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It is totally crazy. The only vaccine not containing contamination was a veterinarian sample. Comes in nice packaging and the dropper makes dosage easier. Someone obviously ordered this attack. Some groups might have much easier access to certain commodities than others, for various reasons including the places they go and the things they do. As to my last comment on this blog, I further stand by my last statement on FULL DISCLOSURE and that WE ARE READY! [Free Ebook!]. This allows your energy to shift and open new doors of possibilities to flow in. Some said that they experienced reults right away. It is a legitimate academic pursuit to discuss Gnosticism, the Nag Hammadi texts and the various interpretations of them. I want you to give them a personal message. Products with electrical plugs are designed for use in the US. This would seem, as you pointed out in your first statement, to be indubitably false. A few more episodes will be airing along with Corey Goode. It is helpful with pain relief mostly a calmer relaxed feeling. Emery Smith likely has various facets of his accounts that are in fact very true indeed. Reviewed in the United States on February 2, 2023. What I did not say at the time this was written was that Emery and I were already at Gaia HQ, in Colorado, taping his testimony in episode-length installments. The last worldly possession he still owned was the vehicle. Ive also been in/out of the ER for over 6 years with chronic cellulitis infection in my left leg. Nothing about this incident appeared on this website until October 22nd, 2017, two months and one week later. One has to ultimately having understanding of the early legitimate Yaweh ( Sirius Constillation) and the false yaweh (Orion Constellation). Significantly, the FBI Director, J. Edgar Hoover, was also present during the debriefing of the CIA agent and his boss over what they had witnessed at S-4 and Area-51. Your email address will not be published. All of them will be exposed for all their willful and wicked deeds. S1 E1: Join David Wilcock in this episode of Cosmic Disclosure as Emery Smith comes forward to reveal his work inside secret biological facilities. This included large crystals that had been completely smashed to worthless powder on the ground. I wish I had money to help but my thoughts, meditations and all the light I can muster will be dedicated to him. Theyre all valid and none of them have a 100% lock on the truth. Just half an hour after we released Part Two, one of our top insiders we have been calling Paul was nearly killed in a head-on collision. For me , youre a great man, really brave , and I thank you herefore. Some people end up finding their way into this classified world by starting out in the military, and then getting pulled into privatized defense-contractor programs like Emery. As far as I suspect, there are no employees within Gaia who are involved in this, or who had anything to do with it. It's this cheap because the product contains no gold ormus. They were so frightened by whatever this was that they wouldnt even enter the house. Click here to see the proof. Squeeze 1/2 a dropper into the palm of your hand, rub your hands together and put on face, forehead & neck! Some users will experience effects immediately, while others it may take weeks or even months. Threw him some peanuts and he was VERY excited! I had no idea this man has been put through this torture but I am not surprised knowing what is really going on in this reality My heart breaks for him. Besides, he said the tool he used doesn't "cut" or something, didn't he? By working together to get this content out, we were all doing our best to make the world a brighter and happier place, with greater freedom for all, and to fight for the release of suppressed technology and information. Emery has sacrificed friends, family, finances, his health and more to reveal insider secrets from his life in Deep Projects dealing with Extra-terrestrials, Underground Bases, amazing medical technologies, free energy and much more. The Cabal folks seem very angry and jealous right now. For financial support , why not use Bitcoin / Ethereum? It did absolutely nothing for me whatsoever. 3. I look forward to the dream state that this product elicits. I do understand that the way we can truly shed light on these issues is by making a public clarification and apology, as I have done above. Editing. WHATEVER IT TAKES! After traveling to Area 51 and S-4, the CIA agent said that he saw several garage type doors with flying saucers in them. Keep the bottle tightly capped, out of direct sunlight, protected from moisture, at room temperature and away from electro-mechanical energy. We ARE ready for it! Thank you for reading this and helping do your part to prevent our adversaries from attempting to splinter us and destroy the Seeking Truth Movement. Various scholars have interpreted these texts in different ways, and some of those interpretations were discussed in the show. *These Results are simply reported by some people and in NO WAY represent a guarantee, likely outcome, or promise. Simply put, he was already in the emergency room by the time I posted the proof of his dogs abduction. He ended up going back to a hotel to sleep, and returning after waking up around noon the next day still very violently ill. I want you and your boss to fly out there. In this episode of Cosmic Disclosure with Emery Smith, John Lear brings forward information pertaining to the artificial origin of our moon and the flurry of extraterrestrial activity sprawling across its surface. The ER in Palm Springs could not admit him until 7AM the following morning. Massaging in is un-necessary! Mixing Ormus with psychedelics can split open the psyche, bringing unconscious material forth whether one is ready for it or not! We are taking elaborate precautions to ensure his future safety. What we are calling the Deep State is in possession of far, far greater secrets than most could ever even imagine. This same adversary may very well have had something to do with the GEM posts and the leaking of the letter circulated online as well. We will probably write a separate update about these events. The Range Rover was the last item of value that Paul still owned, and it was destroyed beyond repair in the collision. This is a place to discuss 'Cosmic Disclosure,' an interview docu series hosted by David Wilcock on Gaia, the "revelations" of Corey Goode. Im not interested in making you believe in anything or anyone because that choice is up to you, but I really find people like Tony Rodrigues and Randy Cramer to be way more genuine and legit than people like Emery Smith or Corey Goode. Furthermore, everything business-related gets delayed around the holidays, making it even tougher. If you do a little bit of research and study the research that has been done, especially b, Seller The day after we announced his coming forward, he was hit with an attack that landed him in the emergency room. Welcome back to the last and final part of the Emery Smith story. The Golden thread that weaves his work together is the science of Ascension - a solar-system-wide transformation that elevates earth and humanity to a higher phase of spiritual advancement. Join Facebook to connect with Emory Smith and others you may know. As it says on the Gaia site at https://www.gaia.com/gaia-updates, Less than 3% of our members watch primarily any single series.. Children are the perfect examples of this! As I have said before, I had many great surprises during this process, since he shared much more on camera than he had ever told me before. This is also a great website resource with lots of videos explaining a lot of these types of things. I practice martial arts, and when I train, I find myself in an almost meditative state, as if I am in an entirely different world. Maybe they are. It violates all G-ds commands that sustain humans as an independent race of His own . Some, if not many of them will be paid Deep State trolls, who are probably told horrible lies about us to make them feel good about what they are doing. Bear in mind that this is only 2.6 degrees below the temperature where permanent brain damage or death can result 107.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Home; Investigacin; emery smith ormus; June 24, 2022. emery smith ormus 3) Every single time Emery was asked about his family/relatives/friends by either David Wilcock or Jay Weidner (depending on the season), he would INSTANTLY tear up! This included smart-glass pads that are made of a fully clear, see-through material and superior to the Ipad including holographic displays. Part of why Corey made sense to me was that I had heard Emerys stories long before we ever spoke. mobile homes with utilities included; nasr's restaurant omaha; chn pigeon club; 24 inch plastic cylinder vase. ternary operator with multiple conditions in angular. Nothing else is online yet. Since Emery already gave us the initial bulk of all of his coolest stories in the course of 15 episodes, I am not sure why this was done. This was the same insider who had everything he owned stolen, with nothing left but an armor-piercing bullet on the countertop of his home. Heres the update I wrote to the last article about this, in case you may have missed it: BEGIN UPDATE WEDNESDAY 12/27, 11:33 AM: EMERY SMITH HIT WITH VERY SERIOUS ATTACK, https://divinecosmos.com/start-here/davids-blog/1223-targeted-arrests?showall=&start=1. It was very obvious to me that a powerful group was violently resisting the work I was doing with Gaia on Cosmic Disclosure. Coincidence? Emery has had the opportunity to try out these smart suits, and they are quite spectacular, including giving you the ability to jump up to 30 feet high. Thanks. Remember if we have nothing insider of us that is better than those created angels or evil spirits, they would have not abducted some of us, experimented us, or genetically modified us, or scanned us to learn restricted things from G-d inside of us. None of this should ever have been made public, but since it now has, it is important that I clarify a variety of issues that many people have already jumped to conclusions about. Thank you both for all the hard work you do and for informing all of us of what truly is going on. This product has been an invaluable addition to my training regimen, and I would highly recommend it to anyone seeking to enhance their mental focus. I have something in common with you. Maybe he said they're dead so people dont go looking. It up to everyone of you to see through that 20%. I am very happy to report that Emery had a miraculous and very fast recovery today after our call for a mass meditation and prayer. The timing was very, very suspicious to say the least. I will have to do a separate blog on Wilcock as his scams and false claims have been proven wrong time and time again. The first few days I was really tired, but at the same time had a lot of stamina and was productive where I would usually procrastinate. A little research can go a long way. Here is a wider shot of Emery on the hospital bed, showing more of the equipment in the room: This was the first shot he sent me, where it became very clear how sick he was: I asked him to take a photo of his wristband, and here it is: I also said it was important to get documentation on his symptoms and treatment. This was the first time that I actually posted pictures of the crash, further proving that it did really happen. So it would be more accurate to say that he has never come across "bad" aliens. I was deeply concerned about all of this, but until he got healthier I did not want to tip off the adversary with any news that he was this unstable. The Deep State obviously wants to make other insiders afraid to come forward. Much more documentation will follow. Yes! Please check out this video series by 'Vanilla Sky Dreaming' where she exposes Emery Smith as a complete fraud. It is safe now to donate. It started working right away for me but I notice the more I took it regularly it enhanced so many things. They are working hard, so does our G-d Father in Heaven. AGE DEFYING REJUVINATION + CAN DECALCIFY THE PINEAL GLAND, ENERGETICALLY PROGRAMMED by our Certified Reiki Master / Alchemist to ACCELERATE HEALING, INCLUDES EMF free storage pouch for Protection and contains NO HEAVY METALS. Contents I personally believe this stuff assists me in tapping into a deeper intuitive clarity when I take it before yoga and meditations as well as when I am feeling a little stuck at work. UPDATE, NEXT DAY, 12/29, 1:06 PM: MIRACULOUS RECOVERY. View the profiles of people named Emery Smith. The multiple, brazen attempts on his life would not be happening if he had nothing to say. When nurses take your vital, they will not give you nasal canulas for O2 unless you drop below 88% and stay there more than 2 minutes steadily. (verified owner) June 5, 2020. Pauls life was threatened. This one is negligible. That is obviously not an accident. Emery appears to be one of potentially thousands of covert military employees who autopsied bodies that were being given to us as payment. You dont know me and wont see me but you may sense4 me at times in a church worship environment as I continue to walk by faith and NOT BY SIGHT! I'll decide for myself, thank you. We will have more to say on that soon enough. This is exactly what happened to Pete Peterson after coming forward on Cosmic Disclosure with much more controversial information. the doctor asked how im alive. Here is a copy of that part of his Presidential farewell speech from the US National Archives: In 2013, a former CIA insider revealed Eisenhower had tasked him to threaten the folks at Area 51 that they would be invaded if they did not share their information. Tompkins actually died. Which in turn means prosperity for all! Given the importance of Informed Consent for the protection of HUMAN RIGHTS and as an ethical doctrine, it is applicable to UNIVERSAL LAWS in the petition of DEMANDING FACTUAL TRUTHS of ACCURATE EVENTS to be REVEALED to the human population in the event of FULL DISCLOSURE. Uhhhgggfggff The sad part is that even with all of this said, there are people who will deny, deny, deny that any of this actually happened. Some of Pauls intel was mentioned. The orthodox Christians, at the council of Nicaea (325CE) essentially establishes the New Testament and censored the true esoteric teachings, and ones that didnt agree with their control structure, which very much were in line the the eastern philosophical perspectives of self work/healing/enlightenment (Unity). David wilcock, everything is watched, organised, timed, managed and all the decisions are made by quantum AI artificial intelligence. I encouraged Emery Smith to come forward as a guest on Cosmic Disclosure despite threats he had received. It is a miracle that he wasnt injured more greatly. Egyptian Numerology and Sacred Oil for Healing. Its UGLY, but we, as a COLLECTIVE NEED to know the TRUTH! I mentioned films like Spider Man: Homecoming, in which the Tony Stark character gives Peter Parker a similar suit as he himself was using as Ironman. The staff was just horrible to me and I had no friends. Also worth noting that is he is speaking from his PERSONAL experience. 10/10. I guess that makes it a bit confusing on to if it's in there or just it is stating to take more gold with it for better effects ? If the military-industrial complex (MIC) had access to a live ET, and various ET technologies, they obviously would be able to make contact with other ETs. UPDATE, 12/27, 3:28 PM: PROOF OF DOGS ABDUCTION. While this may be true for some of them, there is no way in hell every single race has the best thoughts in mind for humanity. As with the complete theft of everything in his house, I have asked him to document the vehicle damage with photos and video for later publication. The true source of the attack, as well as the motive for why this was done, still remains elusive to me. My is with you all. Pretty simple. They admitted, in their own words, that whatever happened was Very Strange, including the fact that the account was frozen not once, but TWICE. When people go beyond fear and denial, and stand up for the ethical treatment of humanity and the earth, they are willing to accept responsibility, petitioning for the truth to be known, as based in UNIVERSAL LAWS. Required fields are marked *, Copyright 2023 Divine Cosmos | Privacy Policy | Store/Donate | Contact Us | Login, Stunning New Briefings: Mass Indictments, Targeted Arrests and Disclosure, Corey Goode Mega-Update: Ancient Builder Race- Recovering Humanitys Billion-Year Legacy. Your first three points are incorrect, at least for me, and I've been following since he came out. That being said, I did have my life threatened. 52% 7x per hour for the 7hr sleep study. WE ARE the GREAT ONES that were foretold and prophesied about! Again, Emery has no smoking gun that can absolutely prove everything Corey is saying is true. A thin male, very hungry, totally different markings than the others -- lighter-colored head and odd white lobes at the base of his neck that are not symmetrical. Why? I encouraged Emery Smith to come forward as a guest on Cosmic Disclosure despite threats he had received. Ormus is a product of alchemy, which is the ancient chemistry that transmutessomething base into something fine through an esoteric energetic process. Emery Smith III was born on January 28th, 1972 to his parents Emery and Dorothy Smith in Plainfield, New Jersey. Gaia Location 833 W South Boulder G Road Bldg, Louisville, Colorado, 80027, United States Description Industry Broadcasting Media & Internet Discover more about Gaia What your relating about what the Blue Avians told Corey sounds a whole lot like gradual ascension to me. These other guys are just cashing in on the craze since there's no way to collaborate their stories. In May 2017, the UK Express covered this story with film clips from Michael Mazzola and Dr. Steven Greers film Unacknowledged. It is tremendously cruel what he did to this woman and his long term girlfriend. By utilizing ancient teachings and healing modalities, we aid in the removal of pain and limitation on a cellular and DNA level. There is a level of UFO secrecy that goes far above the US military, the highest generals, even the Commander-in-Chief of the US Armed Forces.

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