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Brilliant rod.stuart and deric davidson! Her co-host Michael Rowland said what she was subjected to was next level. That the ABC chose her says much about the organisation. We would like to show you a description here but the site won't allow us. It is the ongoing needless deaths of women at the hands of their partners which was met with the Government voting against 49 of the 55 respect@work safety recommendations by the Sex Discrimination Commissioner. It means a lot to me to host this program, mostly because Ive always thought its brilliant. And then that report, when it comes through, sits in a bottom drawer, gathering dust and the same thing happens again and then they commission another report. Whether its working around guests honorifics, which dont always cognate the same view, to selling her skills, gender obstacles continue to pepper the media industry. She earned her Bachelor's degree from Queensland University of Technology in Journalism and her Masters in International Relations from Deakin University. I also wonder if Sales edited the taped interview, she and all such interviewers can ensure they look good if they can edit first. Try to understand where theyre coming from. Apr 1996 - Oct 200711 years 7 months. Sales in mid-sentence did her own slip of the tongue in the heat of the moment Sanders corrected Sales that she was not under oath to the investigation, but giving a voluntary interview. But whether or not that is the case, the criticism, by and large, appears to be of her professional performance. His conversations with the President, Fauci has said, were always straightforward.. Douglas Leigh is 80 years old and was born on 03/08/1942.Douglas Leigh currently lives in Herndon, VA; in the past Douglas has also lived in Virginia Beach VA.Sometimes Douglas goes by various nicknames including Douglas S Leigh. [5] She said she planned to continue working for the ABC. It will be interesting to see how that works out on 3rd November. Leigh Sales started her final day as host of 7.30 after a 12-year-stint by posting a video outside a convenience store, dressed in trackies and clutching a donut and a 7-Eleven coffee. She suggested Gillard was overstating her case after the then Prime Minister said,Under an Abbott government, womens voices would be banished from political life a prediction that has certainly been upheld at every turn by the Abbott and Morrison regimes, if not quite to the same degree by the Turnbull Government. Her first book, Detainee 002: The Case of David Hicks, was published in 2007 by Melbourne University Publishing (MUP). As I rarely watch anything in real time these days anyway this would not be much of a burden. Get The New Daily free every morning and evening. ', Illustrator of the Year, British Book Awards - 2018, Tina Fey: 'Only in comedy is an obedient white girl from the suburbs a diversity candidate', Kennedy Center Mark Twain Award - 2010, Sacha Baron Cohen: 'Just think what Goebbels might have done with Facebook', Anti Defamation League Leadership Award - 2019, Greta Thunberg: 'How dare you', UN Climate Action Summit - 2019, Charlie Munger: 'The Psychology of Human Misjudgment', Harvard University - 1995, Lawrence O'Donnell: 'The original sin of this country is that we invaders shot and murdered our way across the land killing every Native American that we could', The Last Word, 'Dakota' - 2016. US General Mark Milley is the United States highest-ranking military officer and principal military advisor to the US President. California, like the rest of the planet, has warmed 1degC or a bit more in the past 100 years. Its really exciting, we love Leigh. Thats the first factor. The politicians are quite conscious not to be seen to belittle me or treat me differently, Sales told The CEO Magazine . LS:To be honest, it shouldnt be that hard to come on my show and do ok, because every single person who comes on should know more in their subject area than I do. Leigh Sales grills Scott Morrison over his faith and plebiscite views in final interview before election Prime Minister Scott Morrison fired back at tough questions on his faith and attitude to gay people, saying he is "not running for pope". Sales ABC pal David Lipson endorsed the anonymous smears on 7pm news and Ive complained to the ABC about this bias (no response yet). The 2,150 sq. Any real estate remaining after the carve-up can also be sold and added to the Governments revenue, sorely needed in the straitened times we now face paying off massive government debt and the bureaucrat-created depression. In her article, Bullying on Twitter has becomeunhinged. You can receive this weekly in your inbox by subscribing HERE. However, according to Media Diary, its ABC reporter Sarah Ferguson who is firming up as the favourite to take over. We look forward to your next media steps @leighsales pic.twitter.com/ZyknE7q5CT, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. One of Channel Tens most prominent personalities has decided to leave the network and return to the world of academia. In a thread, the reporter for The Australian wrote that she had received death threats. No one is perfect. In Gillards case, she was run out of office with placards and prominent media personalities calling for her death and the Liberal Party faithfulbrazenly smearing her at glittering fundraising events by serving up menus such as the following: 'Julia GillardKentucky Fried Quail Small Breasts, Huge Thighs and a Big Red Box.'. Those questions would have been followed up with the reprimand barked at Sanders, Mrs Clinton, you are not addressing my questions., LEIGH SALES: Somebody who has watched 30-plus years of your career would see extreme hours, high pressure, sexism, relentless public attacks, loss of privacy, HILLARY CLINTON (laughs): Ooh, sounds pretty horrible, doesnt it? [6], Sales was born in Brisbane and attended Aspley State High School in that city. The CEO Magazine is more than a business title; its a source of information, inspiration and motivation for the worlds most successful leaders, executives, investors and entrepreneurs. The top medico Dr Fauci denies that Trump misled the public. He speaks to Sarah Ferguson about the growing threat of China in our region. You have 20 years less life in Australia, apparently, if youre Indigenous.Theyre sick of politicians acting like public money is their own private fund and giving development deals to their mates or grants to their political allies and in the worst cases are taking kickbacks to line their own pockets.Theyre sick of film producers, who have won lifes lotto and yet still treat young actors like they should be molested and manipulated.Even the Australian Cricket team let down the ordinary Australian fan with cheating and ball-tampering. I've never seen her wobble. In New Zealand, residents want to rebuild their cyclone-ravaged homes but a hard conversation is on the horizon. When I look at the filth dished up about Stan Grant, one of the smartest, most decent men I know, it is clearly a form of racial vilification. I think that the obligation on journalists is to listen to everybody. More like SS Party one could suggest. PLEASE DONATE NOW! Donate, Sales, Gillard and the 'Left-leaning Twitter' bully, Morrison, Robert, Tudge & Co should be in the foetal position over Robodebt, EDITORIAL: Morrison, Robert, Tudge & Co should be in the foetal position over Robodebt, Top 5 reasons why Peter Dutton should no longer be heard, Morrison and Co should be in the foetal position over Robodebt, Media's censorship of major issue in pre-election NSW appalling, Chalmers fights political battle for the future of super, Breach of disabled access law leaves Banking Association lost for words, Morrison, Finlay and a tame but not Tame enough Womens Summit, Media bias for Berejiklian and against Andrews is clear, The vilification of Yassmin Abdel-Magied: Anzac as apologia and religion, Flashback 2013: Leigh Salesperson interviews Dr Craig Emerson on ABC $7.30, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Australia License, Its not dating apps that harm women its the men on them, Perfectly measured Black Sesame Panna Cotta: Immeasurable pleasure on a plate, Morrison and Robodebt-responsible ministers deserve to lose their jobs, CARTOONS: Mark David is channelling Chicken Little, Chinas peace plan shot down by Western propaganda machine. Sexist attacks on social media, and everywhere else, are never okay. Originally from a small country town in Victoria, Emily moved to Sydney to pursue a media career. Sales, who was targeted by hardcore Daniel Andrews supporters after attending a coronavirus update in Melbourne earlier this year, said Twitter is dominated by views that are militantly pro-lockdown, pro-covid zero and pro-Labor premiers, and even the tamest of questions in those directions prompts an onslaught. Some women, such as Yassmin Abdel-Magied, experienced such sustained and vicious campaigns at the hands of conservatives, that they wereliterally run out of the country. Election hosting was a role which had been OBriens domain for decades. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to Sarah Ferguson and reaffirms her country's long-standing policy of not allowing nuclear-powered vessels in its waters. by gregorius Sat Apr 04, 2009 3:13 pm. A similar case can be made for abolition of the SBS, the Special Broadcasting Service aka Soccer Before Sex. And I think probably there was a failure of that, because people dont seem to have been listening carefully enough to what the white working class in the United States were saying. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation must be broken up and sold off. Many of us on the conservative side of politics, known in ABC newspeak as far right extremists, have for a long time been concerned about ABC bias. In the report attached, it was described as a fiery interview- what nonsense! All the others and I include here Tony Jones, Leigh Sales, The Drum, Fran Kelly, Alison Carabine, Sarbra Lane and Marius Benson and others. The headline was rapidly changed to Assailing Hate but Not Guns, to inject some editorial animus. CCTV has caught the moment a Melbourne baker claims he was attacked by a tradie over nothing more than a note left on the mans windscreen. (Yes, Im a denier too!). Chinas social media giant is closing in on Netflix after taking the US by storm, with users spending an astonishing amount on the app each day. You spend a lot of time and money trying to establish the ABC branddo not destroy it! Tony Thomass new book,Come To Think Of It essays to tickle the brain, is availablehereas a book ($34.95) or an e-book ($14.95). To cap it off, in 2017 he cast the pivotal vote with Democrats to block Trumps repeal of Obamacare. [iv] Is she not even aware that an NYT staffer taped executive editor Dean Baquet lecturing staff a year ago, after an uproar because a sub-editor had used a neutral rather than an anti-Trump headline after a mass shooting: It got trickier after [inaudible] went from being a story about whether the Trump campaign had colluded with Russia and obstruction of justice to being a more head-on story about the presidents character. He's written a book capturing the experience titled August in Kabul. [ Learn more ]. [30][31] After 20 years of marriage, Sales and Willis separated in December 2016.[32]. They are also the things about which we need to hold our politicians and the media of both sexes to account. If youre arguing a policy or position that doesnt stand up to any rigour, well, how is it even worth holding that position? Independent Australia is a progressive journal focusing on politics, democracy, the environment, Australian history and Australian identity. pic.twitter.com/MK0t9plx2m. [iii] Where sites have stayed obstinately rural, temperatures have shown much less rise than 1degC. Sales has hosted ABC's 7.30 for more than a decade. 25.9k Likes, 2,682 Comments - Leigh Sales (@leigh_sales) on Instagram: "Some news from me, with love to our viewers and my colleagues." . I am going to be, next year, anchoring the Australian Story program for the ABC. I had heard from a number of members of the FBI, both current and former, but I said I shouldnt have used that particular word [countless].. Thats what happens when Sales and her ilk isolate in their Trump-derangement cocoon. She also reported on several major news events, including Donald Trumps 2016 election victory and the death of Nelson Mandela in 2013. To combat backlash, the mother-of-two emphasises the importance of preparation and listening something that makes her relentless in her field. Im thick-skinned, and Im not going to let a bunch of awful trolls who dont know me get the better of me, but Id be lying and letting others whove experienced similar down if I said that the kinds of messages Ive received over the past couple of days dont have an impact.. The reality too, even though I say its an assumption, is women do carry the bulk of the home load. I did enjoy it. Trench warfare between Monique Ryan and political staffer, Michael Pascoe: More rubbish about taxing super than youll find at the tip, Review underway as workers pay a deadly price for cheaper engineered-stone bench tops, Australian superannuation funds are top performers globally, Top videos: Ed Sheeran wins hearts at Melbournes Royal Childrens Hospital, The CIAs countless attempts to assassinate Fidel Castro. Growing up in. The following was sent to the ABC management We are much more conscious to have women at the table, but it remains a difficult problem, Sales says. Uhlmann eventually returned to being political editor while Sales hosted alone and a new executive producer, Sally Neighbour, was brought on at the end of 2012. My focus in this piece has been on Sales interviewing rather than Sanders responses. In cabinet? In other words, the Trump collusion beat-up flopped, so the NYT shifted to smearing Trump on other fronts, with the editor needing from reporters a further line of attack. Those positions are overwhelming filled by men. Brilliant rod.stuart and deric Davidson. I forecast Trump returning with a much expanded majority largely due to the black vote. The Australian Broadcasting Corporation, affectionately known as Auntie, or as I prefer the Australian Bolshevik Collective is long overdue for the chop. Its such a brilliant program with such a history of making the most beautiful shows and telling the most moving stories.. Of great concern too is the ABCs promotion of any fiction which furthers the cause of identity politics. Jason Om caught up with Jessica Stern for 7.30. There was an error submitting the form. What is it with the ABC Trump hating? Thisfemale journalist, like many others, is certainly not immune to sexist attacks just for taking a progressive stance on IA. There is a widely held belief on Twitter that Leigh Sales has a distinct right-wing bias. Powell, as I showed above, is very definitely in cahoots with the Democrats. This is more than can be attributed to Ms Sales, who came across as an abusive bully. The stories which she covered included the Iraq War, the 2004 U.S. presidential election, Guantanamo Bay, and Hurricane Katrina.[8]. It didnt occur to Sales that WaPo, with The New York Times, has proudly thrown objectivity overboard to help Biden oust Trump. Close to home, I caught out an ABC reporter lying that Trump had called COVID-19 a hoax, and the ABC corrections team agreed and posted a correction. Subscribe for free to get the latest breaking news and analysis sent to your inbox. So great has the cult of Anzac Day become, any dissenting voices are now attacked, condemned and vilified. Noel Pearson speaks to Sarah Ferguson. [17][18][19][20], In November 2014, Sales started a podcast with Annabel Crabb called Chat 10 Looks 3. Im really bothered by this trend in reporting where its what you call niche news or cocooning, which is where people only want to hear facts that support their own world view. But some armchair critics on Twitter repeatedly accuse her of going soft on conservatives and too hard on Labor. Theres nothing like that on Australian radio that I can find. pic.twitter.com/YPCYrmvPZp. Unfortunately, the interview proceeded for the usual length of time a total of 16.33 minutes, which viewers will never get . Radio receivers have also improved out of sight. Its such a great series that is able to tell those personal stories in such illuminating ways. The publication of such words extends beyond morality to legality.. Such a pleasure and a privilege to have worked with @leighsales over the years. All the issues discussed here, and the suggested solution, would be considered common sense and unremarkable policy for any conservative political party. ABC colleague Virginia Trioli congratulated Sales for surviving the toughest gig in the toughest of partisan times, and even Sales harshest critics would have to give her that. If anything, they are buoyed by Millar de-activating her account. Sales first question to Sanders was: Can Donald Trump tell the difference the truth and a lie? The basis for Sales insult was that the Washington Post claims to have fact-checked presidential statements and found some 20,000 alleged lies by the President. Leigh Sales has done a superb job anchoring 7.30 for the past 12 years and to have someone of the calibre of Sarah Ferguson to take up the baton, working alongside Laura Tingle and the rest of the talented 7.30 team, is terrific news for audiences. A second edition was published in 2017, with an additional chapter noting the Trump presidency and the rise of fake news. Speakola is a labour of love and Id be very grateful if you would share, tweet or like it. Sales packed into eight minutes all conceivable ABC bias, venom and hatred of a US President now polling 51 per cent, according to the latest Rassmussen, profile of the electorate a figure reflecting support before the signing of the twin Israeli peace . After its bold move on super yesterday, the Albanese government is putting the finishing touches to promised measures to protect public integrity. The shameless and cowardly hit job smearing Falun Gong was almost beyond belief a taxpayer-funded Australian quasi-government organisation producing and disseminating propaganda for a fascist and racist nation with whom we are in a (cold) war and possibly soon a hot one is tantamount to treason. And so Id be looking for questions that are around that theme. As of 2008, Curtis had made almost $57,000 in political donations, the lion's . I have been appalled over the past 3 years to see the ABC deteriorate to the point of exasperation. Please try again. The thing that most amazes me with Australian Story is how high the quality of the program has been for so long, and how much they do on so few resources. I was a devoted fan of My Word and My Music, two of the best shows to come from the BBC when programs didnt need sex or foul language to be considered clever. These are some of the urgent issues that women need to be considering and advocating to address if we hope to create an environment for our daughters and granddaughters to realise their potential. [I]t seems to be like theres a view if you support the facts, and you want to challenge people with the facts, thats an indication of a left wing bias. They must not remain protected within the Public Circus cocoon like the rest of the parasitic class which brought us the Chicom flu fiasco. From 2008 to 2010, Sales was a co-host of the ABC's Lateline, a late-night national current affairs show with a heavy emphasis on federal politics and international affairs. Microwave transmission and repeater stations with or without satellite technology mean virtually any point in the country can be seamlessly joined into a vast efficient network costing less than one years budget of the massive top-heavy sheltered workshop for neoMarxists and the ABC has become. In the following days, insiders told The Australians Media Diary that the challenges of juggling work and parenting duties might have indeed played a role in the shock move. In December 2010, Sales was appointed anchor of the ABC's current affairs program, 7.30. These women were relentlessly and viciously hounded for what they wore, how they looked and, most disturbingly, simply for daring to voice progressive ideas and criticism of the status quo, while being female. Shes very unprofessional! As well as these geographical, technical and commercial factors, problems of focus and content were also perceived as the rationale for intervention by the state. The question that makes many working mothers blood boil is something Sales encouraged the audience at The Leadership Institutes powerful Women in Leadership Summit to embrace. He certainly is a divisive political figure - but so was . Sales has also, quite literally, had missiles lobbed at her. Enjoyed this speech? The Eyre highway is not. She has kept in touch and been a great encourager all through my career. Bullying and misogyny are never okay. Nationwide News Pty Ltd 2023. Ive had fantastic male bosses who have wanted to help nurture me, Ive been very lucky in that regard. Generally, the people Im interviewing act the same with me as they would a man., For me, its important to show the actual work is smart and thoughtful and heavily prepared and that I know my stuff so Im not just a pretty face, Leigh Sales. In the firing line recently was the public broadcasters Lisa Millar. The ABC is an abomination. [21][22] The podcast won two awards at the 2019 Australian Podcast Awards in the Literature, Arts & Music and TV, Film & Pop Culture categories. Sales might be astounded by Trumps statement, I dont think the science knows, actually but any honest scientist would give Trump five stars. The appointment of an albeit female Human Rights Commissioner who opposes affirmative consent is up there as well; as is the bullying of Queensland Labor Premier Anastacia Palaszczuk by the IOC President on international television.

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