which statement is true regarding the models of abnormality?storage wars guy dies of heart attack

Freud said this resistance revealed where issues persisted. d. free association. c. superego. Identify and define important neurotransmitters. According to cognition-focused therapists, all of the following can be sources of abnormal thinking EXCEPT: a. illogical thinking. Would you want notes from the student in the front or back of the class? A person who is isolated and lacks social support or intimacy is more likely to: a. develop depression when under stress. Overgeneralizing You see a larger pattern of negatives based on one event. b. The following Content Outline provides an overview of the history of understanding psychological disorders, followed by a summary of the major theoretical models used to explain them. Second, the viewpoint that all human behavior is explainable in biological terms, and therefore when issues arise, they can be treated using biological methods, overlooks factors that are not fundamentally biological. Then, Jones gave the child some pleasant food (i.e., something sweet such as cookies [Panel C]; remember the response to the food is unlearned, i.e., Panel A). b. encourage clients to use spiritual resources that aid with coping. d. synapses. The earlier that treatment begins, the more effective it can be., https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/men-and-mental-health/index.shtml, In relation to women: Some disorders are more common in women such as depression and anxiety. d. sociocultural. a. behavior-focused Someone who studies the _____ model of abnormality focuses on how values and choices affect behavior. c. alter illogical thinking patterns and reduce avoidance behaviors. Social desirability states that sometimes participants do not tell us the truth about what they are thinking, feeling, or doing (or have done) because they do not want us to think less of them or to judge them harshly if they are outside the social norm. As fears can be learned, so too they can be unlearned. a. short-term psychodynamic therapy b. psychoanalysis c. traditional psychodynamic therapy d. relational psychoanalytic therapy. An important factor to consider when prescribing drugs for the treatment of abnormality would be that: a. some people do not benefit from drug treatments. b. increase feelings of gratitude and decrease feelings of fear. What is that factor? According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts? They reflect our unconscious desires and needs. Biological theorists view abnormal behavior as a(n): a. illness. 133. a. cognitive-behavioral b. humanistic-existential c. psychodynamic d. cognitive. d. hormone therapy. On later trials, the rat was presented (NS) and followed closely by a loud sound (UCS; Panel B). Maybe I am not paid weekly now. Anti-anxiety medications such as benzodiazepines are effective in relieving anxiety and take effect more quickly than the antidepressant medications (or buspirone) often prescribed for anxiety. b. existential. b. biological. 16. d. modifying the clients negative behavior and dysfunctional ways of thinking. Why is this? The second major CBT strategy is called cognitive coping skills training. Multicultural theorists would explain the higher levels of mental illness among poor people as MOST likely due to: Which group BEST reflects those who may benefit from couple therapy? The fundamental attribution error occurs when we automatically assume a dispositional reason for another persons actions and ignore situational factors. They protect the neuron from harmful substances. d. Each model views childhood trauma as a factor contributing to abnormal behavior. Outside of phobias, desensitization has been shown to be effective in the treatment of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder symptoms (Hakimian and Souza, 2016) and limitedly with the treatment of depression when co-morbid with OCD (Masoumeh and Lancy, 2016). If a mother seems excessively involved in her childs life such that the two do not seem to be independent people, their relationship is said to be: a. externalized. Which is NOT a goal of group therapy? In order to prevent anxiety in the future, it is common practice to expose someone to stressful situations. b. overgeneralization. A primary prevention approach is expected to be MOST beneficial for mental health issues with: a. unknown causes. She had another shirt with her and wanted to change right then and there. The book published several case studies, including that of Anna O., born February 27, 1859 in Vienna to Jewish parents Siegmund and Recha Pappenheim, strict Orthodox adherents who were considered millionaires at the time. To begin, an applied behavior analyst identifies a target behavior, or behavior to be changed, defines it, works with the client to develop goals, conducts a functional assessment to understand what the undesirable behavior is, what causes it, and what maintains it. 138. Yvette's negative thought patterns are harmful to her well-being. As such, he continues to steal her toys. They are tied to experiences early in life. abnormality, also known as mental disorders, psychiatric diagnoses, or, more broadly, psychopathology. d. They are the brains attempts to understand abnormal electrical activity. 46. You are doing your best. Rates of SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) are four times greater in women than men. Figure 2.8. d. develop depression that requires hospitalization. Freud believed that the three central forces that shape the personality were: a. instincts, the ego, and the self. This thought is an example of: Which statement is NOT an appropriate criticism of the sociocultural model? Shonda responds by changing the subject. 153. c. sociocultural. b. laissez-faire parenting style. Mason's parents always pay special attention to him when he takes toys from his little sister. Postconditioning. The disadvantages should outweigh the advantages and help you to end the struggle and accept what is unknown. The biggest criticism of these models is that the concepts are abstract and fuzzy and so very difficult to research. According to the behavioral model, Dontrall acquired this perspective through the process of: a. modeling. These two cases demonstrate what principle of developmental psychopathology? a. Researchers are only now beginning to tease apart the various biological and psychosocial factors that may impact the mental health of both women and men., https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/women-and-mental-health/index.shtml. In the case of men. c. There is limited research supporting biological causes of mental illness. 111. Finally, Freud used dream analysis to understand a persons innermost wishes. The answer is yes, and one of two outcomes is possible. If my father seems genuinely happy and pleased with himself after bagging groceries his way, then I will be more likely to adopt this behavior. The person in the back could also be shy and prefer sitting there so that s/he does not need to chat with others as much. c. sociocultural If the rat pushes the lever again sometime in the future and food is delivered, the behavior spontaneously recovers. b. sociocultural 51. For operant conditioning, this means that if I make a behavior, then a specific consequence will follow. With this knowledge, a plan is developed and consists of numerous strategies to act on one or all these elements antecedent, behavior, and/or consequence. So the dog now reliably salivates at the sound of the bell because he expects that food will follow, and it does. When Mathias did not get a job for which he applied, he was sure that everything was going wrong, that his life was completely off track. d. caution the patient against using religious-based counseling services. We all have two copies of each gene, one inherited from our mother and one from our father. 118. d. the ways in which women express their femininity. d. disengaged. It operates on the reality principle, or an awareness of the need to adjust behavior, to meet the demands of our environment. c. feminist therapy. According to the cognitive-behavioral model, this is an example of _____ behavior. Some commonly used strategies include cognitive restructuring, cognitive coping skills training, and acceptance techniques. In 1895, the book, Studies on Hysteria, was published by Josef Breuer (1842-1925) and Sigmund Freud (1856-1939), and marked the birth of psychoanalysis, though Freud did not use this actual term until a year later. Shonda responds by changing the subject. According to the psychodynamic model, current behavior is determined by all of the following EXCEPT: a. past experiences. The brain stimulation technique that uses an electromagnetic coil placed on or above a persons head to send electrical current into certain areas of the brain is called: a. vagus nerve stimulation (VNS). Outside of biological and psychological factors on mental illness, race, ethnicity, gender, religious orientation, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, etc. So, it is better to subscribe to a multi-dimensional model that integrates multiple causes of psychopathology and affirms that each cause comes to affect other causes over time. Biological psychologists or neuropsychologists treat the underlying problems in the. 151. b. ego. It sends brief electrical currents through the brain, stimulating a seizure. c. people are driven to self-actualize. b. electroconvulsive therapy (ECT). It consists of sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. d. existential. And if a nipple is placed in their mouth, they will also automatically suck via the sucking reflex. b. It is difficult to research this perspective. Clarify how environmental factors affect mental illness. What are some issues facing the biological model? b. map, or sequence, genes. New evidence suggests nerve cell connections, nerve cell growth, and the functioning of nerve circuits have a major impact on depression and areas that play a significant role in depression are the amygdala, the thalamus, and the hippocampus. Also, individuals with borderline personality disorder have been shown to have structural and functional changes in brain areas associated with impulse control and emotional regulation, while imaging studies reveal differences in the frontal cortex and subcortical structures for those suffering from OCD. Important here is that specific culture- and gender-related diagnostic issues are discussed for each disorder, demonstrating increased awareness of the impact of these factors. as part of their daily life and this can lead to disordered behavior (Lo & Cheng, 2014; Jones, Cross, & DeFour, 2007; Satcher, 2001), though some research suggests that ethnic identity can buffer against these stressors and protect mental health (Mossakowski, 2003). When a young child yells and throws toys (i.e., throws a temper tantrum), the parents give the child a good deal of attention. Which statement regarding the outcomes of couple therapy is FALSE? No one form of couple therapy stands out as superior to others. 48. c. The client is operantly conditioned to associate sobriety with happiness. b. exposure Terms in this set (124) Marie comes from a supportive, loving family and has a stable socio-economic background. Also of importance to the neuron is the myelin sheath or the white, fatty covering which: 1) provides insulation so that signals from adjacent neurons do not affect one another and, 2) increases the speed at which signals are transmitted. Primary refers to reinforcers and punishers that have their effect without having to be learned. 154. 26. d. psychodynamic. Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is used MOST often in the treatment of: a. schizophrenia. d. An investigators preferred paradigm influences how they interpret research findings. Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? They add, Oftentimes someone being treated with CBT will have homework in between sessions where they practice replacing negative thoughts with more realistic thoughts based on prior experiences or record their negative thoughts in a journal. For more on CBT, visit: https://www.nami.org/About-Mental-Illness/Treatments/Psychotherapy. The main difference between these two systems is the speed with which they act. d. people who are more devout are also psychologically healthier. b. cognitive-behavioral According to psychoanalysis, which statement is TRUE of psychological conflicts? Which model is MOST likely to suggest using free association to uncover unconscious processes? 69. Fourth, it is difficult to empirically study psychodynamic principles since most operate unconsciously. b. a severe mental illness and who is not a candidate for brain stimulation therapy. Observational learning is learning by watching others and modeling techniques change behavior by having subjects observe a model in a situation that usually causes them some anxiety. Evaluating the cognitive model. This newer type of cognitive-behavioral therapy emphasizes recognizing problematic thoughts as thoughts rather than judging them, acting on them, or fruitlessly trying to change them. c. double-blind studies. c. extended psychoanalytic therapy. Cognitive processes cannot be empirically and reliably measured and should be ignored. Evaluate the usefulness of humanistic and existential perspectives. a. psychodynamic b. behavioral c. humanist-existential d. sociocultural. What happens when an electrical impulse reaches a neurons ending? The client is classically conditioned to associate drinking with the negative experience of vomiting. Recognizing the signs that you or someone you love may have a mental disorder is the first step toward getting treatment. Hence, we advocate for a multi-dimensional and not a uni-dimensional model. Describe the role of hormonal imbalances in mental illness. Borderline personality disorder has also been found to be higher in people in low-income brackets (Tomko et al., 2012) and group differences for personality disorders have been found between African and European Americans (Ryder, Sunohara, and Kirmayer, 2015). Which of the following is NOT an example of diathesis in the diathesis-stress explanation of. a. sharing advice b. analyzing dreams c. developing insights d. building social skills. Right? During the time-out, no one interacts with the child. The patient might change the subject, stop talking, or lose his/her train of thought. The processes described in this model occur at an unconscious level. This led to a cognitive-behavioral perspective that combines concepts from the behavioral and cognitive models, the latter discussed in the next section. d. humanistic. b. b. anxiety disorders. Examine the evidence both for and against your thought. b. classic Freudian psychotherapy. d. early life experiences shape one's later behavior. Members of a family operate very independently of one another. The Humanistic and Existential Perspectives. A theorist who believes that someone who is labeled a hard worker will, in fact, become a hard worker is MOST likely a(n) _____ theorist. c. abnormality arises from an interaction between predisposition and stress. A patient has social anxiety disorder. One option to treat severe mental illness is psychotropic medications. The axon sends signals/information to neighboring neurons while the dendrites, which resemble little trees, receive information from neighboring neurons. a. cognitive-behavioral b. sociocultural c. psychodynamic d. humanistic-existential, 10. Which form of therapy helps clients recognize errors in logic and try out new interpretations of events? Its popularity has declined since the 1960s and 1970s. When a child yells and threatens others, he or she is placed in a time-out, away from the group. In explaining why women are diagnosed with anxiety disorders and depression twice as often as men, multicultural therapists would focus on: prejudice and discrimination faced by women. In other words, we assume the person who cut us off is an idiot (dispositional) and do not consider that maybe someone in the car is severely injured and this person is rushing them to the hospital (situational). As you can learn desirable behaviors such as watching how your father bags groceries at the grocery store (I did this and still bag the same way today), you can learn undesirable ones too. Once the electrical impulse has passed from one segment of the axon to the next, the neuron begins the process of resetting called repolarization. b. existential therapy. They then realize their worth as a person but also that they are not perfect. To effectively treat a mental disorder, we must understand its cause. The goal of cognitive-behavioral therapy is BEST described as: a. improving the clients interactions with others. Evaluating psychodynamic theory. b. d. Freud. 113. Your first semester of college, you have several midterms you need to study for. This perspective is part of the behavioral humanistic O psychodynamic O d. comitive Which of the following statements regarding the abnormal behavior of faulty perceptions or interpretations of reality is TRUE? Messages moving from neuron to neuron must cross tiny spaces called: Which model of abnormality focuses on learning and the thinking that underlies behavior? Conditioning. If I do X, then Y will happen. With its emphasis on abstract human values and responsibility, the humanistic-existential model does all of the following EXCEPT: a. resonate with many people who are eager to explore these issues. What is that factor? For more on the link between cortisol and depression, check out this article: https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/the-athletes-way/201301/cortisol-why-the-stress-hormone-is-public-enemy-no-1. Which model of abnormality cites physical processes as being the key to behavior? According to Freuds psychodynamic theory, at birth the child is in the: a. oral stage. c. superego. C) It is caused by genetics, chemical influences, and brain structural defects. She is very open about herself and shares her thoughts and opinions freely. Many disorders have genetic roots, are a result of hormonal imbalances, or caused by viral infections such as strep.

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