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Jewel of Atiiki(74-78)(Guild Hall>Buy Katta Castrum Powerstone>TP to Katta Castrum>Jewel) - Farming the efreeti here is fun and easy. You get to experience every bit of content across 110 levels, hundreds of zones, and 24 expansions. Most of those pulls will be a pair of light blue conscript mobs. Unless you're 4 boxing or uber twinked, killing these will take some time, but about 3 kills will take you from 20 to 21. If you have an enchanter mez the adds and then hold them for one minute after each kill. After that though it's single pulls non stop. Never a good idea to go fully afk. It isn't bad, but you start looking at 2-3 mobs per 1 percent. When do I have to upgrade him? Roughly 80% of the mobs are rootable and headshottable so this is a really nice zone for AAing with a ranger. At about 52, head further into the zone, through the aquaduct area and start killing rotting peasants, nihilists, and commoners. EverQuest Leveling Zones for Each Level Reaching higher levels can be determined by your zone, so let's start from the beginning with zones 1-10. These levels will go by in a flash, but watch out for the spiders. Joined Feb 1, 2009 Messages 62 Reaction score 0 . © Copyright 2008-2022 Almar's Guides. There are only a small handful of places where you have to fight more than one mob if you don't want to. Everything is gnomes, constructs, slimes, minotaurs, and elementals. The orcs hit a little harder and stun more and as you push back, there are higher level drakkin. They are all undead. They respawn pretty quick and are higher level than most of the zone, so better exp longer. A: Your merc will start costing you 2g every 15 minutes at level 14. There are also a ton of really good twink weapons to be had here, which can sell for tons of plat depending on what server you're on. All About Mercenaries | EverQuest All About Mercenaries Mercenaries are NPCs for hire that will aid adventurers in their heroic endeavors. They hit a lot harder and have a lot of HP, so if you have trouble go back to spiders and other critters until 76-77. Q: So wait a mercenary is allowed into an LDoN? There are a few provided for you by the game, but the vast majority of the world is gonna be uncharted and you will need reliable maps. I honestly think it's kinda trash because either you're killing "relatively weak" classified mobs or the creatures just have too many HP, but from 30-35 it's ok. The mobs hit very hard and you can get overwhelmed very quickly. They are undead and you will reap them with Slay Undead/Ward Undead line spells. Ah yes. Some feedback as someone who was reading this hoping to come back: What does paying for live do for me? NOTE: Doing the progression for Call of the Forsaken and The Broken Mirror will net you some incredible rewards. To top it all off, it's also a hot zone!! That spot is, like, the ideal afk spot. For example say you shrouded to level 10 Your mercenary will be free again. Click here for more information. This zone is a lot better when you factor those in. There is also a pair of undead graveyards here that can offer some decent exp in this range for Paladins, but the mob density is all that and you're better off in another zone. Start off killing drakes, snakes, and spiders. ALTERNATIVES: Anything in Underfoot (83-90)(Guild Hall>Buy Unrefined Brellium Ore>TP to Brell's Rest>Pellucid/Underquarry/Cooling Chamber/Kernagir) - I seriously dislike Underfoot. Once you zone in there is a monster bridge. Otherwise, kill puslings and bubonians. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85 This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. The temple is a pretty decent camp spot if you have to sit somewhere, though the wall of fire that obscures you view kinda sucks, and you can pull to a wall as well without much difficulty. Purchasing a Mercenary Mercenaries can be hired from various Guardians in the Plane of Knowledge as well as from NPCs in starting cities. Dulak's Harbor (35-43)(PoK>Gulf of Gunthak>Dulak's) - You can go higher than this by killing cultists and stuff in the tunnels of the zone, but I think the best thing about this place is the mob density for lower levels. Check the sidebar of the subreddit for where to get them. if you are wanting to go fully afk do it in instances it is much safer imo, hmmm.. there was hatching a plan or something like that, only decent one i can think of right now. If you've made it this far without a guild, then maybe it's time to look for a real guild with people in it. Once you reach the wasps that are over there, start killing the wasps. I can't think of many places where the time taken to get there and get setup to afk xp wouldn't have been better spent just killing or questing for regular xp then logging out. AFK/Mercenary Leveling Guide for Everquest Levels 1-85 This is a guide dedicated to leveling your character automatically while either fully AFK or partially AFK. The Mercenary Liaison in Cresent Reach is due east of you, if you follow the path you'll run right into him. Rangers and rogues used to like to come Headshot/Assassinate grind here. Making it doubly worth it. Sul Vius, Demiplane of Life - Inside Demiplane of Life, if you head down into the bottom right corner is an area filled with crypts. I forget about that guy. Available types are Tanks, Healers, Melee DPS, Caster DPS, and Support mercenaries. EQNext (EverQuest Next or EQN) has been officially announced! Your toons are going to get attacked and hit. The north wall of the citadel is a combination of giants, undead, drolvargs, and cockatrice. That area is considered Tier 1 for the expansion. All of the tier 3 House of Thule zones work here, but I like Fear Itself since it's mostly just a revamped Plane of Fear, which I have fond memories of dying in. From where you zone in, drop down and kill everything in and around that structure that DOES NOT SAY "WOULD TAKE AN ARMY TO DEFEAT". They will be indifferent to you to start. Once you get going quickly with the HAs from Gribble, you can throw in some of the HAs from Skulk. Changing the email on the account seems to get it 'unstuck' and future attempts appear to work. Great post. At 49, get to the very top of the crystal ramps and go through the fake wall and then head up to the upper kobold camp and kill these guys to 52. Don't accidently attack Lhranc if you see him. Head through the city in the mountain area toward Blightfire Moors. Just be kind and patient. At no point do I stop for AA's until I am level 110, so there will be no notation about AA grinding. Hitting Ctrl+R to walk is very good idea here. This is the only stance a Rogue merc will attack on. I just wanted to see why you felt AFK Merc killing was assish and if you felt the same about AFK killing. I have added it in now. EMPIRES OF KUNARK & RING OF SCALE - GETTING TO 110 Empires of Kunark is the 23rd expansion. Inside Dead Hills, look for a gnome named Gribble Grobblenobber. At 8-9 go to the last cave that is next to the little paddle thing on the lake and kill bears. While it is fastest to level in Hotzones, it is always good to have options on where to level. These Mercenaries can be good options to level up first unless you have access to some of the most powerful Legendary Mercenaries. 46-67 Veksar (PoK>Firiona Vie>Lake of Ill Omen>Veksar) - If you're a paladin, you really should consider living here through these levels, as most everything is undead. Same goes for a male Mercenary Liaison. Best thing though are the nameds. In the event Trakkanon is up, he will probably eat your face, so stay out of his room if he is until that friendly farmer shows up to farm him. It should open and let you swim through to The Hole zone. Kill bears, wolves, and snakes near the zone line to Blightfire. A NOTE ON MERCS: At 75, you can do the Korascian Warrens progression. Considering you should be killing three mobs every cycle in which each cycle is 10min and 40 secs, you should be killing 15 mobs an hour. Once inside, just follow your map and keep heading back until mobs start getting close to your level. 1 High-Level Character Outside Group 1.1 50% Killing 2 Damage Shield Power Levelling 2.1 AE Damage 2.2 Damage Shields 2.3 Executing the Strategy 2.4 Levelling Path 2.5 Other Tips 3 Swarming 3.1 Swarming Path 3.2 Ghetto-Swarming 4 Headshot 5 Twinking 5.1 Weapons 5.2 Haste 5.3 Hitpoint Regeneration 5.4 AC and Hitpoints 5.5 Potions Balanced: This stance is exactly how it sounds. Grouping is still one of the best ways to get experience, but the mercs help you when you can't find a group. Lots of good loot and the spider camp and kobold village are pretty easy. It's still pretty decent at the 80-82 range, though there are better places. Try and kill at least one Captain of the Guard. The idea to help in grinding to where the other players are (level-wise) is to add two additional accounts and create a 3 box team. The exp is also really nice 75-80. Ah yes I always forget about this. The first camp is in the large room in the bottom right side of the map. South of the citadel are the drachnid tunnels. A: Mercs are actually rather cheap to maintain. Then it starts to slow down. 48-55 kill the mutant floaty guys, shades and crazy humans. There are four types of Mercs to choose from: Healing, Tanking, Rogue or a Wizard mercs. You can actually come here about 60-61 and kill in the area around the zone in/out. This works out to 4 AA (6 AA on Test) an hour while AFK. Just be careful about aggro. Llux's guide to warrior swarming v3. Third, get yourself maps immediately. Can I keep him when I shroud? It's some kinda Gnomish backpack thing. You need the three accounts, so you can create a sustainable merc team. Once you're around 96, head toward the big building in the center or the Sepulcar of Order zoneline to kill higher level guys. I dont recommend using one ever unless you know the class to begin with) a questline was added in Feerott, the Dream that unlocks all ranks of Journeyman Mercenaries. Welcome to EverQuest! I played a cleric for 9 years until I finally left. I just dislike this place in total. This place is almost nothing but undead. I normally just wander here, murdering the Cthulian nightmares that abound. You will begin seeing worgs, go south down the coastline and look for some elves and humans. At 77 take the quest Reducing the Threat - Wereorcs and head a little northwest toward the Hills of Shade zoneline. Lower HP, but hit hard. Once level 4-5, go over the bridge to the north and kill young pumas, bears, and more drakes. Swarming, pets, class specific abilities all change everything drastically. This page contains every Leveling Guide that I have written for Everquest. ALTERNATIVES: 25-32 Crypt of Dalnir (PoK>Field of Bone>Warsliks Wood>Crypt) - Really love this zone. Do they take up a group slot? It's by far the fastest and is almost as easy as the Gribble missions. if your merc adds about 20% damage to your party then your exp will be about 60% of what it could have been solo. The same nameds you can get from the lake are here, though I believe a named giant is the most common one. I was wondering if anyone knew of any AFK XP guides using 3 mercs besides this one: just where ever you pick be careful people still report for that. Decent loot drops from the nameds in each zone as well, as well as Tier 2 armor tokens. Favorite area is the Queen's castle area. A NOTE ON GEAR: If you do not go through the Mines and get your tutorial set, I recommend spending any money you can get your hands on for some Simple or Rough Defiant gear. Erudin also has a LOT of undead which are very concentrated in a few areas, making Paladin swarming much easier as well. Talk to Ruppoc Rockjumper and get the quest Thinning Out Their Numbers: Rotdogs and Snakes. You can pull 3-4 at a time easily and pretty quickly kill them all, moving out toward the docked ships to get higher level guys. The drachnid are probably the lowest level mobs in the zone, but it gets hard to pull singles and they have a lot of HP. This is Tier 4 for Veil so things hit hard, but not that hard. You'll make the amount it takes to pay them and more from those 5 mobs. Fourth, never underestimate buffs. It's a matter of gear and group/box team composition. He will assist the main assist of the group, or you if its just you and him. Everything has changed with the Seeds of Destruction expansion. Everquest 2 Leveling Guide 1-125. Your merc will also use buffs that are in his level range to buff you and your group. The north camp is the three rooms near Muramite Proving Grounds. When you suspend your mercenary the button will change to Unsuspend. Everything is pretty spread out and it's dead simple to pull singles or just wander and kill. I recently did another playthrough and used this zone and realized I had forgotten entirely about the bottom half of the zone with the fungus men and golems. http://www.almostgaming.com/everquest/afkmercenary-leveling-guide-for-eq1. /autoskill allows you to toggle combat skills to automatically active while attacking (formerly unlocked at 61). Up to about level 35 a red con gave me 10%-25% XP. The other major reason is Alternate Advancement Auto-Grant. https://www.eqprogression.com/zone-leveling-guide/ PirateKilt 1 yr. ago The Foundation is one of them and might be worth heading to. If water and earth are camped because this zone is a hotzone sometimes, then run to the back of each wing and take the teleporter down to the bees. This zone is also a hot zone some times so it can go even faster than it already is. Assist: Your merc will help DPS. This access to at least 2 nameds that I am aware of. The Rogue merc does melee damage where as the Wizard merc will nuke, all pretty basic. topic on the EQ forums. While I didnt test this strategy in The Bloodfields, I think that zone also has a fast respawn rate of 10 minutes and 40 seconds, so this strategy should also work there if you can find a similar camp. Velkator's castle houses the highest level guys, mostly golems and gargoyles and you should come here around 52 and stay until about 55. The amount of experience you get varies upon level, but I know in the level 100 range, you get around 8-10% of a level per completion, as well at 1-2% for kills. Talk to Marla Gaslow. You'll usually be fine pulling 1 or 2 Whites or above, any more and the merc has a small chance of running. BEST: (14-18)-30 Blightfire Moors (Crescent Reach>Blightfire Moors) - If you came in at 14, kills snakes and rats that are between the CR zone line and the PoKnowledge book. There are a lot fewer mobs as you go up in levels and it's much easier to head to City of Mist at 42-43 and crush out the last few levels really fast. per mob. If you're actually grinding, the entire cave and temple area will give you a lot faster progress just walking through, changing your speed and pull-numbers depending on your level (at the beginning, just pull 2-4 at a time, later on you can start pulling entire sections). More of the same, except a larger portion of the zone is friendly. All EverQuest servers, and all website pages and services, will be taken offline for scheduled extended maintenance and game updates on Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 6:00 a.m. PST*. Once that's done, go through the doors and head to the second level. Another semi decent camp would be the Gorgons in the top left of the zone.

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