rhodesian mercenary mike rousseaunicole alexander bio

FRELIMO's Marxist underpinnings earned it support from Russia and China. [42][68] Two of the former French volunteers who remained in Zimbabwe after the war were sentenced to death for murdering a caf owner during a robbery in 1982 and were executed the next year. After the end of the Frontier War, he went on to create a popular bloodsport competition called the Apex Games. Titanfall Blisk is working under a new long-term contract with the IMC on the Frontier, providing Combat Intel and Counterinsurgency services. These volunteers felt that Ian Smith had betrayed white Rhodesians by signing this agreement. The two movements espoused Marxist beliefs and were regarded as communists by the Rhodesian government. As he turned a corner, he encountered a FRELIMO guerrilla armed with an AK-47. Center mass is easier to hit quickly, and in most cases will effectively stop a threat. Two to the body, one to the head. Although two shots to the vitals of an attacker will stop a threat cold in most situations, it doesnt work 100 percent of the time. [5][9], The Mozambique Drill is featured in a number of movies, notably Heat and Collateral, both directed by Michael Mann.[10]. The Portuguese forces collaborated with Rhodesia which had experience from the Bush War in the early 1960s to create special forces teams to deal with FRELIMO. Click The story goes that this technique originated with a Rhodesian mercenary, Mike Rousseau. [88], The United States' Neutrality Act of 1794 prohibits American citizens from enlisting with foreign militaries or working as mercenaries for other governments. Heads bob around erratically and the effective zone is relatively small. He was fighting in the Mozambican War of Independence 1964-1974. The Rhodesian government attempted several strategies to address these shortages. Heres the connection. Armed with a Browning HP35 pistol chambered in 9mm, Rousseau immediately brought up his Hi Power and shot the guerrilla twice in the chest. [23], The expansion of the security forces, increasing battle casualties and a decline in the white population due to high rates of emigration led to serious shortages of white personnel that greatly hindered the Rhodesian war effort. In 2021 White wrote that the numbers of foreign volunteers may have been small, and the ex-Rhodesian generals she had interviewed "scoffed at me when I asked if there were fifteen hundred foreigners in the Rhodesian Army". The ZAPU argued that the failure of the British and US governments to stop the flow of volunteers was a barrier to reaching a negotiated settlement with the Rhodesian government, and demanded in 1977 that this be halted. FRELIMO was the dominant political party in Mozambique fighting for independence from Portugal. Two American ex-Marine deserters from the Forces who robbed jewelry stores in Salisbury, while carrying stolen Uzis, were involved in a shoot-out with authorities at the South African border. [22] The army units manned by full time personnel, which included a high proportion of white regular and conscripted soldiers, were the most powerful element of the security forces and formed a strategic reserve that responded to the guerrilla activities. [44] Opponents of the regime frequently highlighted the issue of 'mercenaries' fighting for Rhodesia, and claimed that they were often mentally unstable and had little regard for civilian casualties. The Portuguese forces collaborated with Rhodesia which had experience from the Bush War in the early 1960s to create special forces teams to deal with FRELIMO. Click the Go To Forum Thread link below to jump in! [13], Guerrilla activities began in 1966, and mainly involved small groups operating in northern Rhodesia. Those who were considered potentially suitable were sent information packs, and asked to supply documentation to support their application; preference was given to applicants who provided notarized documents in their response. [35] Organisations representing veterans were another method used to contact potential recruits. Setup: 1x USPSA Silhouette Target: Seeing that the fighter was still advancing, Rousseau attempted a head shot that hit the guerrilla through the base of his neck, severing the spinal cord. European colonial powers like Belgium and Portugal fought to defend their interests, but the rebels had little to lose and everything to gain. This drill was popularised by Rhodesian mercenary Mike Rousseau, during the Mozambican War of Independence, who was the inspiration for the character of Kuben Blisk. [6], The Rhodesian Front's ideology held that the end of colonial rule in Africa and the development of African nationalism during the 1950s and 1960s had been the result of international communism aided by a policy of appeasement towards African nationalists by the United Kingdom and other western countries. [34], American and Australian volunteers who had fought in the Vietnam War were generally well regarded by Rhodesian soldiers, and were often posted to the elite SAS and Selous Scouts. These two additions to the drill could make a world of difference in a real-life self-defense situation. It takes focus, determination, and plenty of practice to pull off the Mozambique Drill quickly and effectively. : The British Military Advisory and Training Team and the Creation of the Zimbabwe National Army", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Foreign_volunteers_in_the_Rhodesian_Security_Forces&oldid=1135864497, The historians Peter Godwin and Ian Hancock have written that foreign volunteers represented only a "tiny minority" of the Rhodesian military in 1972, with 90 per cent of recruits being Rhodesians and most of the remainder. [94], Many of the foreign volunteers opposed the March 1978 Internal Settlement, under which the white Rhodesian government agreed to cede power to moderate black leaders. [1][5][8][9], The Mozambique Drill was incorporated in the Gunsite curriculum from the late 1970s. (snip) Rousseau related the story to an acquaintance, small arms expert Jeff Cooper, founder of the Gunsite Academy shooting school, who incorporated the "Mozambique Drill" into his . They generally served alongside Rhodesian personnel in a large number of units, though a group of Frenchmen served together in a separate unit. One such soldier of fortune was Mike Rousseau. The. [7] Fighting at the airport at Loureno Marques (modern-day Maputo), Rousseau rounded a corner and encountered an enemy combatant, armed with an AK-47 assault rifle, at 10 paces (7.5m (25ft)). [85], In 1977 the British government provided a tentative response to an American proposal that the United Nations Security Council adopt a resolution requiring UN members to prevent their citizens from serving in the Rhodesian military. |-- DU Groups [71] There were concerns that many of the volunteers were motivated more by a desire to fight in a war than a commitment to Rhodesia. The party was deeply committed to maintaining the white minority's status, with this motivating a decision to declare independence from the United Kingdom rather than submit to a transition to majority rule. To guarantee instant incapacitation by impacting the brain and central nervous system, the head shot must be delivered to the area between eyebrows and upper lip, otherwise, various bony areas of the skull could deflect the bullet. Rousseau immediately performed a double tap two shots to the center of the torso. Its a port city in southern Mozambique where it can be hot with humidity over 80 percent. board, visitors agree to abide by the rules outlined on our Rules In 1976 former Portuguese officials offered 2,000 white soldiers who had served with the UNITA nationalist movement in Angola until that country's independence. Position a silhouette target (preferably with outlined V1 and V2 zones) five yards from the firing line. Thankfully, the shot hit the attackers throat, severing his spinal cord and eliminating the threat. FRELIMOs Marxist underpinnings earned it support from Russia and China. Over the years, this drill has morphed into a variety of other drills and, if you put any two firearms instructors together, youll get a different opinion as to how its to be properly executed. [87] The historian Hugh Patterson noted that the relatively small numbers of volunteers from the UK indicates that "however vocal the support for Rhodesia by some on the political right, very few men were actually willing to put their futures on the line for the Smith [Rhodesian prime minister Ian Smith] regime". Two to the body, one to the head, is guaranteed to leave them dead.. The ethnographic and historical researcher Henrik Ellert has written that there were 1,500 in 197778. The foreign volunteers who fought for the country are celebrated by these groups. Doing so was illegal under laws banning mercenary activity in Israel, West Germany, Switzerland and the Netherlands. The bottom line: Accurate head shots are hard. He told Cooper the story, and Cooper began to teach what he called the "Mozambique Drill" at Gunsite. [90] The activities of Americans in Rhodesia were widely publicised in the United States, leading to protests. [62][76], The nationalist groups that were fighting the Rhodesian regime and many progressive groups worldwide considered the volunteers to be mercenaries. [28] This magazine had been established that year to promote mercenary opportunities, and provided a positive portrayal of the lifestyle available to mercenaries. During the Mozambique War of Independence (1964-1974) mercenary Mike Rousseau was fighting at the airport in Moputo. This article is featured in Portugal had ruled Mozambique for four hundred years, had subsequent deep roots in the country, and was not leaving without a fight. Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the 4 Things to Do During Self-Isolation - The Shooter's Log [34] The Rhodesian government paid the airfares of volunteers who were unable to afford to travel until 1977. Canada had similar laws to the UK, and France and New Zealand were unable to prevent their citizens from travelling to Rhodesia to fight. Portugal had ruled Mozambique for . [34], In addition to using advertisements, Rhodesian recruitment teams, including some led by Lamprecht, visited several countries. Rousseauarmed onyl with a pistolturned a corner and encountered an enemy soldier carrying an AK-47.

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