venus in 12th house synastry forumlakewood funeral home hughson obituaries

I feel I just love him unconditionally no matter what, I dream of him a lot, I have fantasies too but I keep this all to myself, a secret. One thing for sure, 12th house relationships are Karmic. How is aspected by other planets. I think anyway 12th house is involved. In fact, Venus is considered another guru in astrology besides Jupiter, which become exalted in the most spiritual sign Pisces. I dont feel he doesnt love me enough. And also a lot of Saturn and Neptune going on. Okay, this advice is not even remotely astrological, but take it from a person who dated a lot, and always with an intention to settle in a committed relationship. But afflicted venus indicates the negative effects of the venus/ neptune aspects. Despite their great physical attraction towards each other, the Venus person often feels saturated with mystery and attraction of the 8th house. Venus determines the way you approach relationships, romance, and love. and yes check your saturn sometimes saturn can point to what you don't likebut then again it cam be good and make you feel comfortable with someomethats why overall picture of synastry is so important!!!!! He is much older than me, far better positioned, with flaws, yet a hero to me. To get this straight, the "he" you're speaking of is the 12th house person? The twelfth house by its nature is diffuse and undefined. But it just feels like i knew him before. As if it was not enough he has moon conjunct pluto in the 5th and Venus square Pluto and Venus trine Saturn. Trish how did you get over it!?! He doesnt want a relationship but he wants you to feed some unstated emotional void so he keeps you strung along with longing stares and subtle flirtations. Such a mystical house - offers so much yet sometime so little. Tense aspects can be difficult to overcome. Hi, Name Again. Venus in your Partners 12th house The Venus person will be highly complimentative with the house person which will help increase their overall self-confidence. I've never experienced Venus in my 12th house until now, but yup That's what it is like. The Ascendant person feels an unconditional love when the other one is around. As with all conjunctions, Venus conjunct Pluto synastry can play out in positive and negative scenarios alike.. Venus conjunct Pluto synastry relationships are based on the partners' strong romantic and physical attraction. I dont want him anymore as he rejected me but I cant help but stop thinking about him. But I ve never felt what I have felt for this other guy..and still sometimes feel. With the Unaspected Venus, the sensibilities would be similar to Oscar and Felix in the Odd Couple. Sadly to say those attractions/connections do NOT work out well and the relationships are of short duration, for the most part. If he truely loves you, he will sooner or later find his way back to you. Its a 99% chance that hell hurt you, but what makes it bad is that the Mars person doesnt really know that they are. I then felt like the reason why it felt strange to me seemed to be that I was picking up his symptoms rather than experiencing illness myself (there was also "a fog" kind of feel to it too.) Leave no traces where you can be found, as these BAD 12th-Housers seem to be emotional vampires, and thus really get off on feeding off of YOU, your fears and trepidation. THAT is a swift ender for my 3-placement Leo (read: THE QUEEN) who became TOTALLY OFFENDED by his antics. There are two zodiac signs associated with Venus in astrology. It doesn't necessarily have to do with verbal flattery but the presentation, image or interaction boosts the House. this was all chinese for him but for me it was the confirmation Of I had felled. Im stuck. He shows me he cares with actions and he has told me twice he is in love with me. I would be very interested as always in hearing about any findings or further experience or information you can conjur up! Sounds karmic or so I think. ), but at the same time on his POSITIVE/GOOD TWIN sign I recognized parts of myself that were. Mine lasted for nearly 3 years amid a ton of torment, aching for his love, trying to understand the hostility, the mental/spiritual abuse, trying to help him .. all SORTS of goodies/1 In the end, it was me that jumped ship; who needs that kind of nonsense in ones life? :) Would also love to read about Double Whammies in the 12th if you have any info. You got bit BAD by the oh-so charismatic, elusive 12th Houser! I loved his soul. This is because there are endless ways these things can play. Topic: Venus in 12th house Synastry: KarkaQueen Knowflake . I am not saying there is not a spiritual/psychic or unconscious connection but don't assume he has other feelings than what he has clearly said. Just cant get past my Gemini obsessions, I guess. Here are the examples i want to share with you. Now i know why. People who are willing to fully trust can let themselves loose in the 12th house if you show hesitation than it can make a big difference. And there is a very strong square between his Mars and my own, which creates a lot of stress between us at times, and his Saturn is square my Venus. It's true that when someone touches our soul in deep connection, they could teach us a lesson. He got married, told me so and yet said that nothing will change. We finally realize wait, where are they, why are they not here if we feel so strongly about each other? DUBLIGATO all OVAH the place, lol!!! I recent discover my crush has his Mars in my 12th conjunct my Ascendant. NO THANKS!!! And thats when he disappeared. I feel lost a lot of the time, but feel even more lost and dead inside whenever I walk away from him, but I never stay gone for too long, even though I claim I will never come back. Ya, I think we both feel a very strange draw to the other. It is spiritual for both people, but sometimes this is why the relationships seem to be so painful if they end. Wow! I can sense when he needs something even when he isn't next to me. I've noticed a few times I have had this placement with somone I care very deeply about, but for some reason the feelings are never mutual. Although much of the time we find out it's ourself. Right up to this year I have still been battling my feelings in re: to the guy I was totally swept away by. And I do, I don't ever want to judge or criticize him. I either lied to myself or the other was lying to me and it was very difficult and painful to deal with. (Waving). Yes I do think that it's a possibility with his Neptune in your 12th its a very intuitive and psychic connection. Do you mind posting a synastry? I guess the best way I can describe it is as if it's partially a dream. My Jupiter falls into this man, I no longer with but had a deep connection. =). I'm sorry it didn't end as you wanted, Douxie. She longs for a partner who will just let her "be": someone who will go with the flow, and give her plenty of alone time (12th House natal planets often demand periods of isolation). Ive cut our contact channels. I really like the Leo energy. Venus in 12th House Synastry Overlay If your Venus is in your partner's 12th house of a synastry overlay, you find yourself deeply moved in strange ways by the house person. I wish you luck in dealing with your guy; maybe it will turn out sweeter than what I went through. I made our synastry. He could communicate with my soul because he could explained my secret desire without boundaries.I had erotic dreams about him a lot. And it is an easy relationship. Gah! If the person is a good person they can point out our weaknesses and bring them to light so we can move forward with the knowledge that they have to help us be more aware of our unconscious behaviors. I also cant tell you, definitively, how theyre experienced by the person who has their twelfth house activated. maybe it was some inner knowledge of how he is deep inside. When I think about it, it makes me sad we aren't together. You have long-lasting and intense affection for this individual. Possibly. On top of this, his Pluto is either square or conjunction my NN, Im pretty sure its the square. I never know what hes thinking, which is rare for me. This is why this house also holds our hidden enemies. i guess if the house person is non-scorpionic, or less-scorpionic perhaps, they won't run away scared because they feel they are exposed, lol If the house person is heavy-scorpio people, hmm don't even think aboutt having relationship with this peeps, they will ruuuuunnnn away asap no matter how much you mean to them. Thats an aspect of a battle between the Mars person & the 12th house person. Nonetheless it offers us the opportunity to heal karma, overcome our fears, uncover hidden talents and gifts, and to truly see the mystical, magical spiritual world. His acts of ghosting you and shutting you down via social media makes me think that he might also be a tad sociopathic thats a common trait. Especially natal charts and composite charts. Most sources will tell you that the twelfth house overlay is not good for relationships. Does this mean that the love is just hidden, or doesn't really exsist at all and it's all in my imagination? Hi Aida! Sadly, I was the house person and hopelessly in love, while the Venus person would not admit their feelings even though we both knew they did feel for me, just like I felt for them.. Actually, the guy told me "I love you, *insert my name here*" while we were in class, but we barely knew each other and I didn't know if he was being serious.. later on he denied it said it was a joke (but it wasn't). I can feel him there within me and he seems to be aware of things that I dont want him to be eg. Ironically, your experience sounds much like my own, excepting my 12th Houser turned mean and abusive, even though I was ARMS OPEN to him at all times. Also, yes this is definitely a karmic situation. The 12th house is mysterious, magical, elusive, highlypsychic, spiritual, and the most interesting thing about it in synastry is that relationships with planets here tend to function mostly on a unconscious level, and even a whole other world entirely. The planet Venus takes its name from the Roman goddess of love, lust, beauty and fertility. So, know that their insecurities and feelings may get in the way of connective relationships. I have my Venus in my would-be partners 12th House conjunct his Moon along with my Sun on the cusp of his 12th, his Sun is partially in my 12th House, his Neptune is in my 5th House conjunct my Mercury, and my Moon is in his 4th House conjunct his Mercury, Mars, and Jupiter. Years ago i was dating someone whom i had the same aspect with. Mars in 12th house plus all the unease Im feeling is scary and terrifying. To the point it's hard to explain to others especially because we're no longer together. If they are yours theyll come back and if they dont they never were., I can vouch for this too. For instance, my Sun and Venus land in the 12th house of my ex/long term best friend. The North Node represents our souls goal in this l Mercury in Partners 1st house You will inspire easy communication with your partner. Now i understand the mystery of the house that touch our soul. Venus in 12th entirely depends on how well both people can handle Neptune. Also VenusianMoon, the outside person (your boyfriend?) Same here. When we are having a nightmare we have to face immense fears. I have noticed this can happen from a distance when we have Neptune 12th house synastry as well. I find myself wondering if it's happening because maybe I am picking up on him obsessing about it. As for this guy, hes telling you all you need to know. You need to be clear in areas such as this, find out why you met this person or they you? All information I have is the planet can see through the house person like cristal. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! Boy did WE clash, but seemingly there were no 12th House synastries between us. Either come correct or go away. It rules creativity, beauty, diplomacy the arts and is representative of our physical and tangible . At least I know now that I'm not the only one spilling my water in the 12th house, lol. November 9, 2012 astrologyanonymous27 5 Comments. Venus is considered a Benefic, which means that this planet tends to bring good fortune. He also has his natal Sun, Venus and Mercury in his 12th house. One who never had to deal with neptune before would have it very difficult to submerge themselves past the toes dipping. Just give it time and have moderately high standards for yourself. Sometimes in teh beginng this house can be overwhelming for some becasue it's like you can see into each others soul. Anyone else care to share? Some are evil and just want to get in your pants. If you Love this person, let destiny take its course and have faith in divine/universal timing. The relationship functions mostly on an unconscious level and there is often much misunderstood or misinterpreted if you arent very clear in your speaking with each other. . Thanks for the 12th house information. Its vague, wet, murky and the fog is dense, we need to rely on our intuition, but our intuition is skewed here, so what is one to do? It could be a not-so-good thing if you feel vulnerable or exposed or even if you just get irritated from him. I'm very new here so read at your own risk! Long story short, we both loved each other but it didn't work out for various reasons (I suspect fear and insecurity was the main issue - karmic connection). Strangely enough, I found that I had this very weird feeling of being ill for a couple days and almost felt like I might pass out, but it wasn't like it really felt like I was ill (difficult to explain.) Venus in 10th House synastry indicates a kind of built in security since both partners feel comfortable with their relationship no matter where they end up geographically. Take the love goggles off. Except when one of us is going through any kind of emotional crisis, then we're pretty physically demonstrative. The element of secrecy makes their relationship intense and glamorous. Im all thumbs up, though, for those who do not nave the bad effects of a 12th House synastry. In a way you don't care for.Look at your Sun & Saturn since that represents the father as well, with the way you feel look for afflictions. because it hurts to know this about yourself, or just accept it. What he/she hates in something, i can see that they do the same thing, but they cant see it. Once around, up and down was TOO much for that villian! Venus in 10th House synastry relationships are formed in the field of business and professional life. This happens for me with my Neptune in the 1st house I can take in people's feelings, illness or a array of different things that pass through me temporarily. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The 12th house person often has difficulty seeing the true nature of the planet and in the extreme this person might actually encourage you to become your own worst enemy. In all cases this is really karmic moment. At least I know I'm not the only one who is going through this. or I fail? The Venus conjunct Juno synastry aspect is a frequent aspect in the charts of couples, and so is Juno trine Venus in synastry. It proves that Venus is created for sharing purity, love, and spirituality in the world, when in a good state. what a selfish!so far i have involved in guys where my venus lied in their twelve house, it was love but felt like hidden agenda, holly crap! Any info i'll share with you later. I have neptune (Sagitarius) in my 7th house with Gemini rising. iRecently i have met a guy in my office whose north node conjuct my 12th house where is my moon and mars. I couldn't forget him until now. OH! I need help with my situation. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! What I have found in common is that they both were very aggressive, affectionate and attached to me at the beginning, but once after, i state to feel I dont know them or what their true intentions are, and left me somehow insecure and confused. Oh yes i read about that but hes not like that at all. He was everything I wanted from a man, he broke all my barriers, and he was what I want to become as we run in more or less same line of business. He might love you but in his own way. Some dont want to, ever. Best wishes to you darling and thank you for sharing your story :), I just read the previous 12th house story and the aspects are nearly the same as with the guy I am seeing. Its possible the blind spot is yours, not his. Two years ago I met a man with whom I had a one-night stand, thought of seeing only for that one night at a conference, yet continued to see each other for ten times during these two years. Ill blink and its 1am. You must be open and not make assumptions. The love for this man has boosted my spiritual development, mainly though an infinite suffering that has no end Our feelings are mutual (my Venus tightly conjunct his Neptune that can mean that I also boost his spiritual development), but for some karmic reasons we cannot be together. I believe it caused a lot of confusing both for him n I. i dont know what we were meant to learn from each other but i admire them both.with both of these people , we understood each other really well and there was a connection. Also with another friend who showed interest and I really just wanted to remain on a friend basis. My 12th-Houser Sun/Gem Moon/Sag BROUGHT OUT MY OWN GEMINI COMPORTMENT, and then I also remembered that I had started out as Twins but that my Twin didnt make it in the womb. I feel like he's not being completely honest with me and himself about how he feels about me. Knowflake. I was more into him from the very beginning I went after HIM and found out that he really resented it. Men take longer to grow up emotionally. Sun conjunct saturnSun conjunct venusSun conjunct mercury (double whammy)Sun conjunct sun, ------------------Gemini sun 12thCancer asc 1stTaurus moon 11thTaurus venus 11thLibra mars 3rdGemini mercury 11th, Copyright 2000-2013 So strange in this 12th house. Can he just not see it because of this placement? It never went fully public (as in, while everyone knew we were together, we never met our friends or family). As a rule, it is generally the house person who feels the energies the most. The 12th house is karmic for both for good or not so good both come through this house.:). I remember I was passing by a tall guy, and in a quick thaught, I thaught: this one looks very handsome. No idea if I appear in his?! When we met I felt like I had seen him before..we started talking online then decided to meet. Lifelong, apparently Dad was a Sun/Gemini, Mom was a Sun/Scorpio the WORST connective relationship ever! Im afraid he would stifle me and kill my spirit from the inside out. But, he is the one who has been a sort of confessional from the very beginning. I could feel something so deep. My 12th Houser actually taught and showed me the GEMINI IN ME that I was in denial of. Infatuation can't run this deep. My Sun, Jupiter, and Mercury are in Gemini and fall in his 12th house. I would even go so far to say that they may be SPs (sociopaths); these people seem to have a DEVIL deep inside of them . To me and my daughter since we both dont have our dads. We've been seeing each other for over a month now. Best wishes to you dear, you will find the right one for you, be patient and don't accept anything less! Should I run now?? Not too hard for me to figure out, even though for years I was dodging it. When they found out about him talking to me they were furious that he never told me about THEM! Posts: 45239From: Saturn next to CharmainecRegistered: Apr 2009, He tries to act like he's not the jealous type but he is. For one odd reason I never completely believed him. Each person shares secrets, and even unconsciously. I leave, but I always come back after a while. The Venus person gets all silly lovestruck everytime they see their object of desire. This is a very private house, and it holds all of our self conscious fears, most of the time we don't like this house activated especially if this is a person that will use this against us.If the Mars person is selfish and self-serving, he or she may use their knowledge of your bad habits, blind spots and personality weaknesses to manipulate or hurt you. Now, the twelfth house is a tricky house when it is activated in synastry. He understands me in a very deep level. This Venus might even feel that there's something magnetic in their partner. Yah, that 12th House synastry . It means he has an inner conflict going on that is psychological in nature. It's amazing. How do you think it would play out his Mars in 12th conjunct my Ascendant???. it be TROUBLE at times, and very hard. In the synastry between my husband and myself, my Mars and Saturn lands in his 12th house. Double whammies in my opinion are like gateways of energy between the two people the energy is mutual, open, and receptive- going both ways. Plus his venus is in cancer and my north node and asc are in cancer. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I have also experienced it as not wanting anyone to know about the relationship or not knowing where you stand. You're in love with the "idea" of each other, if that makes any sense. Venus in the 12 th House The Venus person functions in a manner that increases the House person's self-confidence. Posts: 2196 From: Uranus Registered: May 2011: posted March 08, 2013 01:12 PM . Sounds like your experience was on the negative side. the Venus person is allured into the partner's magical 12th house and held a dear captive there, but in NO way the Venus person would admit (willingly) that they have such strong feelings of love and adoration for the 12th house person. Having someones sun in your 12th though, I dont believe it is a nice experience for the planet person, especially a fire sun. I have Jupiter sun and mars in his 12th house in cancer and I really hope I didnt hurt him. I know the Pluto-Moon opposition would usually involve some obsession but not sure about the Pluto-Saturn conjunct opposing moon. He said, he hadn't and he just hoped we could be good friends when he returned. The 12th house has a reputation for being connected with the hidden and unseen realms that operate behind the scenes in our lives. I had a very strong, sexy, DARK, dangerous and tumoultous tete-a-tete with a Sun/Gem Moon/Sag guy which put my Venus/Sag SMACK in his 12th House! It's such a surreal feeling. In this case, the partner will have different tastes. Its completely one sided, I have no hope. I actually feel I treated him wrong although he was a person whos been there for me when I was going through the hard time. The Venus person will like the way you conduct yourself, your . just keep on going in the OPPOSITE direction away from me as FAR AS YOU CAN!! Lol and last night I noticed his Saturn/Pluto conjunct opposes my moon too. Sign up here! Sigh.. This is a really good match because it brings together romantic partners with similar ideas about how to approach life. This is especially true if that person's Venus is conjunct your ascendant (the more tightly conjunct, the stronger the attraction). I just listen and really wish to support him.On the other hand, I don't even have to speak, he just knows what to say to make me feel better. My north node in Cancer in the 12th conjuncts his venus and mercury. So, you can imagine what kind of connection this still is. All of the guys whom I'm involved above have stellium especially benefic planets in my 12th house. I felt this awful DREAD of him mixed in with the deep love longings that I held in my heart, and would just burst out CRYING whenever I felt his spirit coming near me. He left few weeks after we met for a travel for six months. they have told me the of them told me his feelings too late after i was already in a relationship and i met the other while i was in the same one. Its difficultto tell whats going on here. His Mars conjunct my Saturn opposite my Pluto. It s killing me . Disappointments come because we think there is something more even when the person has clearly said there's not. I'm not all that great with articulating stuff that's not of this world. has Sun conjunct Saturn, they natrually have a hard time showing their affections and are very fatherly, 12th house gives you a very spiritual feeling almost like they could be your soulmate, it can be pretty intense ad consuming so if your not very spiritual/aware of yourself or in a good place in life, you might have a hard time feeling this energy or wanting to accept it, its different, its not so much lustful, its just friggin beautiful, you wanna make love to that person and cuddle them, i also have an empty 12th housei could love this energy so much possibly because aqua venuses that land there most of time trine my moon.i feel like if someones planets fall in 12th AND also aspect sun/moon/asc, youll be able to accept and recieve this awesome energy more. Hi, 12th house placements are highly impressionable, they stay with you long after because it's a highly idealized house, be careful you can easily fool yourself.

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