avengers think daredevil is illiteratelakewood funeral home hughson obituaries

They stop a moment later with a squealequel of brakes and are out of the car in nearly the same moment, guns drawn and pointed where Matt had been. Its risky but itll make sure that these monsters end up behind bars tonight without any chance for escape. Did you just giggle? the female rookie asks, her tone disbelieving. Ive heard its a bit hard to run your illegal operation when you havent got funds coming in.. The Black Widow. Then hes gone, blaring off into the night sky with a roar of his repulsors. Blood drips down his nose, falling to the floor with a relentless drip. card as a thanks for what hed done. Sergeant Johnson. - to dodge towards the wall, eager to have a side of him not facing an enemy. That doesnt mean Matts going to make it easy for him. Ranking Daredevil Comic Runs. Daredevil! Steve calls and Matt completes his turn with a sigh. But every person in this room is well trained, and Matts barely managing to dodge the attacks hes facing. Anyway I think I hear Thor." Matt had heard him minutes ago but kept the observation to himself. Hes not going to make this easy for them. Making a note to warn Foggy and have him read over the list for something Matts fingers - and thank goodness for the fact the lists are handwritten - missed, Matt goes to grab a few hours sleep before work. And another. Instead, he just takes a seat on the edge of a rooftop near abouts the center of Hells Kitchen and sits there. But Foggys only ever bought one of Matts lies - a big series of lies, but a single lie really - and that is because he never could have imagined it. Clint doesnt seem to notice and shrugs. Matts main police contact as Daredevil, much to the mans displeasure, is Brett Mahoney. I cant read a screen. Can can you come with me? Even with everything Steves done, or allowed to happen Matt cant help but want to help his childhood hero. Daredevil , on the other hand, has the advantage of more room and time to tell a story. Whats wrong? He pauses when he hears one of the other rookies on the scene giggle. Give me the number then., Ah. You created chaos that complicated our mission because you refuse to improve yourself.. Clint Barton. Other than this, I dont think hes ever been an official member. Good question. And on the other side of the street using the building Matts on top of as cover and a base of operations, are the Avengers. But cant you fake that? Matt doesnt need it to hear them - he can hear Stark chattering away on Captain Americas comm from here - but he cant admit to that. He doesnt chase Matt down to talk or force him into playing hide and seek to avoid meeting him. Instinctively he opens his eyes and swallows the panic at his dark world; still there after all these years. I need to leave., Theres a long silence before Banner hums. He features legends about entertainment and sports at his website, Legends Revealed and other pop culture features at Pop Culture References. Slowly Matt moves the now whimpering woman into the street, positioning her under a streetlight as he hears sirens in the background. It's what separates them from Justice League. There is crime going on everywhere, even in the real world. Hes almost at the elevator when a pounding heart registers at the edge of his hearing. Probably the stubbornest hero Ive had to marshal. Matt ignores him again, too focused on the glass door hes ninety percent sure is right in front of him. He lands a solid kick to one of the womens ribs and feels them break; the crunching noise doing nothing to distract him from the feel of bones giving when they should not. He can do it. It coats the floor and clouds Matts senses as a second twang breaks the night air. He sees through this as well as he does everything else Matts ever lied about. He finds Matt on a roof, listening to the city. It ran away from me. He takes advantage of one womans bloody punch - is it his blood he tastes or hers? Probably. This is completely useless., Huh, Foggy says as he gets up to grab the briefcase and pulls out the tablet. He listens and smiles when he hears Clint herding them to safety. Hes not sure of Hawkeyes hand to hand abilities but from the way his heart starts to race, Matts sure Hawkeye is very aware of his and is nervous. I swear, the other officer says, this guy might be able to bash shitheads up like no ones business but he should leave writing to those of us with the brains to spell Manhattan right. Shit he must have missed the strike through of the ts. Stark is by the bar with a glass of whiskey in hand, Clint is perched on top of it, and Falcon is behind it, pouring himself a drink by the scent of the open bottle of vodka. Words have no power, theyre only words. Steve puts his fingers in his mouth and whistles, a piercing noise that shuts everyone up and has Matts hands flinching towards his ears. They might have the wrong idea but thats no excuse. Would it have made much difference? Matt says in a monotone. Where are you? the Black Widow asks. junio 16, 2022 . One of the Russians. Or needs to learn at all-. Should be.. Emotional. Besides, he says, a bubble of amusement rising in him, youre not even addressing the right problem.. Finally she tries to go for her tooth and Matt lands a carefully aimed punch to the jaw that breaks it, stopping her moving it. Another. But Matts had enough of being talked at. And even more careful the next. This is "From a Different Point of View," a feature where I discuss a comic book . Movie nights. Tristan Benns is a freelance writer and lifelong geek. Hearing aids. Focusing, hes sure theres eight people in the room, two women and six men. avengers think daredevil is illiterate. This must either be a regularly used first-aid room or the worlds most sanitised lab. Taking that look as a no. Anything to get Hydra and their human trafficking out of his city. Brian Cronin: Thomas' plotting has tended to be tighter, but this is a throwback to those days, Brian Cronin: As just in the middle of the fight, they cut to "Oh yeah, wait, here's an epilogue to get across that 'shared plot' idea!". Is this a sign that they approve of the Devil of Hells Kitchens actions? Non-lethal force; except in self-defence., Its probably the best deal Matts going to get and Foggy will kill him if he gets himself seriously hurt or killed working alone when he has this offer open. Of course, to his displeasure, the Hydra assholes hes beating on seem equally as reluctant to talk. Youll talk later ., Later. Grabbing the mans knee gives him the leverage he needs to rise to his feet, with the added advantage of making the man scream in pain; a sound that rings through the room with an unfading echo. But while Matt may have been able to turn down Captain America, he had no such luck with Luke Cage and Jessica Jones. Mr-. But at least theyre not looking for him, unlike the Avengers who seem determined to talk. In the meantime, feel free to e-mail me at brianc@cbr.com if you have any thoughts about these Avengers issues and/or discussions. We all do. Thank you, Matt says softly as Banner moves past him. I listen. But 50th and 12th is underlined so that might be important. Matt smiles internally at his cunning and nods. Okay, folks, join us next time as we start our discussion of Avengers #83 and the bizarre introduction of Valkyrie and the Lady Liberators. Almost like the two arent related. Outside, Stark begins to scream obscenities at Hydra via a loudhailer of some sort and Matt has to smile as it causes a steady flow of gun wielding men moving towards the front of the building. I promise. None of which had involved the Avengers actual names. Is there a plan then? Matt asks, cutting into Falcon and Hawkeyes fight over code names. Written for this prompt and the Repost Madness Challenge. . Dozen men at most, looking for a quick buck.. The smile slides off his face a second later as it begins to dawn on him how badly hes miscalculated here. But well hes not one to ask for help but when its freely given it might be rude to refuse. The window is open, he knows this. What did they say?. Used to the sound of doubt, he pushes off the bed and stumbles as the pain hits him, feeling as if hes walked into a brick wall. Joke. Mr Daredevil is conscious and attempting to leave his bed.. Daredevil fans spent years pondering the inclusion of the hero in the MCU, but now that he's there and we know a bit about him, it feels like there are more things to ask about than ever. Theres lots to hear out on the street for a man who keeps his ears open.. He stops at Clints side and steels his spine. And I can tell you, that aint it., But aint you heard, Sarge? the male rookie asks. No its not. Matt looks away, a wordless admission Foggy is right. Daredevil? He cant make himself explain, not through the weight on his chest. He pauses as he feels a slip of paper, folded in her pocket. But here, safe by Foggys side in an apartment that smells and feels like home, theres a dimness to the memories. He was right in the fray now his enhanced senses keeping him from harm and giving him a . Somehow, he has some kind of power over Stark in his acceptance of this this thing. To not be listened to I remember being in your place and Im disgusted at myself for forgetting. At this point in Marvel Comics, the question should be: Which chacacter hasn't been an Avenger? Nothing. He makes a brief yet substantial appearance in the movie as the lawyer who advises Peter, Aunt May, and Happy right after the world finds out who Spider-Man truly is. Not exactly relevant to my work and it was quite a lot of things to read for curiosity., Right, Captain America says. Probably faster than most things but thats not something I can measure., Something cold is creeping through Matts veins. How about we let the good Captain get back to chewing you for risking your life over your damned pride., Steve sighs. Which I think is the way to go. Ah, that makes a lot of sense, Falcon says and Matt resists the urge to bristle. Please consider turning it on! And sits there. Steve says, turning to him. No Foggy. Neither of them comment, but Widow gives him a sharp nod as he slips in through the window. Daredevil, Captain America calls out as soon as Matts in what most people would consider hearing range. Eileen Gonzalez: : Yeah, after all that excitement, the story really peters out here. It is the third television series in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Youre F.I.N.E. Foggy leads Matt to the couch; a familiar motion from their early days of living together in the second year of law school. Matt hears him coming blocks away, the steady heartbeat and metallic taste too distinct to be anyone else. It sets Matts teeth on edge. Duuude., Aimed at helping me learn to read, Matt says bitterly. Maybe two stabs to the gut, Matts had one and that wasnt actually that awful. No, Matt says simply and refuses to say more, leading to a long and very awkward silence. Well weve got the Black Widow, Iron Man and a friend of mine, Sam Wilson., Sam wants everyone to call him Falcon, Hawkeye says, a laugh in his voice. And we all realise we fucked up. Matt huffs in disbelief. Can you read it?, Can anyone ever? her partner replies. What the hell are they using as wallpaper? Our names are all over the internet since SHIELD I thought everyone knew them by now.. Sam can you drop Clint and Nat on the roof before you go?. Almost. Tony take off now. Stark is in the air a moment later. Outside Hells Kitchen but only just. What are you going to do with him?. How many enemies does Matt have left? Angry at himself and Widow for putting him in this position, Matt throws himself at the nearest man, the smell of gunpowder and metal giving away the gun in his hands. No, this time its some kind of office building thats close to the water but not right on it and a few stories high but only a few. Has he been an avenger, or been considered an avenger? Both Luke Cage and Jessica Jones are close friends of Matt, and he knew there was no way of getting out of the offer theyd extended. Thought they might be relevant to you. He grabs a bag that must have been leaning against the wall beside him and sifts through it. Theres at least a hundred kilos of TNT here and a ticking noise., Got a timer? Stark cuts in. Hell be able to strike then. 4 Daredevil. But can you live with it?, With another brittle smile Matt says, Im going to have to, arent I?. Sloppy. You cant keep this up. Together, they haul him to his feet. You. And Matt has an awareness that while sharing his experience might add even more panes of glass to his emotional windows (okay, his metaphors might need some work), itll add a burden to Foggy. Hes a little pleased about that. I can hear the engine if you focus, Got it. How fast is Steve? Matt can hear her requesting backup from a nearby Hydra cell - hers probably - and for a second he recognises the steady, calm drawl of the voice on the other side of the call, even with its note of panic. Ill read it out to you?. Its nearly 4am!, I fucked up, Matt whispers as he staggers to where he thinks theres an alleyway. And, despite what Foggy might think, Daredevil is just a mask Matt hides behind; a means to an end. Look, youre swaying. And working on a team that kills is the same thing. Hundreds of legal arguments jump to the tip of histongue but he holds them in, aware he doesnt have the time for it. You got a pen? Matt just stands there, staring at Clint in disbelief at the question. This one is actually confusing because at the time Danny Rand was actually filling in as Daredevil and I believe the Civil War comic may even name Daredevil during it as Danny Rand, however when Tony Stark arrests some of the heroes and Daredevil is part of the group, he calls Tony a Judas and his whole demeanor and saying that line at all seems like it was intended for Matt Murdock. And with that, before anyone can move, Matt turns and throws himself out the window, already reaching out to grab the fire escape under it. Matts voice hasnt risen; hes not yelling. Its not like the Avengers can keep anything to themselves. Stumbling into his apartment, he cant stop a stray thought. What? As many times as the two have fought over the years, Daredevil has never truly beaten the Kingpin. Downstairs?. Probably not but let me have my guilt. His eyes must be beginning to adjust because he manages to land a hit to Matts stomach. Moments later he pulls out a handful of papers. Leave them alone if you have to, stop the team ups, but dont let them kill you.. Matts jumping across to the Hydra buildings roof even before hes quite processed whats happening. So. They couldnt imagine a reason someone would want to hit the lights so they they jumped to a conclusion., And insulted you, Im sure. Foggys tone is as emotionless as his lawyer training can make it but Matt can read his anger in the way his heart is pounding and the stiffness of his body. Here, take it. Curious, Matt takes the tablet and runs his gloved hands over the screen. I think he finally said yes but it was VERY brief. Hes the one who was moving near silently despite carrying something. How did they get this idea? Good. Another hand, this one softer with the hint of nail polish and blood, is placed under his other arm. Shit. The man loudly jumps onto Matts roof as he turns to face him. He unfolds it gently and hears her outraged and slightly terrified whimper as he does. Im still not excited., Okay, point. Stark facepalms. She nods anyway, accepting his words or at least deciding not to argue with them. Hes going to have to talk to the Avengers eventually. His suit is all over Foggys floor, lying wherever he threw it in his angry attempts to get it off while trying to explain to Foggy that yes hes uninjured and here for a reason other than help with patching himself up. You picked up on that. Matt just stares, waiting for Steve to get to the point. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. He takes a path that puts him behind Clint, relying on his abilities to help him sneak up on the archer. Matt continues pacing up and down Foggys living room, running his hands through his hair. Sloppy. That can be dealt with. Well, according to the Russo brothers . Echoes and echoes, showing Matt hes got a lot of work to do. Look, if you press this itll read out the word; and thatll read out words letter by letter. Now I know this might not look like much but its better than like, everything on the market right now and itll help with your little problem. Elektra Natchios, Marvel's newest Daredevil, has spent much of the past few years trying to make up for her past as an assassin . Do could I get a name from you?. Daredevil had tagged along with the avengers breaking away from them to parkour his way downtown. Or at least, Clint and Nat can. Okay, yes pointing at something. The connections are tenuous at best and, as you just noted, don't even make sense. Right, it was the second option then. Bursting through the doorway, Matt throws his stick with the uncanny precision that Stick relentlessly drilled into him. Why would I leave a note for police knowing Id be mocked and ridiculed for it and that they wouldnt act on it immediately because of your rumors? I thought I was being quiet. He pulls something out of his ears and gently taps it. Tags: character: clint barton, search: fic (specific) Subscribe. Matt nods in satisfaction and goes to leave. Its part of what makes him such a great lawyer - and what had caused their fight to be as huge as it was. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Well hold ourselves back. Youre assuming you know best and its even worse than if you hadnt helped at all., To Matts surprise, Steve cuts Stark off before he can. The concept is what if they made the Avengers but used 2000s Marvel chara. Whered you see it?, I didnt. You hurt?, Foggy sighs and buries his face in a hand. I wasnt aware Id joined your team.. He needs somewhere a touch more private to examine what hes found. Please. Daredevil Will Reportedly Join The MCU's New Avengers. You can keep it or get rid of it afterwards; we dont care. Im willing to admit that of the two of us, youre probably the better fighter. From what hes heard and sensed, its not a lie. Its perfect., But- Matt. Brian Cronin: Ooph, yeah, "noble red man"? I might also have some files; from that Hydra base last week. Man I mean, I get being fine as you are, thats cool but sometimes you gotta take one for the team. Published Mar 9, 2021. Yes? Okay, here. Before Matt can voice a protest, Stark tugs the tablet from his hands and taps at it, unlocking it with a click. Eileen Gonzalez: : It leaves the issue feeling a bit unfinished, without a definitive "the end. No time. Not exactly a lie; Matt doesnt tend to read braille books due to the often unjustifiable expense and hes not had a lot of time to listen to any of his novels since becoming a vigilante. He sticks to mainly street crime and not world/universal threats. Steve Rogers. Matts being ungenerous though. 1 (April 1964). But it's not hard to figure out youre ah. Get help. And you said you can hear every television, radio and clock in Hells Kitchen. He pushes up to his hands and knees, mourning the loss of the hardwood floor. Not sure, he lies. Thanks for the information. Not exactly rocket science. Matt hears the beeps as Hawkeye fiddles with the phone. Wanna help?. avengers think daredevil is illiteratechaska community center day pass. Carefully, he locates the archer by his breathing and heartbeat and tries to move so most of his body is covering the dazed trafficker on the ground. Foggy doesnt even let Matt get past two knocks on his window before hes opening it and trying to help Matt through. Shit. He grimaces as he shoves it in his ear and starts to gather as many of the papers as he can carry. A light swish is the only sound the door makes as the man with the deep heartbeat makes his way into the room, talking to someone who is not there, amount of blood he lost, no way hes cons- oh., I did say, Dr Banner, a British man says, the speakers distorting his voice and adding a slight crackle to it. Well hed be more sympathetic if she hadnt left him behind. Hawkeye takes the bait. Whered you get this information? Falcon asks and theres a note of confusion in his voice. Drops of his blood drip down his cheeks and coat his tongue. . Its a familiar scent to Matt, after all his years working in various office like situations. I know. If they all do, Matt can definitely work with this. Just because I choose to act outside the law doesnt mean I condone others disregarding procedure and basic privacy laws., You know, for an illiterate guy, you have a way with words. Starks words feel like a blow and Matt turns his head away. Will we get a new group of Avengers together though? That can go now. Almost everyone has been an Avenger at some point in time. I checked the switchboard you touched. Not a blind lawyer who, as you put it, graduated summa cum laude and reads difficult books for fun. Legs wobble under the pressure of standing, the pain of standing and every bone aches. Not only was he able to protect Danielle Cage from the forces of HYDRA, but he would later help the team take on Norman Osborn and his newly reformed Dark Avengers squad, and hed fight alongside them during Avengers vs X-Men. If you dont like my doubt, youre welcome to leave my city and it behind you., No - and good distraction there. I've done everything in my power to keep them in character and this is, in my opinion, their in-character reactions. But theres no way he can tell Hawkeye that. Well, says Hawkeye, dropping down to the ground by the sound of the thump. marvel fics that make my heart do this twisty thing, Books to absolutely reread like a thousand times, a collection of every marvel fic ive ever read, Marvel Percy Jackson and Harry Potter favorites. But two days after Clint helps him knock out a pair of rapists, Matt overhears something that destroys even the tiniest bit of silver lining to this thing. Running is pointless, Matt might be able to out hide Steve but he doubts he can keep moving long enough to outrun him for the rest of his life. And hes my only link to the men trafficking women out of New York. Okay two stabbing pains, he finds as he tries to move. tip: austen words:10000-50000 sort:title. They are nothing. , Matt blinks. And Other Amazing Comic Book Trivia! Guilt flooding him, he sighs. They think I cant read, Foggy., Foggy, as the best friend Matt could ever ask for, manages to swallow the laugh thats in his voice. Okay, and because he knows his friend, although facial expressions arent usually something he bothers to imagine. Confused and a little bit pleased, Matt eventually makes his way to Clints roof. Then Foggys putting his hands on Matts shoulders, slipping down to grab his back. Only fair to give you some warning., Clint shifts in his seat then sighs. Warning: SPOILERS for Savage Avengers #7! The hand on his back is moved to rest under his arm and Matt puts grateful weight into it so he can rise, moving his own hand to rest on Falcons shoulder. Yes?. With a sigh, he turns back around, holding a hand out. The problem was that when he teamed up with Daredevil, one of the only other free heroes, Panther was captured, as well, so Daredevil was by himself. Matt thinks about moving so Foggys hand falls off his shoulder but decides against it. The Black Widow appears at his side a moment later, as he climbs onto a neighbouring roof and begins to work his way through the shadows to get across the street. Mr Matt Im blind and cant let them know it Murdock, Matt cuts in and Foggy hisses in realisation. So? Stark finally asks after having explained every feature that Matts never going to be able to use. Not without admitting whyhe cant read the screen. Dressed in what Banner informs him are Clints oldest and darkest clothes, Matt grabs the bag with his suit and stumbles his way towards the elevator. She sighs. I get that its scary and new, but reading, reading is awesome. But unlike with Brett, Matt never really sticks around to see them get his gifts as even months after the police purges hes still uncertain of everyone but Brett on the force. So Iron Man, Black Widow and one other? Stop Tony. Luckily, he was clever enough to find a way to sneak into the place where the Zodiac were holding the Avengers and surreptitiously free the Avengers and then the Avengers just let loose on the Zodiac! It seems like theyre the last to arrive because Stark and the Hulks human form - whose name begins with a B or V maybe? And you wont cause chaos for your teammates by hitting the wrong switch, the Black Widow adds dryly, but Matt can still detect a hint of anger in her voice. Thats a ridiculously stupid move for a fighter and despite everything youre not a stupid fighter. Matt feels his shoulders rising at the accidental insult in her words and consciously forces them down, swallowing the hiss as the movement pulls at a bruise. Okay, Sam, Tony, I want you in the air now. You dont have to lie to me. You dont listen to me, he repeats in a near whisper. Matts barely been on the rooftops ten minutes when Tony Stark - in the loud armour he wears - lands on his roof. She keeps up with him, nearly silent to his sensitive ears. Cox had already spent years playing the part of crusading attorney and nighttime vigilante Matt Murdock by the time he made his first official MCU . 41st and 11th; 43rd and 12th; and 40th and 10th. He instantly realises its not aimed at him but the man hes currently trying to get a location from; whose stubborn refusal to talk has lead to the blood that currently coats his hands and the mans face; and the teeth littering the ground. Youre also very good at avoiding answering my question., That gets another laugh from Clint. That I am. He fumbles in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a - Matt sniffs - phone. But if these are a bunch of Hydra leaders theyre all going to have bodyguards or something similar around. Okay, Matt manages. Like you need fixing.. But he's not a regular. But from the way Foggy sighs, Matt thinks his friend caught the lie anyway. Fucked up. Published Nov 12, 2022. Yes but Matt has no way of accessing it unless he gets Foggy or Claire to read it and thats only going to take time he doesnt have. Steve takes a step towards him. Charlie Cox played Matt Murdock in Daredevil, but lost the gig after Marvel pivoted to Disney Plus series. Any fire in his blood freezes as he tries to figure out how they could have reached this conclusion. Matt struggles to his feet and, as silently as possible makes his way home to where hes sure an anxious Foggy is waiting. Hes busy enough as it is without trying to figure out how to work with another person. Its that note that seems to say Im letting you speak but my expectations are low. What does that have to do with anything?, Hawkeye carefully picks it up and passes it to Matt. The other rookie starts to argue that his information is genuine as Matt gathers himself enough to stumble away. Mask mask stays on.. Okay, somewhat aware of his limits. Matt nods to himself. Quickly Matt finds the beginning of the indents, not surprised to realise its a handwritten address, probably responsible for the bulk of ink he can smell. She pushes Matt back into his seat and takes a position on the couch beside him. Perfect. And good suit; it kept out the worst of the damage. Damn it. A force on his back tries to push him down but lightly, barely touching his aching back. The Black Widow also seems to have adjusted to the darkness well, if the ever growing number of men groaning on the ground is anything to judge by. Disbelieving silence greets Matts words. A few times the 'R' word is used. He knows all. So its dawned on him too. He really just wants to get out of here right now. tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Are you going to walk out wearing that?, Banners words cut into Matts mind, a crash of thunder through the clouds in his thoughts. There isn't a "Sins Past" or "One More Day" where it's majorly dislike when it comes to . You dont do debriefs because you work alone and you only got out of the one last time you helped us because you took off on us.. Theres a collective sigh of relief. What did you say, Cap?. Well dont, Matt snaps, not slowing his sprinting steps. All in all, Matts been closer to death than this. He dropped his phone you know; its right there., Matt narrows his eyes and nods. In short he obeys both the letter and the spirit of Matts request. Seemingly relaxing on a rooftop, probably watching the lights of the city. Youre about Clints height, Ill grab some of his clothes. A good disguise, if Matts honest, for a secret Nazi-death cult. The coldness in Matts veins runs into something warm that burns through his body and mind. Well, SHIELDs not exactly paying them a wage now, Matt says with a crooked smile. Hey, I promise. Yours too. Oh hey, you did get Hornhead here, Stark says, twisting in his chair. Voices are coming from the third floor, some sort of meeting. brian kim, cpa clearvalue tax net worth . He's fought with the Avengers and has been offered but no, he is not. kohler company employee directory; university of tennessee track and field roster; who is running against desantis in 2022; crochet leopard gecko On one side of the street is a group of Hydra grunts, apparently from Midtown by the streets one seems to be referencing, arguing with their leader over his choice to rob a bank for funding instead of continuing to rely on trafficking their would be victims. Ive had worse., You know, I think youre not lying and that is terrifying. Matt manages to shift so his legs are over the side of the bed, just brushing the floor.

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