sokeefe cuddling fanfictionhow to draw 15 degree angle with set square

When you stopped communicating with me I thought- Sophie stopped herself, not wanting to even think about something bad happening to him. This flight is like 6 hours.. Sophie looked down at her own ring, which also glittered a perfect shade of ice blue. Sophie retaliated by lightly shoving him off the path, forcing him to grab her shoulder for balance. There was no awkwardness. The plane is stopping now. keefoster sophiefoster keeperofthelostcities +16 more # 5 Twirling-SoKeefe by evangeline 245 0 6 All of these characters and settings belong to Shannon Messenger! ", "My Polyglot homework, or I was before I was rudely interrupted. Cuddling for Comfort By: EverlastingEvanescence. Well just have to wait it out., Of course. Which one would really care for her? She felt her heart flutter, the same way it usually did for Fitz. Because I also answer to Lord Hunkyhair, Keefe smirked and flipped his hair for extra effect as water sprayed out from his tousled blond strands, shining in the sun. He then walked back into the delivery room and Sophie let go of Keefe, eyes wide and a gigantic smile on her face. Are we okay? she asked them, I really do wanna stay friends, even if it is a little awkward at first. Dex only took a few seconds to reply, assuring Sophie that they would always be friends. YOU LOOK BEAUTIFUL!". I dont mind dealing with Grady as long as I can be with you.. Do boyfriends and girlfriends talk to each other about personal problems? It does sounds kinda bad when you put it that way. She replied, but went on when she saw the dejected look on Keefes face. Sophie couldnt bring herself to analyze how that had made her feel. If anything, Im glad you finally stood up for yourself. Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic @bookreader209 Sophie is dealing with a TON of emotional drama. Do boyfriends and girlfriends hold hands? But for some reason, a mysterious group wants to kill her. Um, maybe not that one, she said, and Biana put it down with a sigh. Do you mean that you and Keefe- he was cut off by Cora, who addressed Sophie, Youre not making any sense to the rest of us, so we would appreciate it if you started explaining., Fine, she replied, hoping that this would be over quickly, at the very least, Uh. Sophie plopped down on the sand, feeling the warmth of the heat seeping into the sand from the sun. The candle Keefe had set on the overturned barrel flickered softly in the evening light. I'm so glad you like it; your opinion is the only one that really matters to me. Read from the story ; a Sokeefe human AU by -CANOODLE (cherry ?!) Theres no reasonable explanation for why we arent off the plane already.. "Fine, but only for a couple of minutes, I really should be getting back to my homework." That's when she noticed she was staring at Keefe's handsome face. "Have you even been to a wedding before?" Fitz and I got in a fight yesterday, and I ended up yelling at him and I dont know if were still friends., What were you even fighting about? But I wouldnt mind having a bite if you wanna try mine. The two of them traded forks, each taking some of the others food. Youre better at human constellations than I am. Keefe held his hands up in mock defeat, but he was struggling not to laugh. No buts. Fitzy. Also check. What were you really doing? Sophies mind spun with a million different ways to get out of this, but none of them ended well. She knew Keefe would feel the change in her mood and know exactly why she was feeling that way. Well, they have a lot of farmers markets and fun stores, and fancy restaurants you could go to with your boyfriend, Sophie, Cora said wiggling her eyebrows, Yknow the blonde one, Keefe right?. And don't you forget it, Sophie told him, in mock seriousness, though she might've been just alittlesmug about beating Keefe. She had been right. Edaline sighed and walked towards Sophie. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. She, of course, has a person in mind Sophie Foster, and her adoptive cousin, Dexter Dizznee, are about to go to the Academy of Good & Bad. Yes, a car accident. When Grady and I got married. Dex was tinkering, Linh was watching a movie about mermaids, and Tam was asleep, a few girls openly staring at him as he snored. First off, the Neverseen are trying to kidnap her friends. This is a fanfiction (Sokeefe) written by DressChimera and Luna. OMG! What will happen to Fitz? Good night, Fitz. Keefe reached over their makeshift table, identical to the one from the movie scene he had not so subtly recreated. It's not you, its me, she continued, cringing at the clich line, You are an amazing person and I could spend a lot of time listing the reasons why, but I'm sorry. You were out there for twenty minutes, and youre telling us a turtle blocked your path, and it never once occurred to you to take a picture? Fitz snapped, glaring at Keefe. Keefe leaned closer as Sophie shuffled through the movies. She locked up those thoughts in a corner of her brain to deal with later, like she had done with the others. This would be one confusing trip. You might need something nice to wear, she finished with a smile. But now I understand that you were right. This is my first real attempt at a published fanfic, so please check it out! I just don't feel that way about you.. All I cared about was that you felt okay. Keefe cringed, Sorry, that was a nice way of letting me down gently Foster. He reverted back to his usual name for her, and somewhere inside of her ached in sadness, though she didnt want to think about why. He gave her a half smile, and she couldn't hold it in any longer. Find out what happens, tomorrow in Confession- A Sokeefe Fanfic *this is my 1st fan fiction* please don't judge. But its best not to question things when the person youre talking to knows how to make your hair turn green. He wrapped his arms around her and nuzzled his head into her neck again, his hair tickling her cheek in the process. How is it? Keefe asked nervously. Sorry, its going to be the most private place there, Sophie said with a small cringe. I told him he was being selfish and that I didn't feel like we had a healthy relationship. I love you.". Where did you get that scar? Cora asked suspiciously, looking at the stab wound that Dimitar had given Keefe during their spar. Sophie rolled her eyes, but couldn't hold back a smile. ! Linh asked, her voice several octaves higher than it was usually. My friend canceled at the last minute, they had family plans. Keefe swiftly nodded as people looked away again. Biana seems happy for us and over her crush on you, but I still think we should talk to her along with Fitz just in case she isn't fine.. Sophie turned her hair in his direction and inhaled sharply. Second, she doesn't know if Marella is still her friend. UPDATE: Keefes thoughts chapter. I guess that makes sense. I got crepes, she reminded him, though she was beginning to regret her decision not to get waffles. But after several minutes of confused pondering, she decided not to think about it, instead focusing on picking out a dress she actually enjoyed. "No worries Foster. sokeefe cuddling fanfiction. Like everything was normal. I want to make sure youve truly thought through what that means. Sophie reached towards his hand and this time he didnt let go. Keefes cheeks flushed with a twinge of red as he whispered back, Sorry, this is just weird. Looking closer, Sophie found that the gem, tucked securely in a lattice of silver bands, was also a diamond. Biana returned carrying a soft, wispy dress. Uh Fitz you sure about that? Keefe started to add. Sophie smiled at him one more time before taking his face into her hands and pressing her lips to his. Yep. After that, it only took a couple more minutes to get everyone into the hotel to get checked in. Its okay if you cant right now, but I just have something I wanted to say. Fitz stepped out into the hall, hands fidgeting nervously. This would have also been embarrassing and made her turn red like crazy but right now she didn't care. The bright one, above that cluster? I think we need to talk to Biana and Fitz, Sophie took a deep breath, Fitz seems jealous and angry, which honestly isn't too surprising. Sure they were close and she could open up to him more than other people, but she liked Fitz. She was about to start out the door when Keefe interrupted her leaving. That makes sense, should we go do that now? She asked, cringing at the thought of the conversation. Congrats, Sophie," the doctor said with a smile. Strange occurrences seem to follow Sophie. Somewhere in her peripheral vision she saw Biana giving them a thumbs up. Dex was more interested than afraid, and she knew he would be full of questions when they finally landed. More episodes to come! Isnt it beautiful here? Sophie sat at her desk in her bedroom, staring at her homework assignment, her eyebrows furrowed in concentration. + I know, but- Keefe argued, not accepting Sophies praise. #foster Keefes grip had been clamped shut around her arm with a grip of iron since the descent had had been announced. I have that effect sometimes. Keefe stared off into the distance in a way that was probably supposed to be dramatic, even though he was only wearing swim trunks. Anyway, now that Im cool about the whole matchmaking thing, dyou think we could maybe, No. It wasnt Sophie that answered, but Keefe. Besides, who knows what well end up doing on this trip? No, she said, stopping him from leaving, It was fair of you to bring that up after I brought up Dex.. I know its not going to be easy. The ocean roared with life in the distance, waves splashing against the shore. Sophie felt the guilt radiating off of her in waves, and she was sure Keefe could feel it too. Umm, okay. Fitz took a little bit longer to reply. Dont worry about him, okay?. A boy and a girl. Mhmm, she said softly. That also sounds good for me. After that, it only took a few minutes to get everyone else their shave ice. Sophie strolled over to the boys suite. I. really like you. He didn't mind that she was messing up his hair. Truth or Dare/Sleepover A SoKeefe fan fiction story This is a fan fic I have made about the Keeper team getting together for a sleepover and playing some games, leading to spilled tea and mild drama. And that ones Amaranthis, isnt it? Keefe pointed to another star, and Sophie saw that he was indeed correct. I wanted to do something nice to commemorate our last full day here. It was too late to fold the pile of clothes swiftly building up in her suitcase. I'm going to go help Foster with the candy search now. I looked for you all over the beach! They managed to get through the security line without much trouble, though they did stop Dex when they saw the strange gadgets he was carrying in his suitcase. The gold accents twinkled, and sh just knew she had made the right decision in buying it. She was trying to figure out what to say next when Keefe strode up next to her. Well, this is happening.. Ive put you in more dangerous situations than I can count. The group strolled down the main shopping center near the hotel. I never considered Gradys reaction. It really was. I saw a movie that looked kinda good, it had two dogs eating pasta on the front! These are some KOTLC One-shot! And even if it was your fault, which it isn't in any way, youre worth it Foster. On either side of her sat Keefe and Marella, who seemed to be pretty entertained by the tablet screen embedded in the seat in front of her. "Oh hey." Sophie said once she got over the element of surprise. Sophie could help but lunge forward and hug him, almost knocking him off the cot. Short SoKeefe One-Shots: "I have to go soon, it's almost 5," he whispered. pillow pellow milk melk; 7th birthday party ideas for girl at home Subtle gold embroidery climbed the neckline and hem. It looked weird but I think I need to watch it! Keefe explained. IDK. I can blame myself for what my mom does. Even with the night growing later and the moment fleeting, it was and always would be a perfect vacation. Join them in this classic SoKeefe story, and read about heartache, laughter, jealousy and love. Cool, Ive kind of always wanted to try this iPod thingy, He said with a grin. Keefe had just come back from a one on one conversation with the Neverseen(a cold blooded group of murderers intent on harming Sophie and her friends) and he hadnt told her where he was going until it was too late. Thanks for the 15 reads guys! He hadn't been the most understanding the day before, so it would make sense. She and Keefe had been dating for three months now, and almost every day since then he had made it his personal mission to distract her whenever possible, especially when she was doing homework. "Sophie, stop stressing out. What it was, she didnt know, but she chose to ignore it, instead sinking deeper into the soft airplane seat and Keefes tight hold on her arm. The story is done, but any feedback would still be appreciated. It was all worth it though, when Sophie received the detention slip from her Polyglot mentor and opened the door of the detention room, to see a smirking boy with eyes so blue, they seemed to see right to her soul. They said goodbye to Cora, planning to meet up for dinner. The Neverseen have been working against me for years. Together, the eight of them walked over to the cliffside, held hands, and jumped. He didn't even like it when Fitz and I were dating and Fitz is essentially his best friends son!. My Boyfriend?! What did you buy at the boutique Keefe?. So were Keefe and her like boyfriend and girlfriend? I cant believe its already so late Sophie remarked, looking up at the night sky. Ok I agree. Smooth, Fitzy. But something was different this time. Linh, Tam, yours are this silver blue aquamarine, and Marella, yours is made of zircon. he finished. This is just a ton of short stories of SoKeefe so yeah. He started, turning around, then grimaced when he saw it was Sophie. He never minded when Sophie touched him. When his plate had arrived, Sophie could swear his eyes got twice as big looking at the giant breakfast in front of him. But I dont know how youre going to hide your obvious love for me, Keefe joked, cracking a smile. Small boutiques and bigger chain stores were stationed on all sides. Realizing she didnt even know the girls name, she gave a quick wave, motioning for her to sit near them. It wasnt fear, or jealousy, for once she didnt mind Fitz ignoring her. She had just gotten into a light, blush pink ball gown dress with a sweetheart neckline. And that's when Sophie had found him. She never had to think about what to say with Keefe. We didnt take that long! Biana protested, Right Sophie? Sophie stood silent, zoned out and staring puzzled at her friends. Are we having another one of these conversations Foster? Keefe said, raising his eyebrows. Back in San Diego, even before the fires, the light pollution had made it near impossible to see any stars at all. Grady isn't exactly my biggest fan., Sophies stomach felt like she had eaten rocks for dinner. I really like it. Grabbing a sweater, Sophie left the room and entered the hallway, where Keefe was waiting. Well, hope you enjoy this random KotLC stuff! So, how did your talk with Biana go? Sophie asked, trying not to think about Fitz anymore. I think he went back to the hotel, Dex slowly began, to get some human candy., Nice try, but I already used that excuse. How did your talk with Fitzy go? Keefe asked in response. Three Two One! As he counted down, everyone prepared to open their gifts, and when he hit one, they all looked inside the black boxes. I was a total nervous wreck. Deep inside, Sophie felt something stir. He had done the same thing on the airplane, but that was just a coincidence, since he didnt know much about human food. Countering with yet another star, they went back and forth several times, until Sophie found an opportunity to win. "Keefe, I have something to say to you," Sophie said, inhaling before she chickened out, " I. Sophie sucked in a sharp breath. Yeah lets go, Keefe answered quickly, almost running out the door. (Cover art is not mine) Always - SoKeefe Fanfic Keefe smiled at her, the kind of grin that lit up his entire face and made her smile with him. Did you do this all by yourself?, Keefes mouth broke into a smile at the look on her face. It doesnt get much better than that. "What are you doing? She was about to translate the last phrase onto the paper when two warm hands suddenly covered her eyes. It definitely wasn't, the words were barely audible but they made all the difference. You would do that? Keefe asked in delight, grabbing Sophies plate and swapping it for his. Why do humans wear button down shirts as jackets over other shirts? Regrouping with Keefe, she felt freer than she had in years. Hey are you guys almost ready for the beach? She asked with a sigh. Thanks. But as long as we can be together, I dont care at all what the world thinks. If I wouldve known sooner. "Keefe!" Sophie exclaimed hugging him,and not caring about how close she was to his body. Thats Orroro. Even though she knew Keefe also had a photographic memory, she couldnt help but show off a little. She hadnt touched it since, figuring there would be a time for it eventually. Sophie looked up and down at the dress incredulously. But what do the elves do now? The love of her life. For the last time, this is wonderful. Are you sure? Cora walked up to the ordering window, and quickly stated her order. Keefe walked up behind Sophie, putting his arm around her shoulders. After a few seconds, she started to realize just how long the strand of pasta was. Never forget that. Keefe snorted in background as Sophie flushed and awkwardly looked away. is badger collectibles legit; sony cd player keeps ejecting disc; visa gift card check balance Menu Toggle. I don't know how you can stand to be even friends with me, Sophie said softly, her gaze shifting to her shoes. For now, they didn't exist. As the plane squeaked to a stop, the seatbelt sign disappeared. Yep! Sophie replied, standing up, Lets go.. Not wanting to make more of a scene, or give Marella and Cora another reason to tease her, Sophie simply vowed to ask Keefe about it later. Soooooo, she said awkwardly, Are you ready now?. Having a photographic memory really comes in handy sometimes. Yup. Keefe laughed, You know Foster, always getting flustered and confused with her words, she probably meant Hawaiian candy. It was too late to fold the pile of clothes swiftly building up in her suitcase. Constructive criticism welcome, I worked very hard on this. Keefe stepped away in shock, at a loss for words. A slight steam drifted off the food as Keefe served them both spaghetti on one large plate. Benji asked. Sophie's face flushed and got off of Keefe muttering, "Sorry.". We should probably get back to our friends now. He turned around and started walking back toward her their friends, and though she wanted to, part of her couldnt just let the conversation end there. I know Daddy Dearest will be happy considering youre basically the most famous elf in the lost cities and also already in the nobility as a regent, Keefe said, easing her nerves a little.

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