroom responding to a distress call that a woman has been found injured there, keeps moaning while a startled Coulson moves his hand to her knee, onlookers surround the stall with baffling looks. I'm fine, thanks for asking. Yon-Rogg: Thanos's Intro In Avengers: Infinity War Maria Rambeau: Natasha Romanoff: They believe that she developed a light-speed engine at Pegasus. Lawson always told us that our work at Pegasus wasn't to fight wars, but to end them. Monica: Maybe I can fly up and meet you halfway. 44. Yeah, if that were true, you'd be able to knock me down without them. [sighing] [The scene changes to show that the three Skrulls have also changed into surfers from the beach, however Talos and another are identical], [The scene changes back to the shopping strip, now in daylight. I just need your help decoding the coordinates to Mar-Vell's lab. Fury: Oh. You are just one victim of the Skrull invasion that has threatened our civilization for centuries. Fury sees Vers hanging onto the train and turns the car around to pursue it. Fury: I'll neither confirm nor deny the facts of that story. Carol Danvers: I found evidence that I had a life here. I couldn't read it. Carol Danvers: Keller: Nick Fury: You've been caught once already. Nick Fury: We talking cheek swab or urine sample? We discovered that your energy signature matched Mar-Vell's core. Hard is knowing you were out there somewhere, too damn stubborn to die. You hear me? Get back! Vers: I found evidence that I had a life here. Let's go, let's go. [The holograph disappears, leaving the team standing in a circle.]. [Vers turns around to see Wendy standing behind her]. Threat: Low to none. Kamala Khan currently serves as Ms. Marvel but in Earth-18138, she's Captain Marvel. So we follow her as Captain Carter, basic three through a riff on many of the adventures of Captain America: the First Avenger, the first Captain America movie. Could I see some identification, please? Lights then descend from above and the Supreme Intelligence appears from within them.]. Vers and Fury walk past a few aisles before stopping and turning into one. Kree Star Force. Skrull Scientist (voiceover): Hang on. A new home where the Kree can't reach us. (Vers shuts here eyes) Open, please. Actors should train hard and work hard, and then never stop training. Vers then turns her weapon towards the engine and fires. The Skrull general, Talos, has sent kill units to find him. Well, I already destroyed it. Do some of that pilot shit! Supreme Intelligence: The music, it's a nice touch.

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