red heifer update september 2020storage wars guy dies of heart attack

"A man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer and put them in a ceremonially clean place outside the camp. Does this perhaps mean that the appearance of a red heifer in these waning end times is an indication, a forerunner of the appearance of the Messiah himself, who will officiate at its preparation? Why is a Jewish Temple in Jerusalem Not Required? The state of Israel is a fact. The current value of the biblical half shekel is $10.00. It was a sacrificial burnt offering for its ashes to make the waters of purification. These particular cows are the closest documented in recent history so far that meet the requirements. What Year Does the 6,000 Years End? Death is an illusion! Thus it is written, but all of you who cling to the Lord your G-dyou are all alive today (Deut. The red heifer candidate is being raised and specially cared for under the auspices of the Temple Institutes Raise a Red Heifer program. Is this the King of the North, the ten-horned beast of Revelation 13:1-11, or the two-horned Beast of Revelation 13:12-16? You can help bring hope today! The half shekel donation is a guard against pestilence and pandemic! A recent delivery of five red heifers from Texas to Israel is causing quite a . Two new red heifers were born in the early months of 2020 and are currently possible candidates for the Parah Aduma (10th Heifer). Update on the Building of the Third Temple. Though they are red like crimson, How holy is Jerusalemreally? Evangelical support for Donald Trumps Jerusalem policy BBC asked, Why do US evangelicals support Trumps Jerusalem policy? BBC provided quotes from some believing it has to do with the last days while others saying that is not the reason. Even its hooves must be red. The Jerusalem Post described how a Christian farmer in Texas raised and shipped five unblemished red heifers, delivered to the Temple Institute in Jerusalem. 2027 or 20xx? Shake off your despair! Shin Bet Exposes Hamas Terror Network in Shechem and Hebron Areas, 7 Arrested. Nascent Sanhedrin structure and high priest: The plan is to start animal sacrifices this would fulfill prophecy! As a Christian, Stinson believes that it is his obligation to support the Jewish sacrifice even if that is not what he believes himself, because the purpose of the red heifer is to let the veil be lifted., We can support them in having this ceremony of the red heifer, the temple being built and a daily sacrifice, weekly sacrifice, he said. 5 Red Heifers in Israel 2022!! The rich shall give no more, and the poor shall give no less than half a shekel, with which to give the offering to HaShem, to atone for your souls. The Red Heifer to be sacrificed had to meet the following four criteria: Color - Red hair (reddish-brown). Every year, on the first Shabbat of the month of Adar, or on the Shabbat immediately preceding Adar, (This Shabbat - February 18th! Is it mentioned in the Bible? The Man of Sin will deceive most Christians. High Priest Rabbi Baruch Kahane officiated. Stinson and others say the rebuilding could be close at hand. You can also see the English language sermon videos: The Great Tribulation from the Mount of Olives and Can the Great Tribulation begin before 2020? Evangelical support for Donald Trumps Jerusalem policy. Jews have interpreted this to mean that another red heifer needs to be sacrificed for sacrifices to be resumed or for the Messiah to return. While certain Jews tie the purification in verse 10 to the removal of sacrifices in verse 11, the Bible does not tie this in with a red heifer. Here is a link to the article in Spanish: Tiene Dios un plan de 6,000 aos? It seems 5781/2021 is the year of the red heifer. Is peace even in the vocabulary of Palestinian leaders? Yes, and Israel isnt ready, Following tensions with Israel's defense minister, Smotrich granted new powers in West Bank, As Iran enriches to 84%, Netanyahu huddles with former Secretary of State Pompeo, Senate Minority Leader McConnell, other U.S. leaders to discuss next steps to neutralize Tehran, Apocalyptic devastation in Turkey worse than anything Ive ever seen, CBN Middle East bureau chief tells ALL ISRAEL NEWS, Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett takes role of unifier-in-chief, but his message is more popular with diaspora Jews, Ukrainian-born Israeli MKs urge more Israeli support for Ukraine, including missile defense, Netanyahu calls for talks on judicial reform, opposition accuses him of lies and spin, Netanyahu: The US should never have supported a one-sided, anti-Israel statement at the UN, REGISTER NOW: Joshua Fund founder Joel C. Rosenberg invites you to join him on 11-day Israel tour from Nov. 28 to Dec. 8, 2023, WATCH VIDEO: Rush Limbaughs Journey To Jesus the personal, inside story of Rushs embrace of Christ in his final year with cancer. Will animal sacrifices resume in Israel? This brought anger, protests, and rockets from some Palestinians. The Palestinian President (Mahmoud Abbas) said that this pronouncement eliminated the USA as being a fair mediator for a peace deal. The National Identification Authority (NIDA) is established by the National Identification Authority (Establishment) Instrument, 2008 with the mandate to Register and Issue Identity Cards to Tanzanian citizens and eligible residents who are non-citizens with the age of 18 years and above in accordance with the Registration and Identification of Persons Act, (Act No.11 of 1986) Revised Edition . Remember: Helping to make HaShem's dream of a Sanctuary in which His Presence can dwell amongst us, in the work of the Temple Institute! I always say yes to these Jewish rabbis because they're my friends and I love them, and why not?. He posted footage of the animal online and claimed that Jewish legal authorities had confirmed that the animal was kosher. Dr. Thiel answers these questions and also explains Who, according to Jesus words, the fate of the world really depends on. Pu. Former US ambassador to Israel distances himself from Netanyahus judicial overhaul, How holy is Jerusalemreally? "What would building the Holy Temple mean to you?" 10 And the one who gathers the ashes of the heifer shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until evening. The red heifer was born on August 28, 2018 and must be three years of age before it can be sacrificed to cleanse the temple. Open now : 10:00 AM - 12:00 AM. Now the Lord spoke to Moses and to Aaron, saying, "This is the statute of the law that the Lord has commanded: Tell the people of Israel to bring you a red heifer without defect, in which there is no blemish, and on which a yoke has never come. It is in the area where the Church of God on Jerusalems Western Hill once stood. Earlier in September, reports surfaced that an Israeli student living in Columbia had discovered a red heifer. "Speak to the children of Israel, and have them take for Me an offering; from every person whose heart inspires him to generosity, you shall take My offering" (Ex. Here is a link to our video: Red Heifers and the Fate of the World. Thus Scripture states, that a yoke never went on., The commandment calls for the animal to be a heifer, that is, 3 or 4 years old; although an older animal could also be used. Puede la Gran Tribulacin comenzar en el 2020 o 2021? Were available 24/7. Please check your information and try again or call us at 1-800-759-0700. Professor Amar determined that 145.5 pounds of ash would be sufficient for at least 660 billion sprinklings. It also brought condemnation from European alliesit has been claimed to be disruptive and even catastrophic. Could one be tied in with end of the world prophecies? Click here for the full article: red-heifer-update-2022 Will one of the five new red heifers be THE tenth, or will they, too, become disqualified as time goes on. For the purposes of the experiment, a trough was carved into the bedrock, 4.2 meters in length, two meters wide, and 90 centimeters deep. 25:2), Thus begins Terumah, this week's Torah reading, in which HaShem reveals His desire that Israel "make for Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst." A while back, without having sacrificed a red heifer, the Sanhedrin (which has ties to the Temple Institute) had a sacrifice to dedicate an altar for future sacrifices. The Hebrew language has been revived and all Israeli citizens are required to learn it. To teach us that none of us are complete without the other. Here are some Jewish claims of red heifer features/requirements: The heifer must be three years old and perfect in its redness. This would include riding, or even leaning on her. Shabbat of the Red Heifer . Proof Jesus is the Messiah This free book has over 200 Hebrew prophecies were fulfilled by Jesus. Could this be the area where the man of sin will sit in the temple of God that Bible prophecy discusses in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4? It can also be conducted at a certain height and direction and the plot on the Mount of Olives meets these requirements. Saturday, March 4, 2023, Every day we try to bring you an interesting video of the day related to Israel or the Jewish People. Stinson hopes that if no white or black hairs appear on the cattle, at least one of them could become the first qualified red heifer in 2000 years. About Avril. Some say that now the Temple can be rebuilt. Es el Tiempo de los Gentiles? Israel has not offered a red heifer for cleansing from contact with a dead body for 2,000 years. This is believed to be the location of the earliest Christian church building. Hopes ran high this could be the heifer that would restore the Jewish people back to a state of purity. The Temple Institute reported the following today: Red Heifer Update: August 2020/Av 5780Rabbi Azaria Ariel, who is leading the Temple Institutes efforts to raise a red heifer for the performance of the commandment of producing the purifying ashes of the red heifer, recently inspected the current red heifer candidates and shared their status. This they shall give, everyone who goes through the counting: half a shekel according to the holy shekel. Plus, His arrival was consistent with specific prophecies and even Jewish interpretations of prophecy. As my site receives traffic from military installations in Iran, Greenland, and Antarctica, my second most popular article, which has gotten more than fifty thousand (50,000) hits, concerns the plot to build belief in aliens, and to stage a fake alien attack, in . . Is there ever going to be a peace deal? He says His Torah will add length of days and years of life and peace per Proverbs 3:2. Some Jews then tie in the following from Isaiah: 18 Come now, and let us reason together, According to scripture, the sacrifice of a red heifer was dictated . How many red heifers have there been claimed to be? The Mishna teaches that up until the destruction of the Second Temple, ashes had been prepared from a total of only nine red heifers. The Yishai Fleisher Show on, The Civilizational Clash of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. If you have a video you'd like to submit, send the YouTube URL to us with. The red heifer was in Numbers 19 (the number 19), called the wilderness book for a reason. You shall give it to Eleazar the priest, that he may take itoutside the camp, and it shall be slaughtered before him.. There have been only nine such heifers in history, and our tradition tells us that there will be one more in the future. 9 Then a man who is clean shall gather up the ashes of the heifer, and store them outside the camp in a clean place; and they shall be kept for the congregation of the children of Israel for the water of purification; it is for purifying from sin. "If you woke up tomorrow and the Holy Temple was built, how would it change your life?" We have to have a better understanding of what God is putting into place.. Without that red heifer and/or the related sanctification, the sacrifices the Bible says will be stopped (Daniel 9:27, 11:31) cannot be resumed according to certain Jews (though others are willing to resume animal sacrifices without one). Eighteen years ago, a near-death experience altered the course of his life. The fact that the Temple Institute is again bringing up the red heifer matter suggests, to me at least, that it is setting the stage to try to get political support for the resumption of animal sacrifices. So the criteria is make sure every hair is clearly, distinctly red all the way through. The desert is blooming. Jimmy Evans. 0. Some rabbis believe the ashes of a red heifer are necessary for purifying priests to serve in a future Temple. Everyone who goes through the counting, from the age of twenty and upward, shall give an offering to HaShem. But I know a lot of ranchers and I know a little bit about cattle and being in Texas, Stinson recalled. Judith now sets her sights on weaving the Parochet, the massive curtain which separated the Temple Sanctuary (Kodesh) from the Kodesh HaKodeshim (the Holy of Holies). Also available on most smart TVs and streaming services. The search for such a heifer has been going on and, in recent times, only a few have come close to meeting the requirements. For G-d has ordained that its ashes alone are the single missing ingredient for the reinstatement of biblical purity and thereafter, the rebuilding of the Holy Temple., The Temple Institute says purification with the red heifer reminds us that man has the potential to rise above his transitory physical existence, with all its false sense of hopelessness and misery the impurity of death. About this time next year would be the earliest time that one of them the tenth in history could be sacrificed. On Thursday, September 15, 2022, 5 PM, 5 perfect, unblemished red heifers arrived in Israel from the USA. While Jewish sacrifices ended with the destruction of the Second Temple and Christians believe sacrifices are unnecessary because Jesus took the place of animal sacrifice when he died on the cross, the Bible does point to a temple and sacrifices reinstituted in the last days. (Ex. Perhaps the answer is to be found in Megillat Ester - the Book of Esther, itself, which we read not once, but twice, on Purim. The ashes of a red heifer are needed in order to purify the priests who would serve in the temple, according to Numbers 19. Log in 7 Then the priest shall wash his clothes, he shall bathe in water, and afterward he shall come into the camp; the priest shall be unclean until evening. You have to look at all of the hairs and you have to have a heifer that's all red, Stinson explained. The sacrifice of a red heifer could take place on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem as early as 13 months from now. Church of God on Jerusalems Western Hill Could this building, often referred to as the Cenacle, which is located on a Mount Zion, possibly have been the oldest actual Christian church building? The renewal of the ashes of the red heifer would enable kohanim (Temple priests) today to achieve the highest level of spiritual purity, enabling them to resume their work in the Holy Temple, thereby eliminating one more stumbling block on the way to rebuilding the Holy Temple and renewing the Divine service. How does the Bible define the temple of God in the New Testament? Word has come from Israel that a (tentatively) spotless red heifer has been born. The Reconstituted Sanhedrin performed a ceremony on December 10, 2018 to dedicate a new altar for the use of daily sacrifices. The red heifer does not mean you have to immediately build. It is read as a remembrance of the days of the Holy Temple, in which officials were sent from the offices of the Holy Temple to every city and village throughout the land of Israel. The above had a link which contained the following: Of the two more mature candidates, one is still very viable, as Rabbi Azaria explains, despite currently having a few hairs which arent sufficiently red, as required by halacha (Jewish law). Five red heifers arrived in Israel on Sept. 15, 2022. Can the Great Tribulation begin today? 6 And the priest shall take cedar wood and hyssop and scarlet, and cast them into the midst of the fire burning the heifer. This was enough to provide for the nations needs for purification throughout all those years. A BIBLE prophecy predicting the end of days is feared to come true after the first 'red heifer in 2,000 years' was born in Israel. A Temple Mount Moment is the joint project of the Temple Institute and the High on the Har organization. Proudly powered by WordPress and Carrington. This began an in-depth process of finding the rare heifer that meets key stipulations found in the Bible. RED HEIFERS - EXCITING NEWS! When Will the Great Tribulation Begin? Some say that their arrival is the heralding of the Temple being rebuilt, a nuanced difference. In the book of Exodus we read of the building of the desert Tabernacle, the Sanctuary in which G-d will dwell amongst His people. Peace Process / Normalization / Abraham Accords, Viktor Orban Moving Hungarys Embassy to Jerusalem Next Month, Oops: Persian Darius the Great Inscription Found in Israel is Not Authentic, Media Insist Biden Administration Will Boycott Smotrich on his US Visit, Although No Meeting, Israel is Going Through a Crisis The Jay Shapiro Show [audio], Why Does G-d Hide His Face From Us? With this amazing statement, Maimonides recounts an ancient tradition that the tenth red heifer is associated with the Messianic era. It is a call from God to repent. What happens in the Great Tribulation and the Day of the Lord? All these things, (God) designed as a mirror image of heaven, he said. . Why does Judaism matter and how is it connected to Christianity? February 6, 2022 fightingmonarch. Temple Talk Radio: "Take for You a Perfectly Red Unblemished Heifer". And all the women who excelled in that skill spun the goats hair." . | They shall be as white as snow; Yet, while sins can be as scarlet, the Bible is not saying that this is related to a red heifer. This is a video. Learn more here. Here is a version in Mandarin: N; f/YjN Here is a link to a related English sermon video titled: The Man of Sin will deceive most Christians. WEEKLY TORAH STUDY: THE HOLIDAY OF PURIM - . The timing is possibly early next year . Daniel wrote three times that the daily sacrifices must stop, hence they first must resume. One of the most enigmatic mitzvahs in the Torah is the parah adumah, the red heifer, which was used for ritual purification. That water can then purify priests from any contact with a dead body so they can offer sacrifice in the temple. What Can We Expect When The Messiah Comes? by Joel Rosenberg]. Some have wondered if the abomination of desolation Jesus mentioned in Matthew 24:15, that Daniel spoke of, is the sacrificing of the next agreed upon Jewish red heifer. Sermon: Christian Faith Jerusalem: Past, Present, and Future What does the Bible say about Jerusalem and its future? The Temple Institute is dedicated to making the Holy Temple a reality in our day, and toward this end, the Temple Institute has, for 36 years, been building and planning and researching and teaching and sharing with you our reconstructed sacred vessels and priestly garments, our books and paintings, our red heifer candidates, our teachings and . Let me also bring to your remembrance that tradition holds that the red heifer should be 3 years old when it is sacrificed. The pyre was constructed in the manner described in the oral torah as a "tower with windows". Biden Vows To Unite America, Defeat Darkness, and Provide Light After Accepting Democratic Nomination ), Jews in synagogues around the world read, in addition to the weekly Torah reading, the following six verses from Exodus 30:11-16. According to some Jewish expert, the signs are there! Answer (1 of 3): There may be a viable red heifer or there may be several but I haven't heard that it was going to be sacrificed this year. The ashes of a red heifer are needed in order to purify the priests who would serve in the temple, according to Numbers 19. Basically, the Temple Institute believes that the blood of a red heifer will provide the way for the most thorough cleansing to allow for a third temple, whereas Christians point to the blood of Jesus to cleanse, therefore we do not need animal sacrifices (Hebrews 9-10). 2020, 2021, or 2022? He says His Torah is the only good doctrine there is Proverbs 4:2. So an ultra Orthodox Jewish student is living in Colombia Could the Great Tribulation Begin in 2020? We learn that the Israelites, inspired by G-d with wisdom, understanding and knowledge, produced these colors. Who is the Man of Sin of 2 Thessalonians 2? Dreams, the Philadelphians, and Laodiceans, Chuck Norris on the top ten fears for Americans, About the Church of God, Beliefs, and the COGwriter Website. Share on Facebook. Is a red heifer or a third temple needed for this? Is Jesus returning to the area of Jerusalem? Recession in 2023? Share on Facebook. It is only through the generosity of your hearts that we are able to continue our important work. View all posts by Avril . Oct 2020 - Jan 2021 4 months Biodiversity Nepal thrives to be recognized as an accurate and trustworthy source of information about nature and not limited to natural resources, biological interaction, conservation methods, and models, climate change, and biodiversity loss. 25:8). Thats why we view every news story through the lens of faith. This means that the presence of as few as two hairs of any other color will render it invalid; it is related that for this reason, the red heifer was always very expensive to procure. Stay informed with the latest from CBN News delivered to your inbox. Only together can we build for HaShem a sanctuary and "a house of prayer for all nations!". This is a big step this is a huge sign. The search for a pure red heifer has been in process for a while: no white hairs, no physical blemish, one that has never been under the yoke . It doesnt mean that the temple is going to be built within one year, 10 years or 40 years, 100 years because you have the ashes. It may also suggest that the Temple Institute is getting more optimistic that they have, or may soon have, a red heifer candidate that is acceptable. Numbers 19:2. WordPress Mobile Edition available from Crowd Favorite. JERUSALEM, Israel It is quite a sight to see a group of cattle arriving at Israels busy Ben Gurion Airport. 12 Blessed is he who waits, and comes to the one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days. Purim 2023 and Persia (Iran) is still a threat, More Than Half the World Will Be Overweight or Obese by 2035 Lets Talk About Health, Iran reportedly within days of having enough nuclear weapons material, while Israel reportedly has a shorter window to act against Iran because of possible Russian S4000 air defenses. 8 And the one who burns it shall wash his clothes in water, bathe in water, and shall be unclean until evening. Enjoy this glimpse into the fascinating renaissance of biblical dye-making, filmed in the re-established town of Shiloh, at the site of the ancient Tabernacle. However, I think its like a key that turns on the engine, he added. The Knesset Passes Death Penalty Bill, But Who Will Do the Hanging. Video of the Day - 24 Elul 5782 - September 19, 2022. When it rains in Israel, it pours! The Ashes of the Red Heifer and Ritual Purity. e Instituto del Templo est interesado en ella. He goes over the common fig tree interpretation, belief about a Third Temple, and statements about animal sacrifices. A modest ceremony was held at the unloading bay of the cargo terminal at Ben Gurion airport. For them, it means that redemption is drawing near. the rabbis observed: And if one should wonder, how could a man turn his life around, and come close to G-d on account of a heifer?! Prophecy in the Hebrew Bible states the cow must be red "without blemish", must not have worked. Solomon had the ashes of the red heifer and then lasted 1000 years.. One is the deficiency of a pure red heifer for sacrifice. Will most ignore or misunderstand its fulfillment? 111. Notice some else of what the Temple Institute teaches about it: But in truth, the fate of the entire world depends on the red heifer. Here is an overview of the mysterious red heifer, which left even King Solomon, the wisest of all . THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE: BRINGING THE HOLY TEMPLE TO LIFE! by Dr. Randall Price. Exodus 35:25-26). JERUSALEM, Israel It is quite a sight to see a group of cattle arriving at Israel's busy Ben Gurion Airport. A red heifer cannot be transported to Israel for use in the Red Heifer ceremony, because the animal cannot have ever worn a yoke and must be born in the Land of Israel. The very first red heifer was processed by Moses himself as the verse states, have them bring you a red heifer. The second was done by the prophet Ezra in the days of the First Temple, and during the entire era of the Second Temple only seven more heifers were used for ashes. Review. Essentially some feel this is for a type of re-sanctification of the priesthood. The Temple Institute is still investigating the precise location where the red heifer is burned. INTRODUCING THE TEMPLE INSTITUTE'S LEVITICAL CHOIR ACADEMY. Was a 6000 year time allowed for humans to rule followed by a literal thousand year reign of Christ on Earth taught by the early Christians? Finding Light In The Darkness Soul Talk [audio]. September 25, 2022 September 19, 2022 Preacher . As I read the Bible, he says, this rebuilding of the temple happens here at a time when the world's in need for it, and I think were at that time just as a person that's watching events in the world, that we really need to come back to our roots and back to our God. The red heifer must also be two years old. BLUE, PURPLE & CRIMSON: THE COLORS OF THE TABERNACLE! That abomination has to do more with the final coming Beast of the Sea of Revelation 13 and not a sacrifice of the Jews. The heifers were inspected and approved by Jewish rabbis. If enough of the relevant Jews willing to sacrifice animals believe this is needed, the location of a ritualistically proper red heifer can be a major milestone in the sequence of end-time events. Worldwide depression in 2025? With the words of Maimonides in mind, we cannot help but wonder and pray: If there are now red heifers is ours the era that will need them? The Jewish Press 2020. ; Condition - Perfect without blemish or defect, and never yoked (cf. A TEMPLE MOUNT MOMENT: DOES RAIN EFFECT THE TEMPLE SERVICE? The Temple Institute. The Temple Institute reported the following today: Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5780/August 21, 2020. The names of all the High Priests who prepared those seven heifers during Second Temple times are recorded by the Mishna: Simon the Just and Yochanan each made two; Elyhoeini ben Hakof, Chanamel HaMitzri and Yishmael ben Piavi processed one heifer each. See how the latest updates in Jerusalem and the world are connected to the prophecies we read in the Bible. Judith Abrahams is a master weaver who was commissioned by the Temple Institute to weave the me'il techelet - the all blue tunic of the Kohen Gadol (High Priest), which can be seen at the Institute's Jerusalem exhibition. The birth of this "perfect" red cow is getting a lot of attention. Is this the time of the Gentiles? Twenty gerahs equal one shekel; half of such a shekel shall be an offering to HaShem. Does the issue of judicial reform pit right vs. left in Israel? Malachi 1:8),; Gender - Female (4),; Age - Young (Hebrews 9:13 NET), generally the animal had to be one year old [i.e., at the peak of life and health].Sometimes it could be as young as eight days old (Leviticus . accessed 09/12/18). But how did this effect the daily offerings which were offered up upon the great stone altar under the open skies? Texas businessman Byron Stinson the man instrumental in locating and helping get five red heifers from the United States to Israel told ALL ISRAEL NEWS that finding the sacrifice-ready cows was not the only objective. Scan this QR code to visit this page online: ? (Isaiah 1:18). Before you can actually start building on the temple, you have to go to a higher level of purity.. [Read: What does the Bible say about the importance of the red heifer, the Third Temple and the coming of the Messiah? Two new heifers were also born in early in 2020 and they are also considered viable for sacrifice, at least for the time being. We invite you to join us in our worldwide effort to produce the longed-for ashes of the red heifer! Wordpress is stopping me from uploading the video from my phone. In our day these ancient, long forgotten arts and sciences have been rediscovered here in Israel. They are to be kept by the Israelite community for use in the water of cleansing; it is for purification from sin." (Numbers 19:9) According to The Temple Institute, the . A related video is titled Sanhedrin pushing animal sacrifices. Plot of land on Mount of Olives has been purchased and is ready for a valid sacrifice the first since the destruction of the Second Temple. Red Heifer Update: August 2020/Av 5780 Rabbi Azaria Ariel, who is leading the Temple Institute's efforts to raise a red heifer for the performance of the commandment of producing the purifying ashes of the red heifer, recently inspected the current red heifer candidates .

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