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Earrings. Penknife. White. Claimed by his son Henry, and buried in Sandy Vale. Very heavy brown hair tied with blue ribbon. Dark hair Full face German look. Gray mixed undershirt Red flannel shirt. Age about twenty. Two old style door keys. Black dress. Their calculations found . Female Age seven or eight years. Flannel shirt. Son of Mrs Thomas Howe. Wore about No. Black woolen stocking. Weight 160. Age twelve. The Johnstown Calamity [Johnstown, Pa. Too badly burned for recognition. Light hair. Short black hair. Blue calico dress. Green cloth dress Blue checkered apron and white apron underneath Gold ring with red set. Plain gold ring. Gold watch, engraved Christmas 18-. Collar with scapular and cross crape around it. Died at hospital. Red flannel drawers. Breast-pin. One thimble. A jury convened by a county coroner to investigate the cause of the Johnstown Flood that swept more than 2,000 people to their death on May 31 found on Saturday evening . Bunch of keys. Female. The debris carried by the flood formed a temporary dam at the bridge, resulting in the flood surge rolling upstream along the Stoney Creek River. Zoom in Zoom out Rotate right Fit screen Full expand. Black woolen mitts Black cloth jacket. Age about eight. Light complexion. Red and black barred flannel skirt. Catholic. Checkered waist. About three feet eight inches in height. Diamond ring on third finger left hand with garnet. The Johnstown Flood Analysis - 1190 Words - Internet Public Library Light complexion. So not only was there a wall of water hitting the town, it brought it's own weapons. Age twenty-six. Child not more than ten years of age. Weight 150. Burnt beyond recognition. Black hose. Light hair. Supposed to have been employed by W. A. Moses. Button shoes. Residence unknown. Black quilted skirt. Gray pants and coat. Female. Fair complexion. Gold filling upper jaw front teeth, gold filling in lower jar, back teeth filled with silver, two front teeth lap over. Perfectly natural lower teeth. Age four years. G.B. Red hair and mustache. Weight 20. Weight 50. Blue eyes. Earring. Red and black striped shirt. Male. Make sure youre always up-to-date by subscribing to our online newsletter. Bodies filled morgues in Johnstown and river towns downstream until relatives came to identify them. Between 2:50 and 2:55p.m. the South Fork Dam breached. Certificate of deposit for $1000 00 at John Dibert & Co. bank. Gray wool undershirt. The Johnstown Flood: Directed by Irving Cummings. Papers, etc. Rusty door key in one pocket. Letters found on body. Red bandana handkerchief. Weight 150. Female. Stout. One pair earrings. Black stockings. Combined with the failure of the Walnut Grove Dam less than a year later, the Flood brought national attention to the issue of dam safety.[29][30]. Gray hair. Rings in possession of R. B. Rodgers. Male. Jean pants and coat. Height 4 feet 10 inches White and black striped waist. Male. All toes off left foot except small one. Haws, Grand View, June 13th. Taken to German Catholic Cemetery. Dark hair. Earring-drop. Breast-pin. Weight 70. The death toll here was approximately sixteen people. Weight 225. Bodies filled morgues in Johnstown and river towns downstream until relatives came to identify them. Seven counties were declared a disaster area, suffering $200million in property damage, and 78 people died. Red and black striped skirt. Large. Long brown curly hair. Light complexion. Weight 100. $47.16. Male. Male. Dark blue waist. Frank Shomo, Infant Survivor Of Johnstown Flood, Dies at 108 Male. Red striped stockings. Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889 challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report, Heliyon. Mary Ellen, twenty-two years; daughter of Jerry Harrigan, 17 Ridge avenue, Minersville, servant in the Hulbert House. Age forty-five. Part of a skirt of a petticoat, the band of which was made of ticking The shoulder strap holding up the skirt was of the same material. The scale of the Johnstown flood of 1889 is difficult to visualize. At his father's request sent to Irish Catholic Cemetery. Also red flannel dress. Plaid dress. Long breast-pin with brilliants. Hundreds of people were never found; over 750 bodies were never identified and their remains were buried in The Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery. Ring on second finger of left hand. Checkered dress. Eardrops with black sets. Female. Unfortunately, Parke did not personally take a warning message to the telegraph tower he sent a man instead. Penknife. Boy. Female. Weight 150. Brown hair. Black hair. Two knives. Two small rings. Initials, I. P. or J. P. Male. No clothing. Pennsylvania History, v. 80, no. Auburn hair. Weight 150. Male. Medium size. Age nine. Female Age ten years. Black stockings. Empty pocketbook. Identified by letters in pocket. Height 5 feet. Woolen skirt Blue belt around waist. About fourteen. Male. The American Red Cross, led by Clara Barton and with fifty volunteers, undertook a major disaster relief effort. Of Company C, 14th Regiment Penna. Brown overalls. Male. Buckeye in pocket. Hair-pin. Height 5 feet 8 inches Black hair Gray eyes. White and black or blue striped collar. Female. Age six. Black alpaca coat. Breast-pin. Black dress with velvet collar. Female. $5.00 in gold. Brown eyes. Age thirty-five to forty. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Red woolen undershirt. Dark brown hair. Fancy ear-rings with sets. Buried in Decker's cemetery, Morrellville, Pa. Light brown hair. Black set pin. Weight 130. Male. Catholic. Crooked legs. White undershirt. Female. Of Woodvale. Age about fourteen. Gingham apron. Small tooth-pick. White. Plain gold ring, with J L B. engraved on inner side, Female Weight 115. Age about sixty-five years Knife. Dark blue eyes. Finger-rings and gold stud. Weight 50 or 60. Age thirteen 10 cts. Large hair-pin. Female. Silver watch. Height 5 feet 8 inches. Bunch of keys. Freight filler or car coaler. Mustache and beard. Red underwear. Watch Johnstown Flood | Prime Video - Black and white flannel petticoat. Age thirty. Blue dress. Male. Body shipped by B.&O. Weight 75. Striped calico dress. Age about four years. Male. Weight 160. Valuables to D P. Hensill. Age eighteen. Black hair slightly gray. Male child. Nothing but the bones. White and black striped skirt. Two bunches of keys. Black stockings. Dark brown hair. Age nine or ten. Age eighteen. Female. Medium height. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Female. Summarizing the flood's impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. Dark barred pants and blue calico waist with white flag figures. Weight 30. Dark hair mixed with gray. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Leather boots. 49, No. Age about twenty. Schotz.". Facts about the 1889 Flood - Johnstown Area Heritage Association Age eighteen months. Male. Weight 25. Black pants with white thread. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Necktie. Valuables given to him. Red dress, trimmed with lace. Money and pass book in express office. Brown eyes. Black waist. Vine street, Johnstown, Pa. Large. Male. Height 5 feet. Two white underskirts, one wine color underskirt with blue waist and white dots. Gingham apron. Supposed to be the daughter of Patrick Fagan. Leather boots. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Home-knit socks. Gray eyes. Pearl buttons on clothes. Pocket comb and maroon leather case. Male. Mr. Young, the clerk, has the rings. Stiff hat Heavy band ring with letter Z and star inside on little finger of right hand. Blue clothes. Female. Age fifty to fifty-five. Buried in lot of Henry Hesselbrie, Sandy Vale, June 9th. Chin whiskers. Brilliant ear-drops. Black pants. . B." Female. 2023 Johnstown Area Heritage Association Black stockings. It's like the Johnstown Flood in PA in the 19th century. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Wore long stockings marked H. S. T. Female. Small purse. Murphy.). Brown and gray striped knee pants. Age thirty Breast-pin. Male. Female child. Long white dress. Canton flannel undershirt. Age twenty-five. Freckled. Found in water at Ten Acre. One pin K. of P. Finger rings. Heavy black cloth jacket. Height 5 feet 9 inches. [19] At ASCE's annual convention in June 1890, committee member Max Becker was quoted as saying, We will hardly [publish our investigation] report this session, unless pressed to do so, as we do not want to become involved in any litigation.[19] Although many ASCE members clamored for the report, it was not published in the society's transactions until two years after the disaster, in June 1891. Female. Small gray barred coat. Found and coffined at Tunnellton, Pa. Two teeth out of upper jaw on right side, one or two out on each side of lower jaw. Button gaiters. Brown striped skirt. Age about fifty. Black and blue plaid dress. Aged. Small-pox marks on face Light hair. Gingham apron. Manhood age. Child. Identified by her mother. Weight 160. White handkerchief, red stripe border. Brown hair. Age about six years High buttoned shoes with heel. Right earring torn out. Wore blue calico dress. Black stockings. Age about ten years. Burnt below left ear. Eighteen months old. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Light hair slightly gray. Throwing his locomotive into reverse, he raced backward toward East Conemaugh, the whistle blowing constantly. Male. Barton would leave Johnstown a hero. Red barred flannel underskirt. Weight 90 lbs. Male. One pair new gum boots. Black hair. Height 3 feet 9 inches. Hazel eyes Two plain gold rings on right forefinger. Light hair, plaited, tied near middle. Kollar was one of many photographers who found their way to Johnstown in the hours, days and months after the 1977 disaster. Purse with $1.23. Johnstown, Pa. Brought from Indiana Co., Pa. Woodvale. Large mouth. Vol. Female. Age three months. Male. Silver watch and chain. Three gold rings placed on body. Heavy set. Open (silver) thimble. Medium stature Bunch of keys Prospect June 11, 1889. Home-knit hose. Light hair, one plait in back, one on each side of head. Heavy mill shoes. Breast-pin engraved. Two strips of muslin tied around the body. Brown and white gingham apron Gray skirt with white stripes. Age six months. Calico dress. Boy. Bunch of keys and paper. Tobacco pipe. Dark hair. Johnstown Flood | The Worst Dam Break in American History Sent to New Florence. Full black suit of clothing. Weight 75. Black stockings, with red and gray stripes on the top. White Bunch of keys. Light brown hair with gray appearance. Age about 55. St. Louis, Mo Lady's gold open-faced watch, stem-winder. Brown hair. Schubert's body was found beneath a pile of broken timbers. The Johnstown Calamity [Johnstown, Pa. Flood, 1889]: Carrying body out Catholic. High gum boots, similar to men's boots. Button shoes. Flash floods are the most dangerous kind of floods, because they combine the destructive power of a flood with incredible speed. (?) Female. Two bodies found with gunshot wounds in Johnstown house - Yahoo! News Found at Conemaugh furnace. [22] The club was never held legally responsible for the disaster. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female. Female. Age about twenty-two. Laced cloth gaiters. Weight 130. White skirt. Female. Piece of dress. Female. Valuables taken by T.J. Espey. 41, No. Dark hair. Supposed to be Mrs. John C. Clark. Age twelve years. Ring marked "K. T. Bunch of keys. Blue and white striped shirt. Black stockings. Assistant Treasurer of Cambria Iron Company. Small button shoe spring heel. Weight 150. Ring, marked I. Blue stockings. Age eighteen to twenty Height 5 feet 6 inches. $1.13 loose. Gold band ring. The Johnstown Flood (1926) - IMDb Female Age eighteen. Bunch of keys with checks and name. Female child. Describe the flood that devastated Johnstown. Dark hair. Very few clothes on. The Johnstown flood occurred when a Pennsylvania dam failed after days of heavy rain. Buried Prospect, June 9th. Female. Female. Button shoes. Age twelve. Buttoned shoes, soles well worn. Two rubbers. Male Age about thirty to thirty-five. Mangled daughters, bleeding sons, The Johnstown flood of 1889. Bible. Can't take it off. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Dark blue suit. Baby. Black pants. Black dress Canton flannel drawers. Female. Buttoned shoes. Brown hair Dark blue stockings with white soles. Female. Wife of H. K. Smith, of Osborne, Green co, Ohio. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Dark blue woolen cloth dress. Black jean pants. Light sandy hair. Light complexion. Leather belt with nickel buckle. About 5 feet 6 inches height. Plaid skirt, red and black. Weight 120. Height 4 feet 3 inches. Short nose. Identified by her friends. Male. Small piece of green ribbon. $170 in paper and $75 in gold. Height 5 feet 3 inches Badly burned. Two skirts of gray and black barred wool. Muslin skirt. Age seven. Blue cloth knee pants. D. Rees, his nephew, June 4. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. No socks. Brown ribbed stockings. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Eyes unknown. Gray and black striped knee pants. A house that was almost completely destroyed in the flood. Height 3 feet 3 inches. Pocket-knife. "Statistics about the great disaster", Johnstown Flood Museum,, "Frank Shomo, Infant Survivor Of Johnstown Flood, Dies at 108", "Arizona's 1890 dam disaster killed more than 100 people - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona", "THE ARIZONA DISASTER. Tall and slender. Female. Dark blue suit. Worsted coat. Light hair. Height 5 feet 9 inches Dark hair. Spring heeled shoes. Age eight. Height about 5 feet 9 inches. Weight 75 pounds. 15956, Download the official NPS app before your next visit. Height about 4 feet. Brilliant ear drops Blue chintz dress, with yellow and white flowers, Adult Only two charred feet A bunch of keys found with the above three pairs of feet, Short and stout build Weight 110. $2 note. Knife. Male. Fourteen years old. Slippers. Female. Gun screw-driver. Heavy leather boots. Black hair, slightly gray. High buttoned shoes. Coarse laced shoes. Check apron. The Wagner-Ritter House is closed for winter until April 19, 2023. High-buttoned shoes. Blue dress, red braid bottom. Neither was Harry and Lula Teeters' home in Mineral Point. The Horrifying Story Of The Johnstown Flood That Killed Over 2,000 People White cotton drawers. Male. Age forty-five. $3,742,818.78 was collected for the Johnstown relief effort from within the U.S. and eighteen foreign countries, including Russia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Australia, and the Ottoman Empire. Red hair and moustache. Black silk dress White collar. Height 5 feet. Found in front of Cambria Iron Co.'s office. Pocket-book. 7, p.216. Woolen skirt. Sent to Prospect. Height 5 feet 6 inches. About twelve years. Large door key, had been broken and repaired. . Cotton pants Dark coat Blue calico waist, white spots. Calico dress, red and brown. Sandy hair Plain ring on third finger of left hand (with initials inside "C. R. Hazel eyes. Brown and white gingham basque. Black hair. Popular feeling ran high, as is reflected in Isaac G. Reed's poem: Many thousand human lives- Blue shirt. Height 3 feet 2 inches. About fifteen years. White. Pearl street, Johnstown. Collar buttons. Gold pocket rim spectacles. Thirty years. Six front teeth in lower jaw. Ear drop with small balls attached. White. Button shoes. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. Weight about 115 Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Bunch of keys. Open-faced watch with chain. Dark hair. Found in drift above Company's store. Height 4 feet 6 inches Buttoned shoes, spring heels. White handle pocket-knife. The Story of the Johnstown Flood 1889 - Owlcation Weight 130. No teeth. White muslin skirt. Door key. Age about ten. Black cork-screw pants. Shoes and one gum shoe. Male. One scarf-pin. Eighty-three cents in change. Height 5 feet 3 inches. Henry Clay Frick led a group of Pittsburgh speculators, including Benjamin Ruff, to purchase the abandoned reservoir, modify it, and convert it into a private resort lake for their wealthy associates. Red flannel underwear. Male. Button shoes. Earrings. Male. Green and purple striped dress. Female. Gray woolen sack. A flood that could easily have been prevented. Blue underskirt. Jackson street, Johnstown, Pa. Age fifteen. [10] These alterations are thought to have increased the vulnerability of the dam. Weight 80. Cash $12.74. No valuables. Dark brown hair. Male. Son of Dr. L. T. Beam, 142 Market street, Johnstown. The Johnstown Flood Antique Book History 1889 by Herman Dieck Illustrated RARE. Female. Two keys. $497million in 2016), and 4 square miles (10km2) of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed. Fur cape around neck. Dark brown hair plaited and tied with ribbon. Age three. Cameo ring with man's head. Brown hair, blue eyes, old scar on neck. Male. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Dam-Breach hydrology of the Johnstown flood of 1889challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report", Sid Perkins, "Johnstown Flood matched volume of Mississippi River", "Johnstown Flood National Memorial (U.S. National Park Service)", "The South Fork Fishing & Hunting Club and the South Fork Dam", Johnstown Flood Museum, "Johnstown Flood Museum: Pennsylvania Railroad Interview Transcripts". Age twenty-four. Last summer, Beale's yellowing journals were found in an old Philadelphia carriage-house, shedding new light on a catastrophe that killed 2,209. Identified by her husband. Round face. Gold chain. Supposed to be Miss Zimmerman. Button shoes, spring heels. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Bracelets and rings duplicates of Miss Well's. Received valuables of 277. Female Dark hair. IMage: library of Congress. Black ribbed hose. Hair long and brown. Gray woolen undershirt. JOHNSTOWN, Pa.Pam Schilling is the reason Donald Trump is the president. Age about thirty. [21] The long-awaited report was presented at that meeting by James Francis. Spectacles with case. THE JOHNSTOWN FLOOD. Dark hair. Canton flannel underclothes. Quite aged. Dressmaker. Oroide watch. 38 cents in change. Ring on forefinger of left hand. Maroon colored dress. Male. Bricker, Henry, Grandview Cemetery Public Plot-Bodies found but not recovered by family/friends Bridges, Chas., 2, Cambria, Lower Yoder Catholic Cemetery Red and white striped skirt Buttoned shoes. Adding to these factors, slag from the iron furnaces of the steel mills was dumped along the river to create more land for building. Pocketbook. Black pants. Small plain gold ring. Female. Red waist anchor figures. Gray hair. See reviews, photos, directions, phone numbers and more for the best Pet Stores in Hollsopple, PA. Age eight. High gum boots. Female. Plain ring. Age twenty-four. Door key. Height 4 feet 2 inches. One watch and chain. No valuables. Eye-glasses. Weight about 160. Red and blue stripe handkerchief. Dark hair. Thirty pennies. Age sixty. Two pocket-knives. Blue shirt with large bars on it. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Light complexion. Dark eyes Right hand deformed. The news release detailed the discovery and investigation of the bodies, which stemmed from a complaint from a family on Jan. 10. East Conemaugh. Age thirty. Burnt and unrecognizable. [7] The Conemaugh River, immediately downstream of Johnstown, is hemmed in by steep mountainsides for about 10 miles (16km). Brown hair. . Debris was recovered as far away as Pittsburgh, about 75 miles to the west. Identified 12th August by her sons, Matthew and D. A. Matthews. Dark clothes Paper collar. Gingham apron. Age eight months. Pocket-knife. Male. Light hair. Age eighteen. The Johnstown Flood occurred on May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located close of the town of Johnstown. Nothing else on him to identify him, unless a ticket from Nineveh to Johnstown and return. Male. When the flood hit, it picked up the still-moving locomotive off the tracks and floated it aside; Hess himself survived, but at least fifty people died, including about twenty-five passengers stranded on trains in the village. Bunch of keys with tag marked "E. M Thomas." Child about two years old. Weight 135. Ages cannot be estimated. [8] Developers' artificial narrowing of the riverbed to maximize early industries left the city even more flood-prone. The Johnstown Flood in rare pictures, 1889 Could not be removed. Ten years. Age ten. Sandy hair. The Pennsylvania Railroad restored service to Pittsburgh, 55 miles (89km) away, by June 2. Papers found on body. Middle-aged. The South Fork Dam in Pennsylvania collapses on May 31, 1889, causing the Johnstown Flood, killing more than 2,200 people. Weight 135 Blue calico dress with figure on it. Son of Howell Powell. Age twenty-five or thirty years. Black hair. Black and gray mixed coat. Now the lake is draining due to drought and climate change. Eighty. Black alpaca clothing. Was lost in the Hulbert House. Body delivered to her brother. Blue spotted calico dress. It's a story of great tragedy, but also of triumphant recovery. Black pants. Burned beyond recognition. Large seal ring on little finger of right hand, set gone. Of Somerset county. Male. Check gingham waist. Weight about 110. Key ring with Yale flat key and two door keys. Necktie. Buried in lot of A. Blue waist. Brown and white gingham apron, with collar. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Dark gray pants with small black stripes. Age about thirteen. Heavy woolen coat with rubber buttons. Female. Gray eyes. Red and black barred necktie. Blue waist with white stripes. Height 4 feet 4 inches. Cut in upper lip. Female. Blue collar with white dots. Received valuables of 267. Dark blue vest. Age twenty-four years. Age thirty. Pennsylvania History UNIT 1 2 3 4 Flashcards | Quizlet Blue and white flowered sateen basque. Female. Prospect, June 14th. Brown suit. Dark hair. Brakeman Cambria Iron Co. Left eye gone. Age one year. Black stockings. Black stockings. Weight 65 Height 4 feet 6 inches. Coat red lining, brass buttons with eagles thereon. White dress with spots. Flannel skirt striped gray and black. by Mr. Hayes' order. Johnstown flood of 1977 - Wikipedia Also child found. Bunch of keys Small book and papers. Female. Age six. On May 31, 1889, the world took notice of a small town in Pennsylvania. One gold ring, cameo setting. Weight 150. Black ribbed jersey Black dress. Weight 100 Height 4 feet 6 inches. More than ninety-nine families had been completely killed. Gold charm. Johnstown's Flood of 1889. Age about thirty-five. Large pocket-knife and five cents. Height 5 feet 2 inches. bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911; 99 entire families died in the flood, including 396 children; 124 women and 198 men were widowed; 98 children were . Height five feet four inches. Female. Most remained on top of the dam, some plowing earth to raise it, while others tried to pile mud and rock on the face to save the eroding wall. Age about twelve. Blue woolen coat. Low round forehead. Blue undershirt Short stockings. Weight 60 Height 4 feet 4 inches. Apron of check shirting. Knee pants. Brown hair. Weight about 140. Human foot. 1869.") Why is everyone hating The Red Cross now? : r/OutOfTheLoop - reddit Pocket-knife. Valuables placed in hands of John J. Geis. Female. Bald in front, with large wart on right side of head. One ring with red set. Gray woolen dress with red and white mixed stripes and brass buttons. Age thirty. Buried at Prospect, June 9th. Age fifty. Corsets. Child. Black handle knife, two blades broken 11 cents in change. Height 4 feet 3 inches Dark hair. Female. Blue polka dress. Weight 220. Age ten years. on it. Height about 5 feet 3 inches. Weight 150. Age about four. Found at Conemaugh furnace. Two pocket-knives Forty cents in silver. Middle-aged Full head dark brown hair. Cigar case Pocketbook containing ring, key and five cents. At first supposed to be George Helsel, but found to be a mistake. Grand View, June 15th. Black striped waist. Received of J.A. Between twenty and thirty houses were destroyed or washed away, and four people were killed. station. Grand View, June 14. Pocket-knife. Bracelet on right wrist. Barefooted. Weight 70. Red and black flannel skirt. Dark knee pants. Son of Godfrey Hoffman. Black hair. Trevor Hughes. Large man. $2.56 money. Bodies Were Found for Weeks Johnstown's dead were found miles past the stone bridge for weeks. Nine years old. Age about six months. Height 4 feet 2 inches. Female. Plaid coat and vest Black cork-screw pants. Becker kept it under wraps until the time of ASCE's convention in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in 1891. Height 3 feet 6 inches. Taken by Jack Watkins, Walnut Grove. Silk umbrella with two patches on it. Crippled in both feet, and wore steel leg supporters. Age twenty-five. Middle finger of left hand stiff from some former injury. Baby. The fire burned for three days. Male. Purse $1.15 in money. Height about 3 feet 9 inches. Kaktins, Uldis, Davis Todd, C., Wojno, S., Coleman, N.M. (2013). Light brown hair. Two cuff-buttons. Height 5 feet 4 inches Spotted cloth dress, gray and black. 1977 flood | Images of destruction, death and hope: Photographers saw White cotton vest. Found just below Lincoln bridge. Before hitting the main part of Johnstown, the flood surge hit the Cambria Iron Works in the town of Woodvale, sweeping up railroad cars and barbed wire. Age fifty. Female. Brown cloth shirt, plaited in front, small plaits. $46.25. Age four years. Age about twenty-five. Large key. Hair dark and very long. Height 5 feet 9 inches Black hair. Weight about 150. Bunch of keys. White underwear. Catholic prayer-book. 1936 Press Photo A Flood Of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, Which Was Flooded T . Gray skirt with red stripe. Age about thirty-eight. Right wrist badly scarred and crippled at one time Supposed to be enciente. Fountain pen. Pennsylvania's South Fork Dam exploded and unleashed a 40-foot wall of water. Railroad street, Johnstown, Pa. Gold ear-drops with pearl setting in centre.

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