what happened to diane coynicole alexander bio

Name one of these men you refer to, the men Im asking on this thread cant and wont answer the question, if theyve ever viewed pornography or thought of someone else while theyre with their wives, that should tell you something, and the women Ive been with enjoyed our intimacy as much as I did, we enriched each other and learned from each other and brought each other boundless pleasure, so I dont know what youre talking about, discarded women and wrecked lives? We need to pray hard for this man and his family because the enemy is fighting intensely to bring the faithful down. She works with children! I said way at the top that Bob Coy can be restored as a brother. Cause all we know now is that Bob can work it. You represented well. Im praying for your kids tonight. So 100 percent of all complaints should be at those in church leadership who leaked the news. Did Pastor Fidel Gomez know anything? Check felony records of the school substitute teacher. And CCFL did issue an article on their blog and they are allowing blog comments so thats much better than in the past with CC issues. I disagree with Smith on losing salvation (I dont believe you can lose salvation), on counting a generation from the re-establishment of Israel, on the resurrection body. Youre boorish behavior reflects poorly on the myriad of folks who are supportive of the Coy family and the value or validity of the teaching ministry he had. To Michael (#646), It isnt the case that the MLK crime scene was unprotected. Its a constant throughout human history. # 8. Pastor Bob will be focusing his full attention on his personal relationship with God and with his family. They have arrived at those conclusions with serious thought, study, prayer, and reliance on guidance from the Spirit of God and His scripture. He was already richI. Any ideas? Early life, education and early career. The Bible is inerrant. The governing board of the church is providing counselors and ministers who will help guide him through the process of full repentance, cleansing and restoration.". I know that Michael uses some strict criteria before he publishes. Those who understood their own propensity, weakness and past personal sins and failures might be better off placing a hand over their mouths and silently praying for mercy to be extended to this man and his family. I know He is not finished with them yet and I will always believe in His promises to never leave or depart from them! We are all vulnerable and weak!! Daughter- Interesting because I understood that BC did not write his own sermons. Were the prophecies of Revelation already fulfilled? There was a group of loyal congregants there, even when they moved out of the shopping center and into a school to save money when all the while there were huge back rents needing to be paid. MLD- Jesus wasnt literal and theres no book in your hand. The SuperMom who Snapped. What happened to Diane Schuler? - Medium Many of the Bobbleheads are imputing motive, spiritual condition, and knowledge of the secret sins of those who object to Bobs infidelity. Coy then moved to an even more debauched scene: Las Vegas. I believe it was originally 103 until those 2 donors backed out. Yes, Praise God He has, but forgiveness does not always cancel consequences. This blog has been around for many years, and many of the screen names you read are actually people well known to one another in the regular community here. He has been instrumental in changing and saving thousands of lives, including my own. why did your wife divorce you, were you unfaithful? Sexual sin is appealing, addictive and readily available especially in this internet age and when the relationship at home is not following Gods plan and design (and yes, it even happens in homes of church leaders) it gives way to justification for sin to prevail. I havent brought up Luther once I very rarely quote him. You are working hard to put people into a mold. after being a Christian? (tvacute.com)Here we explained everything. Get your own. Conflicting . According to a census of the denomination, in 2020, it had 1,700 churches. And please stop posting scripture with the Hebrew or Greek; its obvious youve studied neither since you cant even keep the tense straight in your run-on sentences. Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale (CCFL) is an evangelical, charismatic megachurch in Florida, with over 20,000 worshipers attending on average. MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. Blessings. Michael, come on now. Pastor bob always taught us to keep our eyes on Christ not man. Bob did this, not me. I remember in the late 90s Pastor Stefan asking Bob, when is big too big? and Bob claiming, its never too big. I go by erunner as I dont know if people would know who I am if I went by Allan so even though my name is known I stick with the moniker. NO man is perfect! Chuck Smith did it to mehe got diagnosed with cancer a month laterdied a year later to the day. Registered in England and Wales 5090917, Christian Today, International House, 24 Holborn Viaduct, London EC1A 2BN, Evangelical church redirects payments after CofE gay blessing vote, Evangelical church pursues alternative oversight after CofE same-sex blessing vote. It must be ok to allow our men to struggle with viewing women in tight clothes, low-neck shirts, or high skirts. But I got it from someone on the inside. Anonymous? where is pastor bob coy now 2020. It's October 2017, and Bob Coy hunches over a laptop in a far corner of the Funky Biscuit, a dimly lit club in Mizner Park in Boca Raton. Beating a brother up as you mention Im sure is not what Jesus meant by loving your enemy and turning the other cheek! this certainly is an example of adultery. Weve had too much of that here lately and it hurts us all. . We will all disappoint others, we all sin, but Christ will always be there for us and will never let us down. Andy, the whole passage is figurative or symbolic. I understand your hearts pain and I presume you are a single young woman so the thought of a man or woman in the ministry falling is very disheartening to say the least. He who is true God became true man united in one Person forever. Most commentators will agree that seven times is seven complete revolutions of time, being a unit of a year for each time. You mean like Jesus was a bull in a china shop and came in and turned over the money changers and made a whip and judged that which did not belong in the house of God, just like these false doctrines that contradict Gods word, do not belong in the church of God, dead doctrines that reveal themselves in the festering fruit, Ive been to these reformed churches Calvanist churches, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Reformed Episcopalian, etc, and for the most part are stiff with doctrinal rigor mortis, so its readily apparent why Satan has injected these doctrines early on into the church, as you see the ineffectual fruit if produces. So my position is one of total sympathy for Diane and the kids.and I find myself frankly in the conflicted position due to personal experience of being totally pissed at Bob for his selfish actions, and at the same time praying for his relationship to be someday restored with first our Lord, and Diane, and his tragically innocent children. Nobody handed him the keys, he built this church. the guilty parties. I have prayed mightily for Bob, Diane and their two teenage children and I have prayed for all the saints. At the friends suggestion, I tried to listen to one of his sermons in the hope that we could do a Bible study based on his exposition of The Word. As someone that leans amill and reformed, its all I can do to bite my tongue jeesh. It is my hope and prayer that you find healing and peace. Of course all of this is only necessary if Bob continued his maneuvering with long tethers to his followerscause thats how unhealthy people of influence roll. | (Screenshot: YouTube/Liberty University) Bob Coy, founder of Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale in Florida who resigned as senior pastor over moral failings in 2014, has been accuse I still have the cassette tape. I hope they reconsider that vision in light of his failure. It was very beautiful and solemn there. Thank you for the many years you have pastored Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale, through your words and Gods grace my husband got saved. Is it like a day or is a day like a 1,000 yrs? His congregation will continue to thrive and fight the good fight of faith. I reject his whole eschatological scheme, so I could care less. The children at the school were told that DC and the family is in California. Lets start with forgiveness and reconciliation and look at the bigger picture as a sinner he will be more effective as an example to the unsaved. We all make mistakes and we must pray for him. 13 The envy also of Ephraim shall depart, and they that harass Judah shall be cut off; Ephraim shall not envy Judah, and Judah shall not vex Ephraim. Unless you live in this area you have no idea the influence BC has had on it. He claims his record as pastor at Calvary Chapel was unblemished by sexual harassment or molestation claims. The guilty person must be reprimanded publicly to generate remorse that may lead to his repentance. Mary! He's accused of molesting at least ten children aged 13 to 16 over several years, victimizing members of the youth group he led after taking them back to his apartment. Face reality how could he be in the word and not be under conviction ? Is there a lawsuit coming? Our focus as sinners needs to be on the health of our individual, intimate relationship with Him. Sources tell Charisma News there was a positive response from the staff and congregation. Although, he DID go before the congregation and HIS troubled marriage didnt lead to a sexual encounter. He did his best to always have accountability around him but I think its the pride more than the desire that got him. There is obviously far more to the story that I dont have sufficient verification on. Can Bob recover? God will show love and mercy to whoever he wantsand it might just be all humans at some point. Saw something bad coming at the church when they allow immoral behavior by their congregation and do nothing. None are incapable of doing very bad things after they are saved and many on here point to guys like King David who was a polygamist who had sex slaves, committed adultery, murdered the husband of his mistress and was generally a bad guy for big chunks of his lifeyet he was a man after Gods own heart. As she saw how the machinery kept him alive after his spirit had died, she knew that was not the fate she wanted for herself. This is the book advertised by EricL on the side bar. Find a church that could use your contribution of time and talent and let the mega house worry about itself. Mary! Bob did it. Not one is perfect and we all fall short. The cost is too high for all involved. I think he (Stanley) was the first to do this. "My heart is breaking for my Church, my Pastor and his family," wrote Marie L. Harris in a Facebookcomment. Dustyno issues, sishugs right back to you. Youre evading the question, who are your accountability partners, what is the name of your congregation? But two weeks after his surprise resignation, Assistant Pastor Chet Lowe filled Coy's followers in on what had happened. I would not want to be the substitute teacher tomorrow morning. I completely agree with Michelle @175. Hey, Open Blogging was closed and I would usually post something like this there, but I really liked this book and wanted people to get a review of it and see why I liked it. Trolling for a controversial reaction Flynn? The Bible says, let he who is without sin cast the first stone! Diane Coy is scheduled to speak at womans conference in ccphilly in a couple of weeks. 6 The wolf shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the young goat, and the calf and the lion and the fattened calf together; and a little child shall lead them. As time goes on we grow and are sanctified as we choose to do those things that are right and lament the things we do wrong.

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