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These cover themes like wealth, poverty, Christmas, and kindness. This symbolises his generosity and air of festivity. Bell, dong, ding; hammer, clang, clash! ), phrases like holding a candle for someone mean to remember them, while candles are used in c. Scrooge finishes the stave by putting out the candle, which shows him symbolically putting down his past leaving behind the resentment he has harboured at having lost his childhood to neglect. Fezziwg really represents what Scrooge has and what he could (and eventually does) become. () At the time, Camden town would have been a crowded suburb. These include Scrooges cold nature, the power of wealth, and loss. Belle "Our contract is an old one. "Business!" 6. For each of the following sentences, identify the subject of the verb in parentheses. This almost prompts a realization in Scrooge as he catches on to the fact that his wealth provides him (and indeed Fezziwig) with the power to make people happy. Example: The scientist, along with her two assistants, (is, are) working on a computer simulation of earthquake activity. "I am light as a feather, I am as happy as an angel, I am as merry as a schoolboy. 'A lonely boy was reading near a feeble fire'. This went against what Victorians considered to be a 'good death' where you die surrounded by friends and family and then are mourned afterwards. Scrooge's language has been formal and official: here he is informal, natural and joyous. The verb forged shows skill and effort- Marley spent his whole life's time and effort in his greed so is suffering the consequences. I am as giddy as a drunken man. () The introduction of the portly gentlemen provide an opposition to Scrooge. a squeezing, wrenching . A Christmas Carol is the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a stingy, cruel, wealthy, old bachelor.The book opens with a funeral. In many ways the vision works like memory can do: it changes depending on perspectives or moods. They often came down handsomely, and Scrooge never did. Compare the different settings in "Grape Sherbet" Describe each setting using details from the poem. He became as good a friend, as good a master, and as good a man, as the good old city knew, or any other good old city, town, or borough, in the good old world.'. The spirit of Christmas is personified in his open heart, open hand, and outstretched arm. Ghost stories were very popular during the Victorian era. Jacob Marleys demise is possibly part of what shaped Scrooge into the person that he is. Dickens uses these characters to challenge popular preconceptions that the wealthy had about the poor - preconceptions which led to support for the poor law and the workhouses. the strength of Scrooge's dismay about hearing his own words repeated back to him is reinforced through the use of the nouns, penitence and grief. With in-depth analysis, this video aims to help you gain a greater understanding of the novella in a matter of minutes. It is through your support of visiting Book Analysis that we can support charities, such as Teenage Cancer Trust. This means that Scrooge is implying Christmas was designed to trick and fool people into spending money. This shows scrooges lack of empathy for the poor people around christmas time not regarding their life or family, this is used to show a change later on in the book with him not donating to the 2 gentleman at the start but him donating to them at the end of the play- Scrooge to the two gentleman, Marley during his life was a harsh businessman similar to scrooge and he was also very uptight not giving money to charity or other good causes. Scrooges offences carry their own punishments. A merry Christmas to everybody! Dickens considers ignorance the worst, because it leads to want. A merry Christmas to you.". Her gown is poor but she is 'brave in ribbons'. Stave 1 - description of Scrooge's relationship with Marley. Towards the end of the book, Scrooge has clearly learnt that fact and decides to spend his remaining days sharing his time, his wealth, and enjoying the fruits of his fellow men. Gives the impression of a festive being, full of Christmas spirit. Theme= poverty/greed and generosity. Without the ghost of Christmas future, Scrooge wouldve been unlikely to change. The common welfare was my business; charity, mercy, forbearance, and benevolence, were, all, my business. This is clearly not possible. Workhouses were a terrible place and menial and dangerous jobs such as sweeping chimneys still existed. The verbs suggest age, disfiguration and pain suggesting how unnatural their conditions are that have led to this. Stave 2 - the arrival of his sister, Fan Ultimately he tries to extinguish the ghost's light. Scrooges words to the charity collectors as he refuses to give charity. Im sure you will all e familiar with the one percent statistic. The idea that anybody would be so callous about the dead is quite jarring and would have been especially impactful with a conservative Victorian readership. Definitions and examples of 136 literary terms and devices. This is a great quote for highlighting the sort of character that Scrooge was in A Christmas Carol. He spreads joy over all like a force of nature. But, they were happy, grateful, pleased with one another and contented with the time. Fred is unrelenting in his attempts to change his uncles way of thinking. This quote shows Ebenezer Scrooge's miserly, miserable attitude toward Christmas at the opening of the story; he is obsessed with his money and has no time for festivities, family, or joy. Himself. The Fezziwigs throw a party and treat everyone the same - no matter their status. You could make a strong argument for this being a tale of redemption. But he was a tight-fisted hand at the grindstone, Scrooge! A happy New Year to all the world! Dickens creates sympathy for the poor, through the Crachit's and their tight knit family. Charles Dickens only really scratched the surface of this. The gothic was a popular genre in the Victorian age and would have seemed fitting for a ghost story to Victorian readers. Studying 'A Christmas Carol'? "Crown of its head there sprung a bright clear jet of light." Description of the Ghost of Christmas Past, Stave 2, this ghost is much less scary than Marley which symbolises the innocence of childhood. Studying A Christmas Carol? Themes= Christmas/greed and generosity/family. The verb 'shrouded' makes explicit reference to death which is reinforced by the 'deep black' of its clothes. Here, readers are exposed to the ghost of Christmas yet to come. The ghost breaks the news to Scrooge that the person whose death has been talked about so callously was his own. For a start, there is the use of ghosts throughout. Marleys chains symbolize the mistakes hes made in life and the greed that controlled him. The simile shows Bobs wealth in his family; he values them more than money and so is content with their love. Studying Charles Dickens' 'A Christmas Carol'? Stave 5 - The response of the portly gentleman to the money Scrooge wants to give him: Scrooge was better than his word. A Christmas Carol Key Quotes and Analysis. Stave 3 - description of Mrs Cratchit A Christmas Carol Key Quotes Major Themes Major characters How to revise effectively Isolation and loneliness Ebenezer Scrooge One mistake people often make is to try to revise EVERYTHING. But it does share a lot of gothic conventions. He teaches scrooge to learn from his mistakes of his past. Only financial gain. The chains are a metaphor for his punishment for his greedy life. The word 'business' reflects Scrooge's earlier response to the portly gentlemen. The conditional subordinate clause represents Scrooge's future actions. Stave 2 - Belle's husband tells Belle about seeing Scrooge. Stave 3 - the Cratchits It was a worthy place. Money 5. A Christmas Carol is rarely classified as a gothic novel. Oh, glorious, glorious! "If he be like to die, he had better do it, and decrease the surplus population." jovial voice.". Describes Fred, who is a symbol of Christmas spirit. Stave 3 - Christmas at Fred's Gone are the puritanical values that banned Christmas, and, also, to a large degree, gone as well are the memories of Christmas as a serious and religious celebration of the birth of Christ. - Scrooge, Is scrooges staple opinion to christmas at the start of stave one, showing off his negative opinions to begin with, this is used to emphasise the change in scrooges character from the beginning to the end. Oh! 5. Th onomatopoeia here makes the bells sound particularly noise -and yet Scrooge sees them as 'glorious' which is suggestive of noises from heaven. If he had been, he'd have had somebody to look after him when he was struck with Death, instead of lying gasping out his last there, alone by himself.'. We can infer that the only other person he cared for was Marley and even that wasn't really because of a friendship. That being said the fact that Marley is suffering damnation suggests that he too led a similar path to Scrooge. Of course, Dickens does use his trademark lengthy descriptions but nearly everything has a point. Copyright2007 - 2023 Revision World Networks Ltd. In this case, Ebeneezer and Fezziwig are both business owners with employees, but where they diverge is in their treatment of others and in their outlook on life. Each sentence below contains a verb Stave 3 - Tiny Tim 2. Family Theme Analysis. Themes= greed and generosity/ time. Stave 1 - Scrooge's view of the plight of the poor Spirit! he cried, tight clutching at his robe, hear me! Themes= greed and generosity/Christmas. Lord bless me!" When he sees Tiny Tim and his jubilance despite his disadvantages, Scrooge cannot help but feel compassion and by association guilt, as he has seen from the effect Fezziwg had on his staff that he could have a similar influence on Tiny Tim. Themes= greed and generosity/time. The ribbons are her means of dressing more festively. I am as giddy as a drunken man., Scrooge was better than his word. However, how the poor were treated was far more extreme in Victorian England. The boy is ignorance. The tone is impatient as he does so. Imagery of warmth has symbolism of generosity, compassion and forgiveness- Fred always makes a effort with scrooge. On this page, readers can explore the quotes, they are broadly separated into a few sub-categories. Hallo there! He carried his own low temperature always about with him', 'No warmth could warm, no wintry weather chill him', 'It was cold, bleak, biting weather: foggy withal', 'Scrooge had a very small fire, but the clerk's fire was so very much smaller that it looked like one coal. PDFs of modern translations of every Shakespeare play and poem. Marley haunts scrooge- a description of his chains. Being such a short story there is very little that is extraneous. Bob Crachit and the Cratchit Family Quotes, A Christmas Carol- The Ghost of Christmas Pre, 'An Inspector Calls' Key Quotations Analysis, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, myPerspectives: Grade 10, Volume 2 California Edition, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, California My Perspectives English Language Arts, Grade 9, Volume Two. Mrs Cratchit, although poor, represents the family's will to make the best of things - to celebrate in spite of their poverty. that this creature, who appears to be both young and old, is an image of Jesus who was a baby at Christmas and yet who, as the son of God, represents the divine wisdom that Christians worship. Dickens clearly uses them to represent what employment should be like. Stave 4 - About Scrooge's grave: The metaphor shows that the school didn't help any student achieve their dreams, instead it destroyed their lives as they could not fulfil their potential. '', Stave 3 - the ghost uses Scrooge's words against him when he asks where there is refuge for the children, ignorance and want. He did it all, and infinitely more; and to Tiny Tim, who did not die, he was a second father. patience and hope fro them. Hallo!" Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 5 Analysing the evidence "I am sorry, with all my heart, to find you so resolute. ``My little child!''. Perhaps Dickens is using him to represent the idea of childhood innocence and how close children were to God in order to reinforce his message that the wealthy need to do more to mitigate childhood poverty. A happy New Year to all the world. Dickens uses him to enable the reader to see that this is unfair, perhaps looking to make his readers reflect on the high mortality rate amongst poor children. Privacy Policy, A foil is a character who contrasts with another character (usually the protagonist) in order to highlight particular qualities of the other character. Stave 5 - Scrooge's reaction to discovering it is not too late When you analyse poverty in A Christmas Carol, you may want to reference the setting as well as using direct quotes from characters. ". To Kill a Mockingbird -Analysis of Major Characters. No wind that blew was bitterer than he, no falling snow was more intent upon its purpose, no pelting rain less open to entreaty. sungiemarie. GCSE (9-1): Literature: A Christmas Carol: Key Quotes: Key Quotes with Analysis 4.7 (15 reviews) Term 1 / 36 'Sole' (stave 1) Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 36 repetition - Isolated, lonely. Here, Scrooge is talking about Fezziwig and how he uses his wealth to lift others up. His selfish ways have left him this way. A Christmas Carol Charles Dickens On this page, readers can explore the quotes, they are broadly separated into a few sub-categories. Scrooges changing attitude is never better highlighted than in his initial responses to the three ghosts. Dr Aidan, PhD, brings you the second video in his 'A Christmas Carol' series, looking here at the role and importance of the ghosts in this story. Stave 1 - Marley's ghost is distressed at Scrooge's suggestion that he was a 'good man of business'. The Total Abstinence Principle was a phrase used for teetotallers (people who refrained from drinking). The last line of A Christmas Carol is God bless us, everyone. Its spoken by the well-loved character Tiny Tim. Analysis. Key quotes from a Christmas Carol- Stave 2, A Christmas Carol Vocabulary, A Christmas Car, myPerspectives, English Language Arts, Grade 8, myPerspectives: English Language Arts, California (Grade 9, Volume 1), myPerspectives: English Language Arts, Grade 7, myPerspectives: Grade 10, Volume 2 California Edition, A Christmas Carol - quotation analysis-Stave. Dickens wished to educate people about the personal consequences of maintaining such an attitude, Scrooge's former staff can be seen selling of his old things as they were not paid sufficiently when he was alive, Stave 1/3: 'If he be like to die, he better do it and decrease the surplus population', Stave 3: 'wretched, abject, frightful, hideous, miserable', Stave 3: 'The girl is ignorance, the boy is want', 'it is more than usually desirable that we should make some slight provision for the Poor and destitute, who suffer greatly at the present time.

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