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Oh well. No vision equals no company. If you pretend to be a global player you'd better have people in your Board that are connected to the different regions you want to serve, so that also goes for Asia-Pacific, China etc. Once they bought NOKIA, then that project was cancelled by Steve Ballmer. Herminia Ibarra, Aneeta Rattan, Anna Johnston (2018), "Satya Nadella at Microsoft: Instilling a Growth Mindset Harvard Business Review Case Study. I feel like they believe they're the trend setters of the industry and everybody will just follow them. 5. (That means its a corporate-PR approved part of the official narrative.). I agree with your comment, but here we both are in other ecosystems still reading W10 mobile news lol Hard habit to break. The lack of apps does not bother me because those same free apps are the feeding tubes for identity theft and loss of privacy to data mining. Explain me how developers could have ever been motivated to create new apps for the platform after Nadella sold the complete mobile department to Foxxconn in 2015, not making any new model since Actually after the 520 i equipped my family with 635, 640, and 830. He has some good leadership skills, as he managed to increase Microsoft's profitability by 268% since taking over. I got fed up swithed the machine to a Linux OS and got everything working again, but I haven't had a Sony product in my house ever since and I won't. Microsoft must rethink its business looking for a leadership with strength in marketing to achieve strategic agreements that allow the company to recover its level of competition. If you want more socialization then the univeral apps would make that possible. no. However, since I only have hints of what they are working on with Windows on ARM and CShell, I have to pick up something else. As much as he had to pull the plug on Balmer's bad decisions. Gates got it because he understood to compete in the technical arena you must cover the landscape with product. But the then take a heavy sweaty dump on not only the last of the loyal customer base, but ALSO the OEMs, proves that Nadella is basically going to be the end of MS as we know it and in a bad way. I generally agree with what you say but really, you're ignoring the fact that Europe has twice as many consumers as the US. Admitting apparently isn't keeping him from doing over and over again. I think the only Mobile device Microsoft could sell to the public would be a "Surface" 7 to8 inch Mini Tablet with acell phone in it's caseRunning Windows 10 on ARM withC Shell and "Continuum"such a device would run full Win32 Desktop PC programs. why microsoft could not do it? Could the future hold the possibility that the CPU, RAM and personal data is to be find in the smart phone and that the docking stations holds GPUs, extra hard drives etc. - Changing Technology Landscape Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence boom is transforming the technology landscape that Nadella Satya operates in. Although Microsoft have no obligation to me, their practices over Phone and Groove have me very cautious. Just how much will Satya Nadella get paid? I connect back and forth between my personal SIM and my work / travel SIM without compromising my security. Every time I see an article like this it just leave me scratching my head how a "tech giant" like Microsoft abandons the largest market on the planet, mobile. Satya Narayana Nadella has been the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Microsoft by succeeding Steve Ballmer in 2014 and under him, the company had witnessed considerable growth. There is a reason why most tech companies are moving into consumer market. There are many, I can type endlessly about what Microsoft could do to repair bridges. Here are 5 insights Nadella shared throughout their discussion that illustrate leadership qualities within the changing workplace. EU was a good market for Windows phones, so they should have used this opportunity to build and improve this OS. Unfortunately, its the personal equivalent of a longstanding corporate flaw at Microsoft, which (sometimes) enthusiastically launches products before theyre ready, then loses interest or dramatically shifts gears a few years later. The really really sad thing is that for a while ago, I was still defending for W10M and truly believed that MS had something cool they are working on. He laid out his vision for . Wiith The HP Elite x3 smart phone going to be discontinued and the Microsoft Lumia 950 and 950xl gone what does Microsoft have nothing something is better than nothing. Jumpman, jumpman, jumpman, Nadella's up to something (cloud). "Leaders think their . If MS has truely solved the CORE system then the Nadellas comments and the rest make sense and the development problem of a "mobile," desktop, and Social (Smart TV, IOT world) becomes trule nothing but a semantic difference in how a user interacts. So, MS, wake up. That is just plain the stupidest business decision I have ever seen, I just hope Microsoft can dig themselves out of the hole that the CEO and VP has put them in before it is too late. I'm totally agree.. Well said, Jason, well said. But I do think it would help for microsoft to look broadly at the extensive feedback, and get the back log of insider feedback going. The piece that Microsoft bought isnt much better. Without mobile they will dissappear in years to come. There have been leaks of Microsoft dual screen MINI TABLETS. I stand by that. After all that there's a board shake up and we get Apotheker as head. Satya Nadella i Competing in the Age of AI Strategy and Leadership When Algorithms and Networks Run the World Marco Iansiti Source: "An important book that explains what's required to rethink the firm and become an AI-first company." - Satya Nadella View on Amazon 2 recommenders Mark Cuban Satya Nadella i No Rules Rules Yes it would excite the few remaining die hard fans here, but everyone else will yawn and continue with their Apple and Android devices because it will have no MOBILE apps. I'm actually considering holding my nose and going to Apple in the hope of finding some systemic consistency. Spending heavily to support your new business model is a good plan. Recommendations to Nadella. Too late, Satya. Probably until battery run out. The Nokia deal is about to bring a huge chunk of new staff into Microsofts business roughly at the same time that it is picking up a new leader. Do you know what 8.1 brought for me? You just don't understand the difference between the 'patent' and 'operating system'. They will be around for a very long time and if you don't understand that well, it's obvious you don't. Most mobile phone carriers are bundling ever more minutes and texts in plans because people have moved to data. Time to focus, man. Meanwhile, they failed spectacularly in the biggest markets such as US and China. Your best so far. Microsoft's competitive advantage: Has a well-established brand and reputation built over decades, which provides a strong competitive advantage. Weaknesses come from lack or absence of five key resources & capabilities - activities & processes, past experiences and successes, physical resources such as land, building, human resources, and financial resources . EXCELLENT POINT, I completely agree!!! They seemingly consistently choose to be drunk on designed obsolescence to the nth degree, and people are catching on to it, and switching platforms as a result. We need to think about unintended consequences of our technology, for example. Most people in the US don't understand the pull of Nokia as brand. - he made stock holders some money. But it that is true, why did they kill Groove? At this rate, it's going to be cloud only as the consumer market dries up to nothing. But they seem to be blind or plain stupid OK, so he admitted it. They cancelled their entire European release and gave up. I'm getting off track), updated features. I really do enjoy windows 10 as the best OS for computers. You have any data to show any meaningful increase in sales? New Delhi: As Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella's son Zain, who was born with Cerebral Palsy (CP), died on Tuesday (March 1) at the age of 26, this rare congenital disorder that he suffered from, has created buzz.While Cerebral means related to the brain, Palsy means weakness or problems with using the muscles.Hence, Cerebral Palsy is a group of disorders that affect movement and muscle tone or . Buy NVDA on any tech stock weakness, in the $180 to $220 range. I'm very happy with my iPhone. Almost a complete rewrite of my app because, even using the components and methods Microsoft recommended, they managed to change everything from user interface to file data access the only thing that still worked was my core logic. Whether or not Microsoft want to admit it was their own decision to give up when in fact they had a growing market with thanks to the Nokia team. That may not be the case. It was dead evident. Microsoft is fusing ChatGPT-like technology into its search engine Bing, transforming an internet service that now trails far behind Google into a new way of communicating with artificial intelligence,, Satya Nadella - Student Encyclopedia (Ages 11 and up), Microsoft bakes ChatGPT-like tech into search engine Bing. Good, but completely and utterly useless, worth a poofteenth of nothing unless you actually demonstrate you've learned your lesson by acting to correct your mistake. Let native APK to run on Windows Mobile and Windows desktop. I think any decision he made was going to cost Microsoft something. Probably over the years, enough for a decent car!! Not only is the phone going to die, but Win10 updates disable their own MS software. Weaknesses are the areas, capabilities or skills in which Nadella Satya lacks. Some people say Windows Mobile / Phone was murdered, and my thought is that it wasn't, there were projects like Astoria and iOS Bridge which didn't had enough resources and marketing and didn't got attention in the Microsoft company as top priorities. The windows phone works well for integration to server based sytems, whether they are corporate or personal enterprises. So who knows how well they will run. Wake TFU Microsoft! MS can do the world a favor and leave the consumer market altogether. This has had to have had a big impact on Window 10 and its mobile ambitions. I feel betrayed and very disappointed. Thatmemorable momentwas first uploaded to YouTube in 2006, more than eight years ago. Thats not an enviable job. The highest sales were 10.5 million with 2.7% of the market. He needs plenty of energy and motivation to face his busy day. A $299 Surface with 64GB, keyboard included, could do the job IMHO. Before becoming CEO, he was the executive vice president of Microsoft's cloud and . That could go poorly. Strengths are the Nadella Satya capabilities and resources that it can leverage to build a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Professionally I have already been seeing a shift away from business even requesting MS products just for that reason and less interest in MS products when I propose them to clients. If key talent departs, he could find himself lacking down-ticket leadership in key areas. Trust and believe that if MS were offering me something new right now with full Windows and a stylus to follow up my 1520, I'd be all over it. The bottom line is that the "Surface Phone" is going to have to be incredible to draw me back. I buy more books than I can finish. This is going to hurt Microsoft for the coming decades. Consumers that nowadays exist around a mobile ecosystem. I must say I have enjoyed using windows phone but now it is causing a huge disappointment and frustration. It'll have to be an Android as the one-button design of iOS makes me want to throw it against a wall but I also know the parts of Android that I don't care for and I'm not looking forward to tweaking it in an attempt to give me the exact experience I want. Groove works good for the time beeing, but it will just last for this year. Mobile payment was the "next big thing" five years ago. Personally, to me is rather obviously simple however to many it won't be. Students and even teachers have chromebooks, the developers once so important for Microsoft have fled already and are concentrating on iOS/Android/webapps where the users are. Google can get into cloud services easily. Employees begin to question management commitment, and indirectly their own future. While working full-time at Microsoft, Nadella also earned (1997) a masters degree in business administration from the University of Chicago. You may want to try. @JaimitoFrog.Yeahthats the ticketMS would be bankrupt in 6 months. And it looks to me like a huge mistake. Silverlight, WindowsRT, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Microsoft Band, Skype (Consumer End), Windows Phone, Nokia, Windows 10 Mobile, and now Groove and we could probably read the tea leaves to see what's next. Microsoft failed badly in the early stages of marketing and screwed its most loyal users. Early last year, the ValueAct Capital hedge fund took a $2 billion stake in Microsoft and began agitating for change. How many news outlets have put negative news about Swelling batteries issue of some phone manufacturer? Activity Finance teams are taking on a new role - striking the balance between strategic . The high brass at MSFT has to be replaced. I have been Microsoft everything since the DOS days, not anymore. PLEASE SET UP A "SURVEY" with both Are you upset that Satya Nadella is abandoning Windows Mobile? Nonetheless, ValueAct was persistent enough to earn a seat on the Microsoft corporate board, which it will occupy next month. WP7 was a mediocre crap, lacking copy/paste, BT file transfers, no file manager, mediocre email experience, PC sync was a mess especially for exchange stuff. Give me a call when you hit 51% anywhere consumer market based. no not old desktops. W10/S/ARM will allcome up short becausethewhole damCORE idea depends on UWP to move forward. Satya Narayana Nadella ( ting Telugu: , / ndl /; sinh ngy 19 thng 8 nm 1967) l mt gim c iu hnh kinh doanh ngi M gc n . No such action has been taken so I call BS on MS. I will never ever buy a Microsoft product again. If you feel that you've constantly let consumers down (which actually you have) then do something to bridge that gap. Where am I going in the future? And partial credit goes to Windows Central, WinBeta too. So Microsoft is going to fix abandoning consumers doing it again and again and again? After a mere 2 months, Microsoft pulled this phone, the Kin one and Kin two.

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