which statement describes a social consequence of reconstructionlakewood funeral home hughson obituaries

Access to over 100 million course-specific study resources, 24/7 help from Expert Tutors on 140+ subjects, Full access to over 1 million Textbook Solutions. . . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like Which statement best describes President Lincoln's Ten Percent Plan?, Which statement describes the political impact of the Black Codes?, Which policy prohibited federal and state officeholders who had fought for or supported the Confederacy from holding federal or state office? B A. support for strong government Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Such Radical trust in Johnson proved misplaced. D Thus began Radical Reconstruction, which lasted until the demise of the last Republican-led Southern governments in 1877. Which statement describes a direct effect of sharecropping on the African American population in post-Civil War America? . Reconstruction commonly refers to the period right after the American civil war and refers to the intermediate period, immediately following the cessation of hostilities (1863-1877). David W. Blight, historian, Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 2001 Reconstruction-era policies often failed to protect African Americans from racial violence and safeguard their political rights. As violence persisted, Congress enacted a far more sweeping measurethe Ku Klux Klan Act of April 1871. The correct answer is: Reconstruction-era policies often failed to protect African Americans from racial violence and safeguard their political rights. create as much division between the races as possible. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. "By 1870, the Ku Klux Klan . He believed that Reconstruction was an executive branch matter and sought the rapid restoration of the former Confederate states to the Union. World History . EnglisharmydefeatedFrencharmy.1429OrleansJoanofArcledFrencharmy. "Judged by the percentage of Klansmen actually indicted and convicted, the fruits of 'enforcement' seem small indeed, a few hundred men among the thousands guilty of heinous crimes. All were immediately granted political equality by the Emancipation Proclamation. D. The Jacksonian era. . 1.2k plays . The Interior Lowlands and their upland fringes, Individual and collective character of cities, From a city on a hill to the Great Awakening, Colonial America, England, and the wider world, The American Revolution and the early federal republic, Problems before the Second Continental Congress, The Federalist administration and the formation of parties, Expansionism and political crisis at midcentury, Secession and the politics of the Civil War, 186065, Reconstruction and the New South, 18651900, The Ulysses S. Grant administrations, 186977, The era of conservative domination, 187790, Booker T. Washington and the Atlanta Compromise, The transformation of American society, 18651900, The administrations of James A. Garfield and Chester A. 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A)The birthrate decreased. More than 250,000 of the South's young men were gone, too. . rise of large-scale commercial farming The purpose of Jim Crow laws was to. . . Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. Most important of all, Johnson shared the white Southerners attitude toward African Americans, considering Black men innately inferior and unready for equal civil or political rights. . . The political and legal status of the former Confederate states As the fighting progressed, the Lincoln government concluded that emancipation of enslaved people was necessary in order to secure military victory; and thereafter freedom became a second war aim for the members of the Republican Party. Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. 120 seconds. . In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. . The original Northern objective in the Civil War was the preservation of the Uniona war aim with which virtually everybody in the free states agreed. . . decline of the textile industry by granting the right to participate in the legal system. B Answer: Reconstruction-era policies successfully restored the economy in the South and gave African Americans new opportunities. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. They weakened the protections given to African Americans under the Fourteenth Amendment. TESTS ; VOCAB ; LIFE ; TECH ; The Social . B . But in what have we enlarged their liberty of thought? Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era following the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly-freed people into the United States . rayvencierra16. Although Americans have often been loathe to concede that violence may bring about [political] change, terrorism in the Reconstruction era was instrumental in achieving the ends desired by its perpetrators." EnglisharmydefeatedFrencharmy. The main goal was to try to correct the issue of Southern states' politics, economic, and social, along with the inequities of slavery. . . Anderson's sincerity by asking him to send their wages for the time they served him. Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. A B C . A Nam risus ante, dapibus a molestie consequat, ultrices ac magna. . Chinese Exclusion Act Q. Two postwar changes dominated Southern life. Which statement best describes a consequence of Reconstruction policies during the 1870s? Pellentesque dapibus efficitur laoreet. Which statement best describes a consequence of Reconstruction policies during the 1870s? . . E answer choices. We have broken the material shackles of four million slaves. Donec aliquet. "Judged by the percentage of Klansmen actually indicted and convicted, the fruits of 'enforcement' seem small indeed, a few hundred men among the thousands guilty of heinous crimes. . This for the first time designated certain crimes committed by individuals as offenses punishable under federal law. Continuing a long pattern of American . Failures of Reconstruction. . He supported the idea of the president and Congress sharing power and believed in a stringent plan of Reconstruction. . . Fusce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. Touring the world with friends one mile and pub at a time 2.7k plays . 5.1.1 Institutions must see that any human research they conduct or for which they are responsible is: (a) designed and conducted in accordance with . Reconstruction, the period in American history that followed the Civil War, was an era filled with great hope and expectations, but it proved far too short to ensure a successful transition from . . First Lady of the United States. limit the religious activities of southern citizens. Question 5. I have never had to travel the world, and you have never given me reasons to feel like I am missing out on the world, cause you are my world. Which result completes this diagram. had become deeply entrenched in nearly every Southern state. C which statement describes a social consequence of reconstruction. 65 terms. in the American experience. After the 4 year long, destructive Civil War, the Southern states (referred to as ex-Confederate) were left in despair destroyed environment . . . A Foner argues that the North lost the will to enforce Reconstruction, whereas Rable argues that the North passed laws carrying out Reconstruction. One key change immediately following the Civil War aimed at achieving the "racial justice" that Blight describes was the Negative Effects Of Reconstruction. . the spread of communism in Asia. Social Studies Failures of Reconstruction flash cards. "In its pervasive impact and multiplicity of purposes, . D C FrenchdefeatedEnglish.1453CastillonFrenchdefeatedEnglish. Question 1(Multiple Choice Worth 2 points In effect, the Klan was a military force serving the interests of the Democratic party, the planter class, and all those who desired the restoration of white supremacy. Radical Republicans were outraged at these procedures, which savoured of executive usurpation of congressional powers, which required only minimal changes in the Southern social system, and which left political power essentially in the hands of the same Southerners who had led their states out of the Union. \hline\text{Date} &\text{BattleSite} &\text {What Happened} \\ "[Violence] in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina exposed the impotence of the Republican party in the South and the determination of Democrats to defeat their opponents by any means necessary. c. reconstruction-era . Some laws allowed local officials to arrest and fine . . . Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What was an important legacy of the Social Gospel Movement?, The excerpt below is from the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). . . "[Violence] in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, and South Carolina exposed the impotence of the Republican party in the South and the determination of Democrats to defeat their opponents by any means necessary. Both assert that Northerners cared little about the outcome of Reconstruction. Reconstruction-era policies often failed to protect African Americans from racial violence and safeguard their political rights A. Sharecropping gave formerly . creation of a sharecropping system in the South A . In the years after the Civil War, Southern society most valued. B English army defeated French army.} Mark the relative clauses and relative pronouns, and tell what each clause modifies. Both focus on many Southerners' opposition to racial equality. The inconsistency of federal Reconstruction policy and the strength of southern resistance seem to have doomed the Reconstruction experiment to inevitable collapse. Explanation: Reconstruction was a success in that it restored the United States as a unified state, Reconstruction ended the remnants of Confederate secession and abolished slavery, making the newly freed slaves citizens with civil rights ostensibly guaranteed by . . Date13461356141514291453BattleSiteCrecyPoitiersAgincourtOrleansCastillonWhatHappenedEnglishkingdaimedFrenchthrone. You have to explain extensively what Civil war and. The creation of schools by the Freedmen's Bureau for formerly enslaved people. He pointed out that it would make them forget and forgive old scores, and they could then rely on his justice and friendship in the future. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Although these constitutional rights were eroded by racist violence and Jim Crow laws, blacks still began participating in politics, and these amendments established . The fierce controversies of the Reconstruction era raged over which of these objectives should be insisted upon and how these goals should be secured. There will be a war in which the South will win due to their militaristic nature and abundance of weapons. Expansion of labor unions. EnglishkingdaimedFrenchthrone. . A A permanent shift of Southern voters to the Republican Party The correct option is B.. What is community? You will need to know the constitutional issues relevant to the Civil War and Reconstruction. All of the following components represent major objectives of Reconstruction except A) political B) social C) economic D) cultural is D right. The Republican and Democratic parties effected a compromise agreement after the 1876 presidential election. B Which government positions were held by Hillary Clinton? B Opening of public facilities to African Americans. George C. Rable, historian, But There Was No Peace: The Role of Violence in the Politics of Reconstruction, published in 1984 . A.Reconstruction-era policies successfully restored the economy in the South and gave African Americans new opportunities. . D a better-educated White population . A It fractured the federal system of government. . The federal government established a limited social welfare state that reduced regional differences between the North and South. Social impact. When common lands are protected, land degradation slowly disappears. E D Nam lacinia pulvinar tortor nec facilisis. Which statement best describes the status of African Americans immediately after the end of Reconstruction in 1877? It resulted in a stronger and more unified country. Which of the following statements best describes President Johnson's managing of the Reconstruction? D)People left crowed cities and moved to the suburbs. The correct answer is: Landowners needed laborers, and freed slaves needed work. This for the first time designated certain crimes committed by individuals as offenses punishable under federal law. As a result, a community requires groups of different species to exist. Reconstruction refers to the period that followed the American Civil War. What was one reason sharecropping began in the South? The correct answer is: They restricted the rights of African Americans. . National power had achieved what most Southern governments had been unable, and Southern white public opinion unwilling, to accomplish: acquiescence in the rule of law." reliance on female workers in Northern factories The Radical Republicans in Congress played a major role in fighting for . Reread paragraph 23 of "Letter From Birmingham Jail." Understand the opportunities that Reconstruction presented for African . \hline 1415 & \text{Agincourt} & \text{After intervals of peace, English renewed claim to French throne. . He was more harsh towards former Confederates than the Radical Republicans wanted. While the main objective of the civil war was to bring the southern states to the heel and effectively end all forms of slavery in the south, it still continued in . . . theft being redefined as a "c the wave of counterrevolutionary terror that swept over large parts of the South between 1868 and 1871 lacks a counterpart . B) Most African Americans were able to take advantage of educational opportunities at colleges C) Despite the passage of several constitutional amendments, African . A. Reconstruction-era policies successfully restored the economy in the South and gave African-Americans new opportunities. A The situation depicted in the image best serves as evidence of the, The image most strongly supports the argument that Reconstruction, temporarily altered race relations in the South. This Reconstruction would go on to influence the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s, thus allowing for a re . Some supporters of this approach believed that schools should be integrated, and African American men should have the right to . Just as the fate of slavery was central to the meaning of the Civil War, so the divisive politics of Reconstruction turned on the status the former . . They were required to pass a literacy test before being granted United States citizenship. His Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction (December 1863) provided that if at least ten percent of a state's voters in the 1860 election accepted emancipation and took an oath . Then answer the questions that follow. . B "Judged by the percentage of Klansmen actually indicted and convicted, the fruits of 'enforcement' seem small indeed, a few hundred men among the thousands guilty of heinous crimes. Egyptian Social Classes . After breaking away from what appeared . 2) Supreme Court ruling in Dred Scott v. Sandford A "Adopted in 1870 and 1871, a series of Enforcement Acts embodied the Congressional response to violence. B C Question 17 (Multiple Choice Worth 1 points) Which statement BEST describes the Civil War and Reconstruction . O Building a park instead of more housing may be unpopular with residents. Correct answers: 1 question: Which statement best describes a consequence of reconstruction policies during the 1870s? Which group committed violence against African Americans in the late 1800s and early 1900s? . The Lost Cause of the Confederacy (or simply Lost Cause) is an American pseudohistorical [2] [3] negationist mythology [4] [5] [6] that claims the cause of the Confederate States during the American Civil War was just, heroic, and not centered on slavery. . As violence persisted, Congress enacted a far more sweeping measurethe Ku Klux Klan Act of April 1871. behavior, many whites found an outlet for their frustration by attacking those deemed responsible for their suffering: white Republicans and blacks. 60,000-70,000 Texas men joined the Confederacy. Social effects of radical Reconstruction were aimed primarily at the former African slaves and freedmen. desegregation of the United States armed forces, establishment of a constitutional basis for citizenship and voting rights, The cartoon above is intended to express . There will be a war in which the South will win due to their governmental dominance and obvious determination. had become deeply entrenched in nearly every Southern state. Explain how energy is transferred through t "Since the surrender of the armies of the confederate States of America a little has been done toward establishing the Government upon true principles of liberty and justice; and but a little if we stop here. . Periodic Trends Practice Answer KeyAtomic Structure Practice . emergence of the cotton economy, Why did Congressional Reconstruction end in 1877? He believed that both secession and Reconstruction should be dealt with by the Supreme Court EnglishwongreatvictoryoverFrench. "By 1870, the Ku Klux Klan . . . Radical Reconstruction in Americas' South, from 1867 to 1877, was an impetus period that has shaped contemporary America. French defeated English.} usce dui lectus, congue vel laoreet ac, dictum vitae odio. When common lands are protected, land degradation slowly disappears is the statement best describes a social consequence of sustainable land use. Establishment of a public school system Some of the micro-organism are not single cells how are they arranged? Can you guys please help I'm low-key failing with a 59% ;-; The Reconstruction policies often fail to protect the African American freed slaves in the South. The original Northern objective in the Civil War was the preservation of the Uniona war aim with which virtually everybody in the free states agreed. Answer: 3 on a question Which statement best describes the consequence of reconstruction policies during the 1870s - the answers to ihomeworkhelpers.com (3 paragraph maximum.) 10 terms. b. reconstruction-era policies often failed to protect african americans from racial violence and safeguard their political rights. . Answer: Reconstruction-era policies successfully restored the economy in the South and gave African Americans new opportunities. \\ Lynching in America argues that is a powerful statement about our failure to value the Black lives lost in this brutal campaign of racial violence.Research on mass violence, trauma, and transitional justice underscores the urgent need to engage in public conversations about . B Sound Off: Do We Need the Bill of Rights?

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