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And when you understand just how much of an influence they do have on your life, you can work with the cosmic flow to plan and map out the course of your life.This is why Ive been writing and speaking The Tip-Off Global Energy Forecast every week since 2003. I have also had inner ear . . Top 6 Ascension Symptoms Happening Right Now! - Christina Lopes I feel as though I had this as a young child, but learned to mask it over my life. Pressure in my head, ringing in ears , dizzyI am very reassured , as a lightworker, to understand my experience. Ascension is the evolution of consciousness Activate that Right Brain Cochlea with creative activity, with magic, art, dance and music. Ascension is basically an upleveling process our physical, emotional, and energetic bodiesgo through, where we awaken into our higher consciousness. Kundalini Activation: Purifying kundalini energies begin to move to release all remaining, dense, trapped energies. Are You Experiencing One of the Top 10 Symptoms Of Ascension? ENERGY ASCENSION AFFECTS YOUR PHYSICAL BODY VIA YOUR ENERGY FIELDAs an energy being you have many layers to your body created by the soul (which is at the core and emanating through all). Common 5d Ascension Symptoms - I Am the Life We live in a Left Brain society, where little importance is given to the activities and functions of the Right Brain, starting from School and continuing into Adult life. While you inhabit a human body on Earth, you are in a constant dance and rhythm with multi-dimensional cosmic energetics, which include planetary movements and influences in our local solar system and even beyond. After growth, you need to stabilise and allow yourself to rest. October 25, 2013. Clearly I was wrong. Lie on the ground, outdoors (or against a tree) for great healing relief. Intense clearing at the heart, throat and brow chakras: Flu-type symptoms with bronchitis and sinus, with focus on chest and sinuses, Represents: Imagination and Intuition; Inspiration, Insight; Intellect; Clarity; Third Eye/Inner Eye and Psychic Centre; Wisdom; Connection to Higher Self; The pressure in the head can also signify that you are about to have a spiritual breakthrough. Changes are present at emotional, physical, and mental levels. Our vibrational frequency heightens, and we realize that we are unlimited beings. This can lead to air being trapped inside, leading to an imbalance of pressure. If you've been off purpose for too long, youll feel the desire to change everything at once and just be free of old restraints and ways. How To Raise Your Vibration They can refer pain, pressure, fullness, and tinnitus (ringing) to your ear. To learn about the basic signs and symptoms and track the severity of your condition use our Earache Symptom Management Guide. Feeling Funky and Don't Know Why? (Ascension Symptoms Explained) When you choose an ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist at Ascension sites of care, you get a doctor who is part of an integrated national network of care. This is my list (in no particular order) of OVER 43 common ascension symptoms that I have seen in my work and what you can do to address them: Headaches, migraines - fuzzy head - your brain is forming new neural pathways. If you meditate then concentrate on the white light as it is the crown chakra exercise that allows you to pour the energy into the crown without any pain. Being hugely creative and inspired - With a higher vibration being channeled through you, creativity surges. No medicine can cure ascension-related headaches. By its nature, the term ascension implies rising up and when we apply it to our spiritual growth, it takes on the mantle of a developing awareness that both facilitates and accelerates the expansion of consciousness. The higher vibrations come in waves so we get used to residing in them and when they fall . I liken it to the spiritual fire of soul waking up within you and burning away illusion, bringing in energetic truths. Full Moons, retrogrades, eclipses, solar flares and the like affect you - on all levels. There may be moments when you feel a sudden sharp shooting pain or an electrical-like shock in the head/skull or around the scalp where the head pressure is located. A Change in Sleeping Patterns. What is the Reason for Ascension Symptoms? This allows you to more readily experience your outer body layers, opening you up to the spiritual side of life via the higher dimensions beyond the third physical dimension. More on Ascension symptoms and tingling Posted by Joanna on September 18, 2009 at 12:33pm View Joanna's blog . Kundalini energy working in throat chakra: Heat and pressure radiating out of the back of neck; aches and pains in throat and jaw; speaking (or yelling and demanding) things that have been suppressed. ENT doctors, also called otolaryngologists, diagnose and treat conditions that affect your senses - hearing, smell and taste and chronic conditions, including: Chronic ear infections. And over the past 100 years (in particular) weve seen a spike in the number of people who are aware of their energetic (spiritual) nature. Eustachian tube blockage is one of the causes of ear barotrauma. Many others are going through the same thing. Its shaped like a butterfly and sits over the sternum in the middle of your chest. *Kundalini energy working in solar plexus chakra: Bloating of belly/gut area due to the intense energies and transformational Inner Work. Ear Barotrauma: Causes, Diagnosis and Treatments - Healthline But, over the past 20 years that energy has shifted ever higher, as our entire solar system has been flooded in light, which has raised the vibration on Earth through the 4D level (where time seemingly morphs) to the level of 5D (having an awareness that you are an energy being experiencing physical life). document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Welcome to the Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts! Even when you try to treat them, you dont get any benefit, and your medical reports would turn out normal. So many in our community of light have.4D into 5DAs our world has progressively been challenged to wake-up and grow over the last 20 years, with the sharing of ideas and information now becoming near instant, the concept of time and the gap between thought and thing has diminished. This I liken to a clearing of the third eye. THE GROWTH OF YOUR BEING AND COSMIC EXPANSION In particular, since the turn of the millennia in 2000, a great cycle of change began on Earth. 40 Best Ascension symptoms ideas | ascension symptoms, ascension, symptoms But, on the Higher Dimensions, the Cochlea also acts as a Galactic antenna that can receive sounds/signals from the Higher Dimensions. Marie asks if it's common for many people to experience ascension symptoms. When it comes to your inner ear, the cause of a pressure buildup is usually a blocked tube called the Eustachian tube. Muffled hearing or slight to moderate hearing loss. Ear, nose and throat care | Ascension For twin flames, the headaches are slightly different. These practices can accelerate your spiritual growth. But, as and when you begin to work with your Right Brain and expand into the Magical Higher Dimensions, these transmissions will begin to take on shape and meaning. Archangel Michael guided me to look at an image of the Ear in order to explain what is happening to our bodies in this transformation. rashes/hives. The headaches are often accompanied by warmth or energy in the head area and pressure on the temples. Emotional/Psychological symptoms: Oversensitivity, low self-confidence, feeling victimized, self hate, anger, ealousy, manipulative behavior, perfectionism, proocrastination, libido issues, promiscuity, creative blocks, frustration, lack of desire/passion, apathy, guilt, shame, distrust, impatience, ridgid, uptight, unbalanced emotions, emotional dependency, neediness, attachment, addictions, obsessions; eating disorders. May 23-28: Symptoms we'll experience from Solar Flares, Storms During the healing process (about 3 years), I recieved signs that we were meant to be together. So, dear friends, I guess this is the time to listen up and start hearing these new transmissions that are coming to us. Of course not! And, we also begin to understand our relationship to the Universe, and how we are an extension of Source Energy. Certainly, this is a challenging moment in our Transformation process. Ascension is about transmuting fear into love and realizing the inter-connectedness of all things Chakra Tapping, If a chakra is closed, it may show in you holding back in that area and not feeling comfortable about it. Goddess cultures may also call - a time on Earth when the feminine (creative) was elevated above the masculine. And yet it also feels weirdly linked to this fatigue Im feeling, and the sense that I am integrating (maybe downloading?) Feeling of fullness or stuffiness in your ear. I suggest that you implement your ideas - one at time. The Ear and the Inner Ear are situated between the 5th , 6th and 7th Chakras, or, in other words, that area of our Spiritual Anatomy that connects us to the Higher Dimensions. You do this with daily action steps. Some . COMMON 5D ASCENSION SYMPTOMSAnd so, there are many ways in which your physical body will show symptoms of bringing through higher dimensional awareness. SYMPTOMS,CONTINUED..headaches, pressure in the ears, neck and upper back stiffness, heart palpitations, a feeling of hyperventilating, sleeplessness even though you may be very tired, and even a need to eat often. PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS . Experiencing changes in your mood or emotions. Allow others to grow with you, if they choose. Using Kinesiology to Relieve Aches & Pains Symptoms. Ascension Energy Update : Extreme ascension symptoms | Ringing in the It usually lasts a few seconds to a few minutes. A very unusual but related ascension symptom side effect is that hair and nails may start growing at a faster rate; damage related to the 'hair or nails' may be repaired at a more rapid pace than normal. If youranswer to these questions is a genuine and emphatic, Yes!, then dont be surprised if you start actually releasing your excess baggage. Her experience in all things spiritual helps to bring a full understanding of self and soul to her private clients and readers. I have been feeling so much inexplicable fatigue in the last few weeks, wondering where its been coming from. A new tear and repair process initiates in the body that can lead to physical pain. We live in a multi-verse of vibration - of light and sound. You may even feel some relief. Warmth or intense heat at the base of your spine or lower extremeties; Sense of heaviness or being weighed down to the earth; Waves of energy spiraling in the lower half of the body; Your physical connection to nature, the planet, growing and nurturing things (inluding people and animals) becomes more meaningful. 2014-2022 Margarita Alcantara Acupuncture, P.C. I eventually became vegan and with the range of plant-based, organic (in-season) foods on offer today, its easier than ever. The pressure in the head is also a common symptom of spiritual awakening. This organ is responsible for translating sounds received into impulses that can be sent along the neural pathways to the brain and be heard and understood. Ensure that you address your diet when in ascension mode and consume high-frequency (fresh, plant based foods) and drink lots of filtered water - limit processed foods (although many will over-consume these in an attempt to feel good). As you become more spiritually aware, your energy field expands, and you become more sensitive to higher energies. Soul resonates with the language of numbers. Many of my patients have recently been expressing things like, What is up with my ears? And, it doesnt matter what age you are, were all in this together. Some people may want to tackle many changes all at once. Ringing Ears; This has been occurring frequently, in both ears, both high/medium/low tones and has been going on since the beginning of my awakening. Stand on one foot and tilt your head so that the blocked side faces the ground. The next time I saw him, he said that he did indeed feel calmer, and that when the alarms go off, he knows theyre just alarms. Is this for real? Some people may even astral travel after going back to sleep - i.e have an outer body experience and be conscious of life continuing on, outside of the physical body while in the dream state. If you look at the Inner Ear, you will see an organ called the Cochlea, which is shaped like a spiral. Others are aware of sudden emotional surges that also appear out of thin air, are intense, repetitive, yet difficult to connect to specific events or circumstances. This makes ascension symptoms easier to recognise, assimilate and ultimately master. This chakra point is the source of white light, or cosmic energy and spiritual protection. In the early years of the physical body Ascension Process 1999 on my body would register any solar activity as severe "Ascension Flu"; body aches and pains, low-grade fever, chills, headache, and all around sick flu-like feelings. Blurry eyes, sore eyes, eye ticks - Your eyes can become inflamed and sore when life is changing very quickly before you. I am meant to be with him, not my ex. If you are reading this post, it is because you can probably feel it, be it physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually. And also, using loving words towards yourself will go a long way! Hi Margarita. Overwhelming, sudden fatigue requiring that you lie down and rest, or feeling very energized despite little sleep. Action moves lethargy. Here's what we cover in this video: What ascension is. I was told he has ADD, and is not taking any medications. This tube helps balance air pressure on both sides of the eardrum. Indeed, now that a 5D energy template is fully operational around Earth, its easier than ever to trust in and use your telepathic and psychic skills. This can cause a feeling of pressure in the head as your body adjusts to the new energies. Some people, may realise that their current career is right and they just need to be more of themselves within it. Although, Ive definitely noticed that people are awakening much earlier nowadays than present and past generations! Take yourself out of fear state. List of Ascension Symptoms and Clair-Senses - Schrdinger's THER Cat The sensation of energy pouring in through the crown/head area is often described as 'sprinkles'. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you will eventually adjust. When this Chakra is stimulated or is opening up you may begin to hear unusual sounds or noises from time to time, such as; buzzes, beeps, tones, high pitches frequencies, voices; whooshing or sensations of heat near the ears or side of face; Telepathy increases; more authentic self expression. Concentrating on relaxing the body and using focused breathing techniques will also ease some of the head and crown pressure and discomfort whenever experienced. I have experienced some of the most explosive headaches, head re-wiring, head work, than I have compared to other years. And some may accept that a new path awaits them - which will bring in new friends and possibly means a changed relationship with family, meaning little or no contact. If you live or work with others and cannot be on your own, you may notice that you become emotionally and mentally distant. Most often though, the head and crown area may feel warm at times, or there may be moments where one experiences intense heat or waves of energy along with other head/crown symptoms listed here. At Ascension sites of care, our goal is to deliver care for the whole you - your physical and emotional health. Below, I have listed the most common, but there are more. It can often be mistaken for feeling like your heart is palpitating or skipping a beat. The reliance on the Left Brain side is becoming so unbalanced that people are in danger of moving into the shadow energy of the Left Brain, in paranoia and psychosis and depression. Ascension can be thought of as the highest state of Man (humanity). Ascension involves a return to complete "Oneness with God" Hence, youll expect more from yourself each day and ultimately from those around you too. I explained that what he was experiencing was a lot like something in Star Wars. But, this is actually what weare sayingwhen trying to halt our natural progression. Old symptoms, new symptoms, but Ascension related nonetheless. This signifies that your spiritual energy is increasing, and you are connecting with higher realms. The pressure is usually not painful, but it can be uncomfortable. The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy. Her extensive list of metaphysical tools is the result of practicing reading and healing many souls for over 30 years. Fluttering heart, increased pulse, and a warm feeling that spreads through the chest. In a balanced individual, the activation of Left and Right Cochlea spirals ensures that there is balance, both literal and emotional/mental and spiritual. Represents: Emotions; Creativity, Self Expression, Sexuality; Relationships; Balance and Flow; Emotional Self; When you see a number sequence, simply pause - take note and say, Thank you. Physical Symptoms: Eye problems, glaucoma, sinus infections, ear problems and hearing difficulties, spinal conditions, and scalp/hair issues, unusual change in rate of hair/nail growth, dandruff, hair loss; headaches and migraines, far sighted/ear sighted,learning disabilities, nervous tension, stroke. Ive created an effective Guided Meditation just for Recalibrating Your Body. The Trials of Purification - Meeting the Challenges of Spiritual Growth, How Animals Are Assisting Humanity in the Ascension, Copyright Please Note: Not all of these symptoms can assumed to be attributed to the ascension process or chakra related causes only. Ascension Symptoms: changes in mind, body and spirit A high vibration sound slowly tunes in and then out. Concentrating on breathing also helps to divert your mind away from the pain. A Sign from Spirit Guides/ Angels and their energies being brought to surface and transmuted;Strange, vivid dreams, Kundalini energy working in two lower chakras: Bringing to surface of old sexual issues, feelings of guilt, and suppressed energies, fears and/or a sense of being a victim, to be consciously recognized, felt emotionally, dealt with and integrated, and eventually released. thank you! We call these rays photonic Light. Overheating is a common ascension symptom, especially through hot flashes and night sweats. This 5D level of awareness (a creational energy template) finally embedded around our planet back in June 2019. When does it shift? Keep a notebook near your bed and write down whatever you can remember, as soon as you wake, before it slips from your consciousness. Spiritual growth (ascension) works in exactly the same way. A headache during the ascension is a typical occurrence that will go away after the ascension is completed. Physical 5D Ascension Symptoms 1: You start to have body aches 2: You may have sore joints 3: You may start to experience fatigue 4: You start to have frequent headaches 5: You may notice toothaches 6: You start to experience vision changes 7: Tummy issues 8: Skin changes 9: You can get clumsy 10: You may have sudden hot flashes or flu Ascension Symptoms - HubPages Check out my articles, Manifesting 101: How To Place Your Order In The Cosmic Kitchen And Get Served! and How To Tell The Difference Between Intuition And When Its Just Your Ego Talking. Ultimately, it is not truth. Choose ease. You may have a lucid dream at first (you know youre dreaming within the dream) followed by a rumbling in your body and a feeling that youre tearing away from the physical body. As a soul and a vibratory spiritual energy being, you are also a light being, creating your human life and all of your physical experiences via the direction of your thoughts, your feelings and your divine will. See more ideas about ascension symptoms, ascension, symptoms. If your ears are in fact healthy and clear of infection or debris, a likely cause of this pressure is the muscles of your jaw. Its not a lie, its just that you havent tapped into the wholeness of multi-dimensional reality. 57 Ascension Symptoms 1. As mentioned earlier that theres no medicinal cure for ascension-associated headache so what can a person do in this situation? It never lasts long, sometimes only an hour or so. The Ascension symptoms you may feel will usually reflect what is clearing and expanding in you. I'm not going to waste time or energy complaining about any of them at this point Please refer to your medical practitioner before making any medical decisions. Loss of memory - This often happens when you grow in self-awareness. She loves to read people and uses energy reading, tarot, numerology, graphology, astrology, I-Ching, EFT, and natural healing. You move into alignment with soul and your path of light. Likewise, youre constantly interacting with other souls, energy beings - humans, animals, plants, minerals and planetary influences on both a physical and non-physical level.

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